Table 101.10. Estimates
of resident population, by age group: 1970 through 2016
Table 101.20 Estimates of
resident population, by race/ethnicity and age group: Selected years, 1980 through
Table 101.30. Number, percentage,
and percentage distribution of total resident population and population under 18
years old, by nativity, race/ethnicity, and selected racial/ethnic subgroups: 2005,
2010, and 2015
Table 101.40Estimated total
and school-age resident populations, by state: Selected years, 1970 through 2015
Table 102.10. Number and
percentage distribution of family households, by family structure and presence of
own children under 18: Selected years, 1970 through 2016
Table 102.20Number and percentage
distribution of children under age 18 and under age 6, by living arrangements, race/ethnicity,
and selected racial/ethnic subgroups: 2015
Table 102.30 Median household
income, by state: Selected years, 1990 through 2015
Table 102.40Poverty rates
for all persons and poverty status of related children under age 18, by region and
state: Selected years, 1990 through 2015
Table 102.50. Official and
supplemental measures of poverty status for all persons, persons in families, and
related children under age 18, by race/ethnicity: Selected years, 1960 through 2015
Table 102.60Number and percentage
of related children under age 18 living in poverty, by family structure, race/ethnicity,
and selected racial/ethnic subgroups: 2010 and 2015
Table 102.62Percentage of
children under age 18 living in poverty, by parents' highest level of educational
attainment, child's race/ethnicity, and selected racial/ethnic subgroups: 2010 and
Table 102.70. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Number and percentage of students in prekindergarten through grade
12 living in poverty, by control of school: 2000 through 2015
Table 103.10. Percentage
of the population 3 to 34 years old enrolled in school, by sex, race/ethnicity,
and age group: Selected years, 1980 through 2015
Table 103.20. Percentage
of the population 3 to 34 years old enrolled in school, by age group: Selected years,
1940 through 2015
Table 104.10. Rates of high
school completion and bachelor's degree attainment among persons age 25 and over,
by race/ethnicity and sex: Selected years, 1910 through 2016
Table 104.20. Percentage
of persons 25 to 29 years old with selected levels of educational attainment, by
race/ethnicity and sex: Selected years, 1920 through 2016
Table 104.30. Number of
persons age 18 and over, by highest level of educational attainment, sex, race/ethnicity,
and age: 2016
Table 104.40. Percentage
of persons 18 to 24 years old and age 25 and over, by educational attainment, race/ethnicity,
and selected racial/ethnic subgroups: 2010 and 2015
Table 104.50. Persons age
25 and over who hold a bachelor's or higher degree, by sex, race/ethnicity, age
group, and field of bachelor's degree: 2015
Table 104.60. Number of
persons 25 to 34 years old and percentage with a bachelor's or higher degree, by
undergraduate field of study, sex, race/ethnicity, and U.S. nativity and citizenship
status: 2015
Table 104.70Number and percentage
distribution of children under age 18, by parents' highest level of educational
attainment, child's age group and race/ethnicity, and household type: 2010 and 2015
Table 104.75.WEB-ONLY
Table —Total number of persons 25 to 64 years old, number with disabilities,
and percentage with disabilities, by highest level of educational attainment and
other selected characteristics: 2010 and 2015
Table 104.80. Percentage
of persons 18 to 24 years old and age 25 and over, by educational attainment and
state: 2000 and 2015
Table 104.85. Rates of high
school completion and bachelor's degree attainment among persons age 25 and over,
by race/ethnicity and state: 2015
Table 104.88. Rates of high
school completion and bachelor's degree attainment among persons age 25 and over,
by sex and state: 2015
Table 104.90. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Percentage distribution of spring 2002 high school sophomores,
by highest level of education completed through 2012 and selected student characteristics:
Table 104.91. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Number and percentage distribution of spring 2002 high school sophomores,
by highest level of education completed, and socioeconomic status and selected student
characteristics while in high school: 2013
Table 104.92. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Number and percentage distribution
of spring 2002 high school sophomores, by highest level of education completed,
socioeconomic status and educational expectations while in high school, and college
enrollment status 2 years after high school: 2013
Table 104.93. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Sources of college information for spring 2002 high school sophomores
who expected to attend a postsecondary institution, by highest level of education
completed and socioeconomic status while in high school: 2013
Table 104.95. Number of
persons age 25 and over in metropolitan areas with populations greater than 1 million
and rates of high school completion and bachelor's degree attainment among persons
in this age group, by sex: 2016
Table 105.10. Projected
number of participants in educational institutions, by level and control of institution:
Fall 2016
Table 105.20Enrollment in
elementary, secondary, and degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by level
and control of institution, enrollment level, and attendance status and sex of student:
Selected years, fall 1990 through fall 2026
Table 105.30Enrollment in
elementary, secondary, and degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by level
and control of institution: Selected years, 1869-70 through fall 2026
Table 105.40. Number of
teachers in elementary and secondary schools, and faculty in degree-granting postsecondary
institutions, by control of institution: Selected years, fall 1970 through fall
Table 105.50Number of educational
institutions, by level and control of institution: Selected years, 1980-81 through
Table 106.10. Expenditures
of educational institutions related to the gross domestic product, by level of institution:
Selected years, 1929-30 through 2015-16
Table 106.20. Expenditures
of educational institutions, by level and control of institution: Selected years,
1899-1900 through 2015-16
Table 106.30. Amount and
percentage distribution of direct general expenditures of state and local governments,
by function: Selected years, 1970-71 through 2013-14
Table 106.40. Direct general
expenditures of state and local governments for all functions and for education,
by level of education and state: 2012-13 and 2013-14
Table 106.50. Direct general
expenditures of state and local governments per capita for all functions and for
education, by level of education and state: 2012-13 and 2013-14
Table 106.60. Gross domestic
product, state and local expenditures, national income, personal income, disposable
personal income, median family income, and population: Selected years, 1929 through
Table 106.70. Gross domestic
product price index, Consumer Price Index, education price indexes, and federal
budget composite deflator: Selected years, 1919 through 2016
Table 201.10Historical summary
of public elementary and secondary school statistics: Selected years, 1869-70 through
Table 201.20Enrollment in
grades 9 through 12 in public and private schools compared with population 14 to
17 years of age: Selected years, 1889-90 through fall 2016
Table 202.10. Enrollment
of 3-, 4-, and 5-year-old children in preprimary programs, by age of child, level
of program, control of program, and attendance status: Selected years, 1970 through
Table 202.20. Percentage
of 3-, 4-, and 5-year-old children enrolled in preprimary programs, by level of
program, attendance status, and selected child and family characteristics: 2015
Table 202.25. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Percentage of 3- and 4-year-old children enrolled in school, by
race/ethnicity and state: 2015
Table 202.30. Number of children under 6 years old and not yet enrolled in kindergarten,
percentage in center-based programs, average weekly hours in nonparental care, and
percentage in various types of primary care arrangements, by selected child and
family characteristics: 2012
Table 202.35. Primary child
care arrangements of 4- and 5-year-old children who are not yet enrolled in kindergarten,
by race/ethnicity, poverty status, and mother's highest level of education: Selected
years, 1995 through 2012
Table 202.40. Child care
arrangements of 3- to 5-year-old children who are not yet in kindergarten, by age
and race/ethnicity: Selected years, 1991 through 2012
Table 202.50. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Percentage distribution of children at about 2 and 4 years of age,
by type of child care arrangement and selected child and family characteristics:
2003-04 and 2005-06
Table 202.60. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Percentage distribution of quality rating of child care arrangements
of children at about 4 years of age, by type of arrangement and selected child and
family characteristics: 2005-06
Table 202.65. Percentage
distribution of first-time kindergartners, by primary type of child care arrangement
during the year prior to kindergarten entry and selected child, family, and school
characteristics: 2010-11
Table 202.70. Number and percentage distribution of 3- to 5-year-olds not enrolled
in school and all children enrolled in prekindergarten through second grade, by
grade level and selected maternal and household characteristics: 2001, 2005, and
Table 203.10Enrollment in
public elementary and secondary schools, by level and grade: Selected years, fall
1980 through fall 2026
Table 203.20Enrollment in
public elementary and secondary schools, by region, state, and jurisdiction: Selected
years, fall 1990 through fall 2026
Table 203.25Public school
enrollment in prekindergarten through grade 8, by region, state, and jurisdiction:
Selected years, fall 1990 through fall 2026
Table 203.30Public school
enrollment in grades 9 through 12, by region, state, and jurisdiction: Selected
years, fall 1990 through fall 2026
Table 203.40. Enrollment
in public elementary and secondary schools, by level, grade, and state or jurisdiction:
Fall 2014
Table 203.45. Enrollment
in public elementary and secondary schools, by level, grade, and state or jurisdiction:
Fall 2013
Table 203.50Enrollment and
percentage distribution of enrollment in public elementary and secondary schools,
by race/ethnicity and region: Selected years, fall 1995 through fall 2026
Table 203.60Enrollment and
percentage distribution of enrollment in public elementary and secondary schools,
by race/ethnicity and level of education: Fall 1999 through fall 2026
Table 203.70Percentage distribution
of enrollment in public elementary and secondary schools, by race/ethnicity and
state or jurisdiction: Fall 2004 and fall 2014
Table 203.75. Enrollment
and percentage distribution of enrollment in public schools, by family poverty rate
of 5- to 17-year-olds living in the school district, student race/ethnicity, region,
and school locale: 2013-14
Table 203.80. Average daily
attendance (ADA) in public elementary and secondary schools, by state or jurisdiction:
Selected years, 1969-70 through 2013-14
Table 203.90. Average daily
attendance (ADA) as a percentage of total enrollment, school day length, and school
year length in public schools, by school level and state: 2007-08 and 2011-12
Table 204.10Number and percentage
of public school students eligible for free or reduced-price lunch, by state: Selected
years, 2000-01 through 2014-15
Table 204.20. Number and
percentage of public school students participating in English language learner (ELL)
programs, by state: Selected years, fall 2004 through fall 2014
Table 204.25. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Public school students participating in programs for English language
learners, by race/ethnicity: Fall 2009 through fall 2014
Table 204.27. English language
learner (ELL) students enrolled in public elementary and secondary schools, by grade,
home language, and selected student characteristics: Selected years, 2008-09 through
fall 2014
Table 204.30. Children 3
to 21 years old served under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA),
Part B, by type of disability: Selected years, 1976-77 through 2014-15
Table 204.40. Children 3
to 21 years old served under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA),
Part B, by race/ethnicity and age group: 2000-01 through 2014-15
Table 204.50. Children 3
to 21 years old served under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA),
Part B, by age group and sex, race/ethnicity, and type of disability: 2014-15
Table 204.60Percentage distribution
of students 6 to 21 years old served under Individuals with Disabilities Education
Act (IDEA), Part B, by educational environment and type of disability: Selected
years, fall 1989 through fall 2014
Table 204.70Number and percentage
of children served under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Part
B, by age group and state or jurisdiction: Selected years, 1990-91 through 2014-15
Table 204.75a Homeless
students enrolled in public elementary and secondary schools, by grade, primary
nighttime residence, and selected student characteristics: 2009-10 through 2014-15
Table 204.75b Number and
percentage of homeless students enrolled in public elementary and secondary schools,
by school district locale, primary nighttime residence, and selected student characteristics:
Table 204.75c Number and
percentage of homeless students enrolled in public elementary and secondary schools,
by state or jurisdiction: 2009-10 through 2014-15
Table 204.75d Number and
percentage of homeless students enrolled in public elementary and secondary schools,
by primary nighttime residence, selected student characteristics, and state or jurisdiction:
Table 204.75e Number and
percentage of homeless students enrolled in public elementary and secondary schools
in the 120 largest school districts, by primary nighttime residence and selected
student characteristics: 2014-15
Table 204.80. Number of
public school students enrolled in gifted and talented programs, by sex, race/ethnicity,
and state: 2004, 2006, and 2011-12
Table 204.90. Percentage
of public school students enrolled in gifted and talented programs, by sex, race/ethnicity,
and state: 2004, 2006, and 2011-12
Table 205.10. Private elementary
and secondary school enrollment and private enrollment as a percentage of total
enrollment in public and private schools, by region and grade level: Selected years,
fall 1995 through fall 2015
Table 205.15. Private elementary and secondary school enrollment, percentage
distribution of private school enrollment, and private enrollment as a percentage
of total enrollment in public and private schools, by school orientation and grade:
Selected years, fall 1999 through fall 2015
Table 205.20. Enrollment
and percentage distribution of students enrolled in private elementary and secondary
schools, by school orientation and grade level: Selected years, fall 1995 through
fall 2015
Table 205.30. Percentage
distribution of students enrolled in private elementary and secondary schools, by
school orientation and selected characteristics: Selected years, fall 2005 through
fall 2015
Table 205.40. Number and
percentage distribution of private elementary and secondary students, teachers,
and schools, by orientation of school and selected characteristics: Fall 1999, fall
2009, and fall 2015
Table 205.50. Private elementary
and secondary enrollment, number of schools, and average tuition, by school level,
orientation, and tuition: Selected years, 1999-2000 through 2011-12
Table 205.60. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Private elementary and secondary school full-time-equivalent (FTE)
staff and student to FTE staff ratios, by orientation of school, school level, and
type of staff: 2007-08 and 2011-12
Table 205.70. Enrollment
and instructional staff in Catholic elementary and secondary schools, by level:
Selected years, 1919-20 through 2015-16
Table 205.80. Private elementary
and secondary schools, enrollment, teachers, and high school graduates, by state:
Selected years, 2005 through 2015
Table 206.10. Number and
percentage of homeschooled students ages 5 through 17 with a grade equivalent of
kindergarten through 12th grade, by selected child, parent, and household characteristics:
2003, 2007, and 2012
Table 206.20. Percentage
distribution of students ages 5 through 17 attending kindergarten through 12th grade,
by school type or participation in homeschooling and selected child, parent, and
household characteristics: 2003, 2007, and 2012
Table 206.30. Percentage
of students enrolled in grades 1 through 12, by public school type and charter status,
private school type, and selected child and household characteristics: 2012
Table 206.40. Percentage of students enrolled in grades 1 through 12 whose parents
reported having public school choice, considered other schools, reported current
school was their first choice, or moved to their current neighborhood for the public
school, by school type and selected child and household characteristics: 2012
Table 206.50. Percentage
of students enrolled in grades 3 through 12 whose parents were satisfied or dissatisfied
with various aspects of their children's schools, by school type: 2003, 2007, and
Table 207.10. Number of
3- to 5-year-olds not yet enrolled in kindergarten and percentage participating
in home literacy activities with a family member, by type and frequency of activity
and selected child and family characteristics: 2001, 2007, and 2012
Table 207.20. Percentage
of kindergartners through fifth-graders whose parents reported doing education-related
activities with their children in the past month, by selected child, parent, and
school characteristics: 2003, 2007, and 2012
Table 207.30. Percentage
of kindergartners through fifth-graders whose parents reported doing education-related
activities with their children in the past week, by selected child, parent, and
school characteristics: 2003, 2007, and 2012
Table 207.40. Percentage
of elementary and secondary school children whose parents were involved in school
activities, by selected child, parent, and school characteristics: 2003, 2007, and
Table 208.10. Public elementary
and secondary pupil/teacher ratios, by selected school characteristics: Selected
years, fall 1990 through fall 2014
Table 208.20Public and private
elementary and secondary teachers, enrollment, pupil/teacher ratios, and new teacher
hires: Selected years, fall 1955 through fall 2026
Table 208.30Public elementary
and secondary teachers, by level and state or jurisdiction: Selected years, fall
2000 through fall 2014
Table 208.40Public elementary
and secondary teachers, enrollment, and pupil/teacher ratios, by state or jurisdiction:
Selected years, fall 2000 through fall 2014
Table 209.05WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Number and percentage of persons completing a teacher preparation
program and receiving an initial teaching credential, by state or jurisdiction:
Table 209.10. Number and
percentage distribution of teachers in public and private elementary and secondary
schools, by selected teacher characteristics: Selected years, 1987-88 through 2011-12
Table 209.20. Number, highest
degree, and years of full-time teaching experience of teachers in public and private
elementary and secondary schools, by selected teacher characteristics: Selected
years, 1999-2000 through 2011-12
Table 209.25. Number and
percentage of public elementary and secondary school teachers who met licensing/certification
requirements and of public school teachers who had less than 2 years of teaching
experience, by state: 2011-12
Table 209.30. Highest degree
earned, years of full-time teaching experience, and average class size for teachers
in public elementary and secondary schools, by state: 2011-12
Table 209.50. Percentage
of public school teachers of grades 9 through 12, by field of main teaching assignment
and selected demographic and educational characteristics: 2011-12
Table 210.10. Percentage
of teachers indicating that certain issues are serious problems in their schools,
by level and control of school: Selected years,1987-88 through 2011-12
Table 210.20. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Percentage of teachers agreeing with statements about teaching
and school conditions, by control and level of school: Selected years, 1993-94 through
Table 210.30. Mobility of
public elementary and secondary teachers, by selected teacher and school characteristics:
Selected years, 1987-88 through 2012-13
Table 210.31. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Mobility of private elementary and secondary teachers, by selected
teacher and school characteristics: Selected years, 1987-88 through 2008-09
Table 211.10. Average salaries
for full-time teachers in public and private elementary and secondary schools, by
selected characteristics: 2011-12
Table 211.20. Average base
salary for full-time teachers in public elementary and secondary schools, by highest
degree earned and years of full-time teaching: Selected years, 1990-91 through 2011-12
Table 211.30. Average base
salary for full-time public elementary and secondary school teachers with a bachelor's
degree as their highest degree, by years of full-time teaching experience and state:
Selected years, 1993-94 through 2011-12
Table 211.40. Average base
salary for full-time public elementary and secondary school teachers with a master's
degree as their highest degree, by years of full-time teaching experience and state:
Selected years, 1993-94 through 2011-12
Table 211.50. Estimated
average annual salary of teachers in public elementary and secondary schools: Selected
years, 1959-60 through 2015-16
Table 211.60. Estimated
average annual salary of teachers in public elementary and secondary schools, by
state: Selected years, 1969-70 through 2015-16
Table 212.08. Number and
percentage distribution of principals in public and private elementary and secondary
schools, by selected characteristics: Selected years, 1993-94 through 2011-12
Table 212.10. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Highest degree, average years of experience, and salaries of principals
in public and private elementary and secondary schools, by selected characteristics:
Selected years, 1993-94 through 2011-12
Table 212.20. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Mobility of public elementary and secondary principals, by selected
principal and school characteristics: 2007-08 to 2008-09 and 2011-12 to 2012-13
Table 212.30. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Number and percentage distribution of public and private school
principals who left the profession during the past year, by total years of experience
as a principal and occupational status: 2012-13
Table 213.10. Staff employed
in public elementary and secondary school systems, by type of assignment: Selected
years, 1949-50 through fall 2014
Table 213.20. Staff employed
in public elementary and secondary school systems, by type of assignment and state
or jurisdiction: Fall 2014
Table 213.30. Staff employed
in public elementary and secondary school systems, by type of assignment and state
or jurisdiction: Fall 2013
Table 213.40. Staff, teachers,
and teachers as a percentage of staff in public elementary and secondary school
systems, by state or jurisdiction: Selected years, fall 2000 through fall 2014
Table 213.50. Staff, enrollment,
and pupil/staff ratios in public elementary and secondary school systems, by state
or jurisdiction: Selected years, fall 2000 through fall 2014
Table 214.10. Number of
public school districts and public and private elementary and secondary schools:
Selected years, 1869-70 through 2014-15
Table 214.20. Number and
percentage distribution of regular public school districts and students, by enrollment
size of district: Selected years, 1979-80 through 2014-15
Table 214.30. Number of
public elementary and secondary education agencies, by type of agency and state
or jurisdiction: 2013-14 and 2014-15
Table 214.40. Public elementary
and secondary school enrollment, number of schools, and other selected characteristics,
by locale: Fall 2011 through fall 2014
Table 215.10. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Selected statistics on enrollment, teachers, dropouts, and graduates
in public school districts enrolling more than 15,000 students: Selected years,
1990 through 2014
Table 215.20. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Revenues, expenditures, poverty rate, and Title I allocations of
public school districts enrolling more than 15,000 students: 2013-14 and fiscal
year 2016
Table 215.30. Enrollment,
poverty, and federal funds for the 120 largest school districts, by enrollment size
in 2014: Selected years, 2013-14 through 2016
Table 216.10. Public elementary
and secondary schools, by level of school: Selected years, 1967-68 through 2014-15
Table 216.20. Number and
enrollment of public elementary and secondary schools, by school level, type, and
charter and magnet status: Selected years, 1990-91 through 2014-15
Table 216.30. Number and
percentage distribution of public elementary and secondary students and schools,
by traditional or charter school status and selected characteristics: Selected years,
1999-2000 through 2014-15
Table 216.40. Number and
percentage distribution of public elementary and secondary schools and enrollment,
by level, type, and enrollment size of school: 2012-13, 2013-14, and 2014-15
Table 216.43.WEB-ONLY
Table —Number of public elementary and secondary schools reporting enrollment,
by enrollment size of school and state: 2014-15
Table 216.44.WEB-ONLY
Table —Enrollment of public elementary and secondary schools reporting
enrollment, by enrollment size of school and state: 2014-15
Table 216.45. Average enrollment
and percentage distribution of public elementary and secondary schools, by level,
type, and enrollment size: Selected years, 1982-83 through 2014-15
Table 216.50. Number and
percentage distribution of public elementary and secondary school students, by percentage
of minority enrollment in the school and student’s racial/ethnic group: Selected
years, fall 1995 through fall 2014
Table 216.55. Number and
percentage distribution of public elementary and secondary school students, by percentage
of student’s racial/ethnic group enrolled in the school and student’s
racial/ethnic group: Selected years, fall 1995 through fall 2014
Table 216.60. Number and
percentage distribution of public school students, by percentage of students in
school who are eligible for free or reduced-price lunch, school level, locale, and
student race/ethnicity: Fall 2014
Table 216.70. Public elementary
and secondary schools, by level, type, and state or jurisdiction: 1990-91, 2000-01,
2010-11, and 2014-15
Table 216.75. Public elementary
schools, by grade span, average school enrollment, and state or jurisdiction: 2014-15
Table 216.80. Public secondary
schools, by grade span, average school enrollment, and state or jurisdiction: 2014-15
Table 216.90. Public elementary
and secondary charter schools and enrollment, by state: Selected years, 1999-2000
through 2014-15
Table 216.90a.WEB-ONLY
Table —Percentage distribution of enrollment in public traditional and
charter schools and percentage of schools, by race/ethnicity, racial/ethnic concentration,
and state: Fall 2014
Table 216.90b.WEB-ONLY
Table —Percentage distribution of public traditional and charter school
enrollment and schools, by school's level of free or reduced price lunch eligibility
and state: Fall 2014
Table 216.90c.WEB-ONLY
Table —Percentage distribution of public traditional and charter schools,
by school level, school size, and state: Fall 2014
Table 216.90d.WEB-ONLY
Table —Percentage distribution of public traditional and charter schools,
by school locale and state: Fall 2014
Table 216.95. Number and
enrollment of public elementary and secondary schools that have closed, by school
level, type, and charter status: Selected years, 1995-96 through 2014-15
Table 217.10. Functional
age of public schools' main instructional buildings and percentage of schools with
permanent and portable (temporary) buildings, by selected school characteristics
and condition of permanent and portable buildings: 2012
Table 217.15. Percentage of public schools with plans for major repair, renovation,
or replacement of building systems or features in the next 2 years and percentage
distribution of schools with such plans, by selected school characteristics, type
of system or feature, and main reason for the plans: 2012-13
Table 217.20. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Percentage of public schools with enrollment under, at, or over
capacity, by selected school characteristics: 1999 and 2005
Table 218.10. Number and
internet access of instructional computers and rooms in public schools, by selected
school characteristics: Selected years, 1995 through 2008
Table 218.20. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Percentage of public school districts
with students enrolled in technology-based distance education courses and number
of enrollments in such courses, by instructional level and district characteristics:
2002-03, 2004-05, and 2009-10
Table 218.40Percentage of
4th-, 8th-, and 12th-grade public school students with their own or a shared digital
device at home, by selected student and school characteristics: 2015
Table 218.45Percentage distribution
of 4th-, 8th-, and 12th-grade public school students, by when student first used
a laptop or desktop computer and selected student and school characteristics: 2015
Table 218.50Percentage distribution
of 8th-grade public school students, by number of hours they spend using a laptop
or desktop computer for schoolwork on a weekday and selected student and school
characteristics: 2015
Table 218.70Number and percentage
distribution of 5- to 17-year-old students, by home internet access, poverty status,
and locale: 2015
Table 218.71Number and percentage
distribution of 5- to 17-year-old students, by home internet access, race/ethnicity,
and locale: 2015
Table 219.10. High school
graduates, by sex and control of school: Selected years, 1869-70 through 2026-27
Table 219.20. Public high
school graduates, by region, state, and jurisdiction: Selected years, 1980-81 through
Table 219.30. Public high
school graduates, by race/ethnicity: 1998-99 through 2026-27
Table 219.32. Public high
school graduates, by sex, race/ethnicity, and state or jurisdiction: 2012-13
Table 219.35. Public high
school averaged freshman graduation rate (AFGR), by state or jurisdiction: Selected
years, 1990-91 through 2012-13
Table 219.40. Public high
school averaged freshman graduation rate (AFGR), by sex, race/ethnicity, and state
or jurisdiction: 2012-13
Table 219.46Public high
school 4-year adjusted cohort graduation rate (ACGR), by selected student characteristics
and state: 2010-11 through 2014-15
Table 219.50. Number and
percentage of 9th- to 12th-graders who dropped out of public schools (event dropout
rate), by race/ethnicity, grade, and state or jurisdiction: 2009-10
Table 219.55. Among 15-
to 24-year-olds enrolled in grades 10 through 12, percentage who dropped out (event
dropout rate), by sex and race/ethnicity: 1972 through 2015
Table 219.57. Among 15- to 24-year-olds enrolled in grades 10 through 12, percentage
who dropped out (event dropout rate), and number and percentage distribution of
15- to 24-year-olds in grades 10 through 12, by selected characteristics: Selected
years, 2005 through 2015
Table 219.60. Number of
people taking the general educational development (GED) test and percentage distribution
of those who passed, by age group: 1971 through 2013
Table 219.62a. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Percentage distribution of 2009 ninth-graders, by high school persistence
status in 2012 and selected student characteristics: 2009 and 2012
Table 219.62b. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Percentage distribution of 2009 ninth-graders who were current
high school dropouts, stopouts, and continuous students in 2012, by selected student
characteristics: 2009 and 2012
Table 219.62c. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Among 2009 ninth-graders who were dropouts in 2012, percentage
citing various reasons for leaving high school, by selected student characteristics:
Table 219.65. High school
completion rate of 18- to 24-year-olds not enrolled in high school (status completion
rate), by sex and race/ethnicity: 1972 through 2015
Table 219.67. Number and
high school completion rate of 18- to 24-year-olds not enrolled in high school (status
completion rate), by selected characteristics: Selected years, 2005 through 2015
Table 219.69. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—High school completion rate of 18- to 24-year-olds not enrolled
in high school (status completion rate), by English speaking ability and race/ethnicity:
2003, 2005, and 2013
Table 219.70. Percentage
of high school dropouts among persons 16 to 24 years old (status dropout rate),
by sex and race/ethnicity: Selected years, 1960 through 2015
Table 219.71. Population
16 to 24 years old and number of 16- to 24-year-old high school dropouts (status
dropouts), by sex and race/ethnicity: 1970 through 2015
Table 219.73. Percentage
of high school dropouts among persons 16 to 24 years old (status dropout rate) and
number and percentage distribution of 16- to 24-year-olds, by selected characteristics:
Selected years, 2005 through 2015
Table 219.75. Percentage
of high school dropouts among persons 16 to 24 years old (status dropout rate),
by income level, and percentage distribution of status dropouts, by labor force
status and years of school completed: 1970 through 2015
Table 219.76.WEB-ONLY
Table —Population 16 to 24 years old and number of 16- to 24-year-old
high school dropouts (status dropouts), by income level, labor force status, and
years of school completed: 1970 through 2015
Table 219.80. Percentage of high school dropouts among persons 16 to 24 years
old (status dropout rate) and number of status dropouts, by noninstitutionalized
or institutionalized status, birth in or outside of the United States, and selected
characteristics: Selected years, 2006 through 2015
Table 219.81. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Percentage of high school dropouts
among persons 16 to 24 years old (status dropout rate) and number of status dropouts,
by noninstitutionalized or institutionalized status, birth in or outside of the
United States, and selected characteristics: 2012 and 2013
Table 219.83. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Percentage of high school dropouts among persons 16 to 24 years
old (status dropout rate), by English speaking ability and race/ethnicity: 2003,
2005, and 2013
Table 219.85 WEB-ONLY
Table —Percentage of high school dropouts among noninstitutionalized
persons 16 through 24 years old (status dropout rate), by race/ethnicity and state:
Table 219.85a. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Percentage of high school dropouts among noninstitutionalized and
institutionalized persons 16 through 24 years old (status dropout rate), by race/ethnicity
and state: 2015
Table 219.90. Number and percentage distribution of 14- through 21-year-old
students served under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Part B,
who exited school, by exit reason, sex, race/ethnicity, age, and type of disability:
2012-13 and 2013-14
Table 220.10. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Percentage of children demonstrating specific cognitive and motor
skills at about 9 months of age, by child's age and selected characteristics: 2001-02
Table 220.20. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Percentage of children demonstrating specific cognitive skills,
motor skills, and secure emotional attachment to parents at about 2 years of age,
by selected characteristics: 2003-04
Table 220.30. Children's
reading, language, mathematics, color knowledge, and fine motor skills at about
4 years of age, by child's age and selected characteristics: 2005-06
Table 220.39. Percentage
distribution of fall 2010 first-time kindergartners, by two risk factors (low parental
education and family poverty) and selected child, family, and school characteristics:
Table 220.40. Fall 2010
first-time kindergartners’ reading scale scores through spring of third grade,
by selected child, family, and school characteristics during the kindergarten year:
Fall 2010 and spring 2011 through spring 2014
Table 220.41. Fall 2010
first-time kindergartners’ mathematics scale scores through spring of third
grade, by selected child, family, and school characteristics during the kindergarten
year: Fall 2010 and spring 2011 through spring 2014
Table 220.42. Fall 2010
first-time kindergartners’ science scale scores through spring of third grade,
by selected child, family, and school characteristics during the kindergarten year:
Spring 2011 through spring 2014
Table 220.50. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Number and percentage distribution of kindergartners, by fall 2010
kindergarten entry status and selected child, family, and school characteristics:
Table 220.55. Percentage of fall 2010 first-time kindergartners, by type of
peer victimization reported by child in third grade, frequency with which child
reported being victimized in third grade, and selected child, family, and school
characteristics: Spring 2014
Table 220.56. Percentage of fall 2010 first-time kindergartners, by type of
victimization their teacher reported that they perpetrated against peers in third
grade, frequency with which the teacher reported that they victimized their peers,
and selected child, family, and school characteristics: Spring 2014
Table 220.57. Fall 2010
first-time kindergartners’ scores on various academic, social, and emotional
scales in third grade, by frequency of being victimized by their peers, frequency
of victimizing their peers, and type of victimization: Spring 2014
Table 220.60. Fall 2010
kindergartners' reading, mathematics, science, and approaches to learning scale
scores, by kindergarten entry status and time of assessment: Fall 2010 and spring
2011 through spring 2014
Table 220.70. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Mean reading scale scores and specific reading skills of fall 1998
first-time kindergartners, by time of assessment and selected characteristics: Selected
years, fall 1998 through spring 2007
Table 220.80. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Mean mathematics and science scale scores and specific mathematics
skills of fall 1998 first-time kindergartners, by time of assessment and selected
characteristics: Selected years, fall 1998 through spring 2007
Table 221.10. Average National
Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) reading scale score, by sex, race/ethnicity,
and grade: Selected years, 1992 through 2015
Table 221.12. Average National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) reading
scale score and percentage of students attaining selected NAEP reading achievement
levels, by selected school and student characteristics and grade: Selected years,
1992 through 2015
Table 221.20. Percentage
of students at or above selected National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
reading achievement levels, by grade and selected student characteristics: Selected
years, 1998 through 2015
Table 221.30. Average National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) reading
scale score and percentage distribution of students, by age, amount of reading for
school and for fun, and time spent on homework and watching TV/video: Selected years,
1984 through 2012
Table 221.35. Average National
Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) reading scale score and percentage distribution
of 4th- and 8th-graders, by computer use and internet access at home and other selected
characteristics: 2015
Table 221.40. Average National
Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) reading scale score of 4th-grade public
school students and percentage attaining reading achievement levels, by state: Selected
years, 1992 through 2015
Table 221.50. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Average National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) reading
scale score of 4th-grade public school students, by race/ethnicity, school's level
of free or reduced-price lunch eligibility, and state: 2015
Table 221.60. Average National
Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) reading scale score of 8th-grade public
school students and percentage attaining reading achievement levels, by state: Selected
years, 1998 through 2015
Table 221.65. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Average National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) reading
scale score of 8th-grade public school students, by race/ethnicity, parent's highest
level of education, and state: 2015
Table 221.70. Average National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) reading
scale scores of 4th- and 8th-graders in public schools and percentage scoring at
or above selected reading achievement levels, by English language learner (ELL)
status and state: 2015
Table 221.75. Average National
Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) reading scale score and standard deviation,
by selected student characteristics, percentile, and grade: Selected years, 1992
through 2015
Table 221.80. Average National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) reading
scale scores of 4th- and 8th-grade public school students and percentage attaining
selected reading achievement levels, by race/ethnicity and jurisdiction or specific
urban district: 2009, 2011, 2013, and 2015
Table 221.85. Average National
Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) reading scale score, by age and selected
student characteristics: Selected years, 1971 through 2012
Table 221.90. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Percentage of students at or above selected National Assessment
of Educational Progress (NAEP) reading score levels, by age, sex, and race/ethnicity:
Selected years, 1971 through 2012
Table 222.10. Average National
Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) mathematics scale score, by sex, race/ethnicity,
and grade: Selected years, 1990 through 2015
Table 222.12. Average National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) mathematics
scale score and percentage of students attaining selected NAEP mathematics achievement
levels, by selected school and student characteristics and grade: Selected years,
1990 through 2015
Table 222.20. Percentage
of students at or above selected National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
mathematics achievement levels, by grade and selected student characteristics: Selected
years, 1996 through 2015
Table 222.30. Average National
Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) mathematics scale score of 8th-graders
with various attitudes toward mathematics and percentage reporting these attitudes,
by selected student characteristics: 2015
Table 222.35. Average National
Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) mathematics scale score and percentage
distribution of 12th-graders, by frequency of experiencing various attitudes in
math class and selected student characteristics: 2015
Table 222.40Average National
Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) mathematics scale score of high school
graduates at grade 12, by highest mathematics course taken in high school and selected
student and school characteristics: 2009
Table 222.45. Average National
Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) mathematics scale score and percentage
distribution of 4th- and 8th-graders, by computer use and internet access at home
and other selected characteristics: 2015
Table 222.50. Average National
Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) mathematics scale score of 4th-grade public
school students and percentage attaining mathematics achievement levels, by state:
Selected years, 1992 through 2015
Table 222.55. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Average National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) mathematics
scale score of 4th-grade public school students, by race/ethnicity, school's level
of free or reduced-price lunch eligibility, and state: 2015
Table 222.60. Average National
Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) mathematics scale score of 8th-grade public
school students and percentage attaining mathematics achievement levels, by state:
Selected years, 1990 through 2015
Table 222.70. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Average National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) mathematics
scale score of 8th-grade public school students, by race/ethnicity, parents' highest
level of education, and state: 2015
Table 222.80. Average National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) mathematics
scale scores of 4th- and 8th-grade public school students and percentage attaining
selected mathematics achievement levels, by race/ethnicity and jurisdiction or specific
urban district: 2009, 2011, 2013, and 2015
Table 222.85. Average National
Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) mathematics scale score, by age and selected
student characteristics: Selected years, 1973 through 2012
Table 222.90. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Percentage of students at or above selected National Assessment
of Educational Progress (NAEP) mathematics score levels, by age, sex, and race/ethnicity:
Selected years, 1978 through 2012
Table 222.95. National Assessment
of Educational Progress (NAEP) mathematics performance of 17-year-olds, by highest
mathematics course taken, sex, and race/ethnicity: Selected years, 1978 through
Table 223.10Average National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) science
scale score, standard deviation, and percentage of students attaining science achievement
levels, by grade level, selected student and school characteristics, and percentile:
2009, 2011, and 2015
Table 223.20Average National
Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) science scale scores of 4th- and 8th-grade
public school students, by race/ethnicity and state: 2009, 2011, and 2015
Table 223.25. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Average National Assessment of Educational
Progress (NAEP) science scale scores of 8th-graders with various attitudes toward
science and percentage reporting these attitudes, by selected student characteristics:
Table 223.30. Average National
Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) science scale scores of 12th-graders with
various attitudes toward science and percentage reporting these attitudes, by selected
student characteristics: 2015
Table 223.40Average National
Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) science scale score and percentage distribution
of 4th- and 8th-graders, by computer use and internet access at home and other selected
characteristics: 2015
Table 224.10. Average National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) music
and visual arts scale scores of 8th-graders, percentage distribution by frequency
of instruction at their school, and percentage participating in selected musical
activities in school, by selected characteristics: 2016
Table 224.20. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Average National Assessment of Educational
Progress (NAEP) civics scale score, standard deviation, and percentage of students
attaining civics achievement levels, by grade level, selected student characteristics,
and percentile: 1998, 2006, 2010, and 2014
Table 224.30. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Average National Assessment of Educational
Progress (NAEP) economics scale score of 12th-graders, percentage attaining economics
achievement levels, and percentage with different levels of economics coursework,
by selected characteristics: 2006 and 2012
Table 224.40. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Average National Assessment of Educational
Progress (NAEP) geography scale score, standard deviation, and percentage of students
attaining geography achievement levels, by grade level, selected student characteristics,
and percentile: Selected years, 1994 through 2014
Table 224.50. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Average National Assessment of Educational
Progress (NAEP) U.S. history scale score, standard deviation, and percentage of
students attaining achievement levels, by grade level, selected student characteristics,
and percentile: Selected years, 1994 through 2014
Table 224.60. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Average National Assessment of Educational
Progress (NAEP) writing scale score of 8th- and 12th-graders, standard deviation,
and percentage of students attaining writing achievement levels, by selected student
and school characteristics and percentile: 2011
Table 224.70. Average National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) technology
and engineering literacy (TEL) scale score of 8th-graders, their scores on the three
TEL content areas, and percentage attaining TEL achievement levels, by selected
student and school characteristics: 2014
Table 224.73. Average scale score of 8th-graders on the information and communication
technology (ICT) content area of the National Assessment of Educational Progress
(NAEP) technology and engineering literacy (TEL) assessment and percentage distribution
of 8th-graders, by computer use and internet access at home and other selected characteristics:
Table 224.74a.WEB-ONLY Table —Average National Assessment of
Educational Progress (NAEP) technology and engineering literacy (TEL) scale score
and percentage distribution of 8th-graders, by frequency of learning about or discussing
various technology- and society-related topics in school and selected student and
school characteristics: 2014
Table 224.74b.WEB-ONLY Table —Average National Assessment of
Educational Progress (NAEP) technology and engineering literacy (TEL) scale score
and percentage distribution of 8th-graders, by frequency of having done or of learning
about various design- and systems-related activities or topics in school and selected
student and school characteristics: 2014
Table 224.74c.WEB-ONLY Table —Average National Assessment of
Educational Progress (NAEP) technology and engineering literacy (TEL) scale score
and percentage distribution of 8th-graders, by frequency of having done various
design- and systems-related activities outside of school and selected student and
school characteristics: 2014
Table 224.74d.WEB-ONLY Table —Average National Assessment of
Educational Progress (NAEP) technology and engineering literacy (TEL) scale score
and percentage distribution of 8th-graders, by frequency of using a computer or
other digital technology to perform various activities for school work and selected
student and school characteristics: 2014
Table 224.74e.WEB-ONLY Table —Average National Assessment of
Educational Progress (NAEP) technology and engineering literacy (TEL) scale score
and percentage distribution of 8th-graders, by frequency of using a computer or
other digital technology to perform various activities not related to school work
and selected student and school characteristics: 2014
Table 224.74f.WEB-ONLY Table —Average National Assessment of
Educational Progress (NAEP) technology and engineering literacy (TEL) scale score
and percentage distribution of 8th-graders, by level of confidence in ability to
perform various technology- and engineering-related tasks and selected student and
school characteristics: 2014
Table 225.10. Average number
of Carnegie units earned by public high school graduates in various subject fields,
by sex and race/ethnicity: Selected years, 1982 through 2009
Table 225.20. Average number of Carnegie units earned by public high school
graduates in career/technical education courses in various occupational fields,
by sex and race/ethnicity, and percentage distribution of students, by units earned:
Selected years, 2000 through 2009
Table 225.30. Percentage
of public and private high school graduates taking selected mathematics and science
courses in high school, by sex and race/ethnicity: Selected years, 1982 through
Table 225.40. Percentage
of public and private high school graduates taking selected mathematics and science
courses in high school, by selected student and school characteristics: Selected
years, 1990 through 2009
Table 225.50. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Percentage of public and private high school graduates earning
minimum credits in selected combinations of academic courses, by sex and race/ethnicity:
Selected years, 1982 through 2009
Table 225.60. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Number and percentage of public
high school graduates taking dual credit, Advanced Placement (AP), and International
Baccalaureate (IB) courses in high school and average credits earned, by selected
student and school characteristics: 2000, 2005, and 2009
Table 225.70. Number and
percentage of high school graduates who took foreign language courses in high school
and average number of credits earned, by language and number of credits: 2000, 2005,
and 2009
Table 225.80. Percentage
distribution of elementary and secondary school children, by average grades and
selected child and school characteristics: 2003, 2007, and 2012
Table 225.90. Number and
percentage of elementary and secondary school students retained in grade, by sex,
race/ethnicity, and grade level: 1994 through 2015
Table 226.10. SAT mean scores
of college-bound seniors, by race/ethnicity: Selected years, 1986-87 through 2015-16
Table 226.20. SAT mean scores
of college-bound seniors, by sex: 1966-67 through 2015-16
Table 226.30. SAT mean scores
and percentage distribution of college-bound seniors, by selected student characteristics:
Selected years, 1995-96 through 2015-16
Table 226.40. Mean SAT scores
of college-bound seniors and percentage of graduates taking the SAT, by state: Selected
years, 1995-96 through 2015-16
Table 226.50. Number and percentage of graduates taking the ACT test; average
scores and standard deviations, by sex and race/ethnicity; and percentage of test
takers with selected composite scores and planned fields of postsecondary study:
Selected years, 1995 through 2016
Table 226.60. Average ACT
scores and percentage of graduates taking the ACT, by state: 2012 and 2016
Table 227.10. Percentage
of 9th-grade students participating in various school-sponsored and non-school-sponsored
activities, by sex and race/ethnicity: 2009
Table 227.20. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Percentage of high school seniors who say they engage in various
activities, by selected student and school characteristics: 1992 and 2004
Table 227.30. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Percentage of high school seniors who participate in various school-sponsored
extracurricular activities, by selected student characteristics: 1992 and 2004
Table 227.40. Percentage of elementary and secondary school students who do
homework, average time spent, percentage whose parents check that homework is done,
and percentage whose parents help with homework, by frequency and selected characteristics:
2007 and 2012
Table 227.50. Average National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) reading
and mathematics scale scores of 4th-, 8th-, and 12th-graders and percentage absent
from school, by selected characteristics and number of days absent in the last month:
Table 228.10. School-associated
violent deaths of all persons, homicides and suicides of youth ages 5-18 at school,
and total homicides and suicides of youth ages 5-18, by type of violent death: 1992-93
through 2013-14
Table 228.20. Number of
nonfatal victimizations against students ages 12-18 and rate of victimization per
1,000 students, by type of victimization and location: 1992 through 2015
Table 228.25. Number of
nonfatal victimizations against students ages 12-18 and rate of victimization per
1,000 students, by type of victimization, location, and selected student characteristics:
Table 228.30. Percentage
of students ages 12-18 who reported criminal victimization at school during the
previous 6 months, by type of victimization and selected student and school characteristics:
Selected years, 1995 through 2015
Table 228.40. Percentage of students in grades 9-12 who reported being threatened
or injured with a weapon on school property during the previous 12 months, by selected
student characteristics and number of times threatened or injured: Selected years,
1993 through 2015
Table 228.50. Percentage
of public school students in grades 9-12 who reported being threatened or injured
with a weapon on school property at least one time during the previous 12 months,
by state: Selected years, 2003 through 2015
Table 228.70. Number and percentage of public and private school teachers who
reported that they were threatened with injury or physically attacked by a student
from school during the previous 12 months, by selected teacher and school characteristics:
Selected years, 1993-94 through 2011-12
Table 228.80. Percentage
of public school teachers who reported that they were threatened with injury or
physically attacked by a student from school during the previous 12 months, by state:
Selected years, 1993-94 through 2011-12
Table 228.99. Percentage
distribution of students in grades 9-12 and percentage reporting selected types
of victimization or risk behaviors, by sex and sexual orientation: 2015
Table 229.10. Percentage
of public schools recording incidents of crime at school and reporting incidents
to police, number of incidents, and rate per 1,000 students, by type of crime: Selected
years, 1999-2000 through 2013-14
Table 229.20. Number and
percentage of public schools recording at least one crime incident that occurred
at school, and number and rate of incidents, by school characteristics and type
of incident: 1999-2000 and 2009-10
Table 229.30. Percentage
of public schools recording violent incidents of crime at school, number of incidents,
and rate per 1,000 students, by category of violent incident and selected school
characteristics: 2009-10 and 2013-14
Table 229.40. Percentage
of public schools reporting incidents of crime at school to the police, number of
incidents, and rate per 1,000 students, by type of crime and selected school characteristics:
Table 229.50. Percentage
distribution of public schools, by number of violent incidents of crime at school
recorded and reported to the police and selected school characteristics: 2009-10
Table 229.60. Percentage
distribution of public schools, by number of serious violent incidents of crime
at school recorded and reported to the police and selected school characteristics:
Table 230.10. Percentage
of public schools reporting selected discipline problems that occurred at school,
by frequency and selected school characteristics: Selected years, 1999-2000 through
Table 230.20. Percentage
of students ages 12-18 who reported that gangs were present at school during the
school year, by selected student and school characteristics and urbanicity: Selected
years, 2001 through 2015
Table 230.30. Percentage
of students ages 12-18 who reported being the target of hate-related words and seeing
hate-related graffiti at school during the school year, by selected student and
school characteristics: Selected years, 1999 through 2015
Table 230.35. Percentage
of students ages 12-18 who reported being the target of hate-related words at school,
by type of hate-related word and selected student and school characteristics: 2015
Table 230.40. Percentage
of students ages 12-18 who reported being bullied at school during the school year,
by type of bullying and selected student and school characteristics: Selected years,
2005 through 2015
Table 230.50. Percentage of students ages 12-18 who reported being bullied at
school during the school year and, among bullied students, percentage who reported
being bullied in various locations, by selected student and school characteristics:
Table 230.52. Among students ages 12-18 who reported being bullied at school
during the school year, percentage reporting that bullying had varying degrees of
negative effect on various aspects of their life, by aspect of life affected and
selected student and school characteristics: 2015
Table 230.53. Among students ages 12-18 who reported being bullied at school
during the school year, percentage reporting that bullying was related to specific
characteristics, by type of characteristic related to bullying and other selected
student and school characteristics: 2015
Table 230.55. Percentage
of students ages 12-18 who reported being cyber-bullied anywhere during the school
year, by type of cyber-bullying and selected student and school characteristics:
Table 230.60. Among students ages 12-18 who reported being bullied at school
or cyber-bullied anywhere during the school year, percentage reporting various frequencies
of bullying and the notification of an adult at school, by selected student and
school characteristics: 2013 and 2015
Table 230.62. Percentage
of public school students in grades 9-12 who reported having been bullied on school
property or electronically bullied during the previous 12 months, by state: Selected
years, 2009 through 2015
Table 230.65. Percentage
of public schools reporting selected types of cyber-bullying problems occurring
at school or away from school at least once a week, by selected school characteristics:
Table 230.70. Percentage
of students ages 12-18 who reported being afraid of attack or harm, by location
and selected student and school characteristics: Selected years, 1995 through 2015
Table 230.80. Percentage of students ages 12-18 who reported avoiding one or
more places in school or avoiding school activities or classes because of fear of
attack or harm, by selected student and school characteristics: Selected years,
1995 through 2015
Table 230.90. Percentage of public and private school teachers who agreed that
student misbehavior and student tardiness and class cutting interfered with their
teaching, by selected teacher and school characteristics: Selected years, 1987-88
through 2011-12
Table 230.92. Percentage
of public and private school teachers who agreed that other teachers and the principal
enforced school rules, by selected teacher and school characteristics: Selected
years, 1987-88 through 2011-12
Table 230.95. Percentage
of public school teachers who agreed that student misbehavior and student tardiness
and class cutting interfered with their teaching and that other teachers and the
principal enforced school rules, by state: 2011-12
Table 231.10. Percentage
of students in grades 9-12 who reported having been in a physical fight at least
one time during the previous 12 months, by location and selected student characteristics:
Selected years, 1993 through 2015
Table 231.20. Percentage
distribution of students in grades 9-12, by number of times they reported having
been in a physical fight anywhere or on school property during the previous 12 months
and selected student characteristics: 2015
Table 231.30. Percentage
of public school students in grades 9-12 who reported having been in a physical
fight at least one time during the previous 12 months, by location and state: Selected
years, 2005 through 2015
Table 231.40. Percentage
of students in grades 9-12 who reported carrying a weapon at least 1 day during
the previous 30 days, by location and selected student characteristics: Selected
years, 1993 through 2015
Table 231.50. Percentage
distribution of students in grades 9-12, by number of days they reported carrying
a weapon anywhere or on school property during the previous 30 days and selected
student characteristics: 2015
Table 231.60. Percentage
of public school students in grades 9-12 who reported carrying a weapon at least
1 day during the previous 30 days, by location and state: Selected years, 2005 through
Table 231.65. Number of
incidents of students bringing firearms to or possessing firearms at a public school
and rate of incidents per 100,000 students, by state: 2009-10 through 2014-15
Table 231.70. Percentage of students ages 12-18 who reported having access to
a loaded gun, without adult permission, at school or away from school during the
school year, by selected student and school characteristics: Selected years, 2007
through 2015
Table 232.10. Percentage
of students in grades 9-12 who reported using alcohol at least 1 day during the
previous 30 days, by location and selected student characteristics: Selected years,
1993 through 2015
Table 232.20. Percentage
distribution of students in grades 9-12, by number of days they reported using alcohol
anywhere or on school property during the previous 30 days and selected student
characteristics: Selected years, 2009 through 2015
Table 232.30. Percentage
of public school students in grades 9-12 who reported using alcohol at least 1 day
during the previous 30 days, by location and state: Selected years, 2005 through
Table 232.40. Percentage
of students in grades 9-12 who reported using marijuana at least one time during
the previous 30 days, by location and selected student characteristics: Selected
years, 1993 through 2015
Table 232.50. Percentage
distribution of students in grades 9-12, by number of times they reported using
marijuana anywhere or on school property during the previous 30 days and selected
student characteristics: Selected years, 2009 through 2015
Table 232.60. Percentage
of public school students in grades 9-12 who reported using marijuana at least one
time during the previous 30 days, by location and state: Selected years, 2005 through
Table 232.70. Percentage
of students in grades 9-12 who reported that illegal drugs were made available to
them on school property during the previous 12 months, by selected student characteristics:
Selected years, 1993 through 2015
Table 232.80. Percentage
of public school students in grades 9-12 who reported that illegal drugs were made
available to them on school property during the previous 12 months, by state: Selected
years, 2003 through 2015
Table 232.90. Percentage
of high school seniors reporting use of alcohol and illicit drugs, by frequency
of use and substance used: Selected years, 1975 through 2016
Table 232.95. Percentage
of 12- to 17-year-olds reporting use of illicit drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes during
the past 30 days and the past year, by substance used, sex, and race/ethnicity:
Selected years, 1985 through 2015
Table 233.10. Number and percentage of public schools that took a serious disciplinary
action in response to specific offenses, number of serious actions taken, and percentage
distribution of actions, by type of offense, school level, and type of action: Selected
years, 1999-2000 through 2009-10
Table 233.20. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Percentage of public school students in grades 6 through 12 who
had ever been suspended or expelled, by sex and race/ethnicity: Selected years,
1993 through 2012
Table 233.25. Number and
percentage of fall 2009 ninth-graders who were ever suspended or expelled through
spring 2012, by when student was suspended or expelled and selected student characteristics:
Table 233.27. Number of
students receiving selected disciplinary actions in public elementary and secondary
schools, by type of disciplinary action, disability status, sex, and race/ethnicity:
Table 233.28. Percentage
of students receiving selected disciplinary actions in public elementary and secondary
schools, by type of disciplinary action, disability status, sex, and race/ethnicity:
Table 233.30. Number of
students suspended and expelled from public elementary and secondary schools, by
sex, race/ethnicity, and state: 2011-12
Table 233.40. Percentage
of students suspended and expelled from public elementary and secondary schools,
by sex, race/ethnicity, and state: 2011-12
Table 233.45. Number of
discipline incidents resulting in removal of a student from a regular education
program for at least an entire school day and rate of incidents per 100,000 students,
by discipline reason and state: 2014-15
Table 233.50. Percentage
of public schools with various safety and security measures: Selected years, 1999-2000
through 2013-14
Table 233.60. Percentage
of public schools with various safety and security measures, by selected school
characteristics: 2013-14
Table 233.65. Percentage
of public schools with a written plan for procedures to be performed in selected
crises and percentage that have drilled students on the use of a plan, by selected
school characteristics: Selected years, 2003-04 through 2013-14
Table 233.70. Percentage
of public schools with one or more full-time or part-time security staff present
at least once a week, by selected school characteristics: 2005-06 through 2013-14
Table 233.80. Percentage
of students ages 12-18 who reported various security measures at school: Selected
years, 1999 through 2015
Table 233.90. Number of
juvenile offenders in residential placement facilities, by selected juvenile and
facility characteristics: Selected years, 1997 through 2013
Table 233.92. Residential
placement rate (number of juvenile offenders in residential facilities) per 100,000
juveniles, by sex and race/ethnicity: Selected years, 1997 through 2013
Table 234.10. Age range
for compulsory school attendance and special education services, and policies on
year-round schools and kindergarten programs, by state: Selected years, 2000 through
Table 234.20. Minimum amount
of instructional time per year and policies on textbooks, by state: Selected years,
2000 through 2014
Table 234.30. Course credit
requirements and exit exam requirements for a standard high school diploma and the
use of other high school completion credentials, by state: 2013
Table 234.40. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—States that use criterion-referenced tests (CRTs) aligned to state
standards, by subject area and level: 2006-07
Table 234.50. Required testing
for initial certification of elementary and secondary school teachers, by type of
assessment and state: 2015 and 2016
Table 236.10. Summary of
expenditures for public elementary and secondary education and other related programs,
by purpose: Selected years, 1919-20 through 2013-14
Table 236.15Current expenditures
and current expenditures per pupil in public elementary and secondary schools: 1989-90
through 2026-27
Table 236.20. Total expenditures
for public elementary and secondary education and other related programs, by function
and subfunction: Selected years, 1990-91 through 2013-14
Table 236.25. Current expenditures
for public elementary and secondary education, by state or jurisdiction: Selected
years, 1969-70 through 2013-14
Table 236.30. Total expenditures
for public elementary and secondary education and other related programs, by function
and state or jurisdiction: 2013-14
Table 236.40. Total expenditures
for public elementary and secondary education and other related programs, by function
and state or jurisdiction: 2012-13
Table 236.50. Expenditures
for instruction in public elementary and secondary schools, by subfunction and state
or jurisdiction: 2012-13 and 2013-14
Table 236.55. Total and
current expenditures per pupil in public elementary and secondary schools: Selected
years, 1919-20 through 2013-14
Table 236.60. Total and
current expenditures per pupil in fall enrollment in public elementary and secondary
schools, by function and subfunction: Selected years, 1990-91 through 2013-14
Table 236.65. Current expenditure
per pupil in fall enrollment in public elementary and secondary schools, by state
or jurisdiction: Selected years, 1969-70 through 2013-14
Table 236.70. Current expenditure
per pupil in average daily attendance in public elementary and secondary schools,
by state or jurisdiction: Selected years, 1969-70 through 2013-14
Table 236.75. Total and
current expenditures per pupil in fall enrollment in public elementary and secondary
schools, by function and state or jurisdiction: 2013-14
Table 236.80. Total and
current expenditures per pupil in fall enrollment in public elementary and secondary
schools, by function and state or jurisdiction: 2012-13
Table 236.90. Students transported
at public expense and current expenditures for transportation: Selected years, 1929-30
through 2013-14
Table 301.10Enrollment,
staff, and degrees/certificates conferred in degree-granting and non-degree-granting
postsecondary institutions, by control and level of institution, sex of student,
type of staff, and level of degree: Fall 2015 and 2014-15
Table 301.20. Historical
summary of faculty, enrollment, degrees conferred, and finances in degree-granting
postsecondary institutions: Selected years, 1869-70 through 2014-15
Table 302.10. Recent high
school completers and their enrollment in 2-year and 4-year colleges, by sex: 1960
through 2015
Table 302.20. Percentage
of recent high school completers enrolled in 2- and 4-year colleges, by race/ethnicity:
1960 through 2015
Table 302.30. Percentage
of recent high school completers enrolled in 2-year and 4-year colleges, by income
level: 1975 through 2015
Table 302.40. Number of
high schools with 12th-graders and percentage of high school graduates attending
4-year colleges, by selected high school characteristics: Selected years, 1998-99
through 2011-12
Table 302.43. Percentage
distribution of fall 2009 ninth-graders who had completed high school, by postsecondary
enrollment status in fall 2013, and selected measures of their high school achievement
and selected student characteristics: 2013
Table 302.50. Estimated
rate of 2011-12 high school graduates attending degree-granting postsecondary institutions,
by state: 2012
Table 302.60. Percentage
of 18- to 24-year-olds enrolled in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by
level of institution and sex and race/ethnicity of student: 1970 through 2015
Table 302.62. Percentage
of 18- to 24-year-olds enrolled in degree-granting postsecondary institutions and
percentage distribution of those enrolled, by sex, race/ethnicity, and selected
racial/ethnic subgroups: 2010 and 2015
Table 302.65WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Percentage of 18- to 24-year-olds enrolled in degree-granting postsecondary
institutions, by race/ethnicity and state: 2015
Table 302.70Percentage of
18- to 24-year-olds enrolled in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity
and state: 2005
Table 303.10Total fall enrollment
in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by attendance status, sex of student,
and control of institution: Selected years, 1947 through 2026
Table 303.20Total fall enrollment
in all postsecondary institutions participating in Title IV programs and annual
percentage change in enrollment, by degree-granting status and control of institution:
1995 through 2015
Table 303.25Total fall enrollment
in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by control and level of institution:
1970 through 2015
Table 303.30Total fall enrollment
in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by level and control of institution,
attendance status, and sex of student: Selected years, 1970 through 2026
Table 303.40. Total fall
enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by attendance status,
sex, and age: Selected years, 1970 through 2026
Table 303.45. Total fall
enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by level of enrollment,
sex, attendance status, and age of student: 2011, 2013, and 2015
Table 303.50. Total fall
enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by level of enrollment,
control and level of institution, attendance status, and age of student: 2015
Table 303.55. Total fall
enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by control and level of
institution, attendance status, and age of student: 2015
Table 303.60. Total fall
enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by level of enrollment,
sex of student, and other selected characteristics: 2015
Table 303.65. Total fall
enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by level of enrollment,
sex of student, and other selected characteristics: 2013
Table 303.70Total undergraduate
fall enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by attendance status,
sex of student, and control and level of institution: Selected years, 1970 through
Table 303.80Total postbaccalaureate
fall enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by attendance status,
sex of student, and control of institution: 1967 through 2026
Table 303.90. Fall enrollment
and number of degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by control and religious
affiliation of institution: Selected years, 1980 through 2015
Table 304.10Total fall enrollment
in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by state or jurisdiction: Selected
years, 1970 through 2015
Table 304.15Total fall enrollment
in public degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by state or jurisdiction:
Selected years, 1970 through 2015
Table 304.20Total fall enrollment
in private degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by state or jurisdiction:
Selected years, 1970 through 2015
Table 304.30Total fall enrollment
in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by attendance status, sex, and state
or jurisdiction: 2014 and 2015
Table 304.35Total fall enrollment
in public degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by attendance status, sex,
and state or jurisdiction: 2014 and 2015
Table 304.40WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Total fall enrollment in private degree-granting postsecondary
institutions, by attendance status, sex, and state or jurisdiction: 2014 and 2015
Table 304.45WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Total fall enrollment in private nonprofit degree-granting postsecondary
institutions, by attendance status, sex, and state or jurisdiction: 2014 and 2015
Table 304.50WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Total fall enrollment in private for-profit degree-granting postsecondary
institutions, by attendance status, sex, and state or jurisdiction: 2014 and 2015
Table 304.60Total fall enrollment
in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by control and level of institution
and state or jurisdiction: 2014 and 2015
Table 304.70Total fall enrollment
in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by level of enrollment and state
or jurisdiction: Selected years, 2000 through 2015
Table 304.80Total fall enrollment
in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by control, level of enrollment,
level of institution, and state or jurisdiction: 2015
Table 305.10Total fall enrollment
of first-time degree/certificate-seeking students in degree-granting postsecondary
institutions, by attendance status, sex of student, and level and control of institution:
1955 through 2026
Table 305.20Total fall enrollment
of first-time degree/certificate-seeking students in degree-granting postsecondary
institutions, by attendance status, sex of student, control of institution, and
state or jurisdiction: Selected years, 2000 through 2015
Table 305.30. Number and
percentage of degree-granting postsecondary institutions with first-year undergraduates
using various selection criteria for admission, by control and level of institution:
Selected years, 2000-01 through 2015-16
Table 305.40. Acceptance
rates; number of applications, admissions, and enrollees; and enrollees’ SAT
and ACT scores for degree-granting postsecondary institutions with first-year undergraduates,
by control and level of institution: 2015-16
Table 306.10. Total fall
enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by level of enrollment,
sex, attendance status, and race/ethnicity of student: Selected years, 1976 through
Table 306.20. Total fall
enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by level and control of
institution and race/ethnicity of student: Selected years, 1976 through 2015
Table 306.30. Fall enrollment
of U.S. residents in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity:
Selected years, 1976 through 2026
Table 306.40. Fall enrollment
of males and females and specific racial/ethnic groups in degree-granting postsecondary
institutions, by control and level of institution and percentage of U.S. resident
enrollment in the same racial/ethnic group: 2015
Table 306.50. Total fall
enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by control and classification
of institution, level of enrollment, and race/ethnicity of student: 2015
Table 306.60. Fall enrollment
in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity of student and
state or jurisdiction: 2015
Table 306.70. Fall enrollment
in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity of student and
state or jurisdiction: 2013
Table 307.10. Full-time-equivalent
fall enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by control and level
of institution: 1967 through 2026
Table 307.20. Full-time-equivalent
fall enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by control and level
of institution and state or jurisdiction: 2000, 2010, and 2015
Table 307.30. Full-time-equivalent
fall enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by control of institution
and state or jurisdiction: 2000, 2010, and 2015
Table 308.10. Total 12-month
enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by control and level of
institution and state or jurisdiction: 2013-14 and 2014-15
Table 308.20. Total 12-month
enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by control of institution
and state or jurisdiction: Selected years, 2004-05 through 2014-15
Table 309.10. Residence
and migration of all first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates in degree-granting
postsecondary institutions, by state or jurisdiction: Fall 2014
Table 309.20. Residence
and migration of all first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates in degree-granting
postsecondary institutions who graduated from high school in the previous 12 months,
by state or jurisdiction: Fall 2014
Table 309.30. Residence
and migration of all first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates in 4-year
degree-granting postsecondary institutions who graduated from high school in the
previous 12 months, by state or jurisdiction: Fall 2014
Table 310.10Number of U.S.
students studying abroad and percentage distribution, by sex, race/ethnicity, and
other selected characteristics: Selected years, 2000-01 through 2014-15
Table 310.20. Foreign students
enrolled in institutions of higher education in the United States, by continent,
region, and selected countries of origin: Selected years, 1980-81 through 2015-16
Table 311.10. Number and
percentage distribution of students enrolled in postsecondary institutions, by level,
disability status, and selected student characteristics: 2007-08 and 2011-12
Table 311.15Number and percentage
of students enrolled in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by distance
education participation, location of student, level of enrollment, and control and
level of institution: Fall 2014 and fall 2015
Table 311.20. Number and
percentage of undergraduate students taking night, weekend, or online classes, by
selected characteristics: 2011-12
Table 311.22. Number and
percentage of undergraduate students taking distance education or online classes
and degree programs, by selected characteristics: Selected years, 2003-04 through
Table 311.30. Number and
percentage of graduate students taking night, weekend, or online classes, by selected
characteristics: 2011-12
Table 311.32. Number and
percentage of graduate students taking distance education or online classes and
degree programs, by selected characteristics: Selected years, 2003-04 through 2011-12
Table 311.33. Selected statistics
for degree-granting postsecondary institutions that primarily offer online programs,
by control of institution and selected characteristics: 2015
Table 311.40. Percentage
of first-year undergraduate students who reported taking remedial education courses,
by selected student and institution characteristics: 2003-04, 2007-08, and 2011-12
Table 311.50. Percentage
of degree-granting postsecondary institutions with first-year undergraduates offering
remedial services, by control and level of institution: 1989-90 through 2015-16
Table 311.60. Enrollment
in postsecondary education, by level of enrollment, level of institution, student
age, and major field of study: 2011-12
Table 311.70. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Course enrollments in languages
other than English compared with total enrollment at degree-granting postsecondary
institutions, by enrollment level, institution level, and language: Selected years,
1965 through 2013
Table 311.80. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Number and percentage distribution of course enrollments in languages
other than English at degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by language and
enrollment level: Selected years, 2002 through 2013
Table 311.90. Graduate enrollment in research-based programs in engineering,
natural and social sciences, mathematics and computer sciences, and selected health
fields in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by discipline division: Selected
years, fall 2007 through fall 2015
Table 312.10. Enrollment
of the 120 largest degree-granting college and university campuses, by selected
characteristics and institution: Fall 2015
Table 312.20. Selected statistics
for degree-granting postsecondary institutions enrolling more than 15,000 students
in 2015, by selected institution and student characteristics: Selected years, 1990
through 2014-15
Table 312.30. Enrollment
and degrees conferred in degree-granting women’s colleges, by selected characteristics
and institution: Fall 2015 and 2014-15
Table 312.40. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Enrollment and degrees conferred in Hispanic-serving institutions,
by institution level and control, percentage Hispanic, degree level, and other selected
characteristics: Fall 2015 and 2014-15
Table 312.50. Fall enrollment
and degrees conferred in degree-granting tribally controlled postsecondary institutions,
by state and institution: Selected years, fall 2000 through fall 2015, and 2013-14
and 2014-15
Table 313.10. Fall enrollment,
degrees conferred, and expenditures in degree-granting historically Black colleges
and universities, by institution: 2014, 2015, and 2014-15
Table 313.20. Fall enrollment
in degree-granting historically Black colleges and universities, by sex of student
and level and control of institution: Selected years, 1976 through 2015
Table 313.30. Selected statistics
on degree-granting historically Black colleges and universities, by control and
level of institution: Selected years, 1990 through 2015
Table 314.10Total and full-time-equivalent (FTE) staff and FTE student/FTE staff
ratios in postsecondary institutions participating in Title IV programs, by degree-granting
status, control of institution, and primary occupation: Fall 1995, fall 2005, and
fall 2015
Table 314.20Employees in
degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by sex, employment status, control and
level of institution, and primary occupation: Selected years, fall 1991 through
fall 2015
Table 314.30Employees in
degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by employment status, sex, control and
level of institution, and primary occupation: Fall 2015
Table 314.40Employees in
degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity, sex, employment status,
control and level of institution, and primary occupation: Fall 2015
Table 314.50Ratios of full-time-equivalent
(FTE) students to FTE staff and FTE faculty in public degree-granting postsecondary
institutions, by level of institution and state or jurisdiction: Fall 2015
Table 314.60Ratios of full-time-equivalent
(FTE) students to FTE staff and FTE faculty in private degree-granting postsecondary
institutions, by level of institution and state or jurisdiction: Fall 2015
Table 315.10Number of faculty
in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by employment status, sex, control,
and level of institution: Selected years, fall 1970 through fall 2015
Table 315.20Full-time faculty
in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity, sex, and academic
rank: Fall 2011, fall 2013, and fall 2015
Table 315.30. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Percentage distribution of full-time
faculty and instructional staff in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by
level and control of institution, selected instruction activities, and number of
classes taught for credit: Fall 2003
Table 315.40. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Percentage distribution of part-time
faculty and instructional staff in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by
level and control of institution, selected instruction activities, and number of
classes taught for credit: Fall 2003
Table 315.50. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Full-time and part-time faculty and instructional staff in degree-granting
postsecondary institutions, by level and control of institution and selected characteristics:
Fall 1992, fall 1998, and fall 2003
Table 315.60. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Full-time and part-time faculty and instructional staff in degree-granting
postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity, sex, and selected characteristics:
Fall 2003
Table 315.70. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Full-time and part-time faculty and instructional staff in degree-granting
postsecondary institutions, by field and faculty characteristics: Fall 1992, fall
1998, and fall 2003
Table 315.80. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Full-time and part-time faculty and instructional staff in degree-granting
postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity, sex, and program area: Fall 1998
and fall 2003
Table 316.10Average salary
of full-time instructional faculty on 9-month contracts in degree-granting postsecondary
institutions, by academic rank, control and level of institution, and sex: Selected
years, 1970-71 through 2015-16
Table 316.20Average salary
of full-time instructional faculty on 9-month contracts in degree-granting postsecondary
institutions, by academic rank, sex, and control and level of institution: Selected
years, 1999-2000 through 2015-16
Table 316.30Average salary
of full-time instructional faculty on 9-month contracts in degree-granting postsecondary
institutions, by control and level of institution and state or jurisdiction: 2015-16
Table 316.40WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Average salary of full-time instructional faculty on 9-month contracts
in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by control and level of institution
and state or jurisdiction: 2014-15
Table 316.50Average salary
of full-time instructional faculty on 9-month contracts in 4-year degree-granting
postsecondary, institutions, by control and classification of institution, academic
rank of faculty, and state or jurisdiction: 2015-16
Table 316.60WEB-ONLY TABLE—Average salary of full-time instructional
faculty on 9-month contracts in 4-year degree-granting postsecondary institutions,
by control and classification of institution, academic rank of faculty, and state
or jurisdiction: 2014-15
Table 316.70. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Average benefit expenditure for full-time instructional faculty
on 9-month contracts in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by type of benefit
and control of institution: Selected years, 1977-78 through 2010-11
Table 316.80Percentage of degree-granting postsecondary institutions with a
tenure system and of full-time faculty with tenure at these institutions, by control
and level of institution and selected characteristics of faculty: Selected years,
1993-94 through 2015-16
Table 316.81. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Percentage of full-time faculty (instruction, research, and public
service) with tenure at degree-granting postsecondary institutions with a tenure
system, by control, level, and state: 2015-16
Table 317.10. Degree-granting
postsecondary institutions, by control and level of institution: Selected years,
1949-50 through 2015-16
Table 317.20. Degree-granting
postsecondary institutions, by control and classification of institution and state
or jurisdiction: 2015-16
Table 317.30Number of non-degree-granting
institutions offering postsecondary education, by control of institution and state
or jurisdiction: Selected years, 2000-01 through 2015-16
Table 317.40. Number of
degree-granting postsecondary institutions and enrollment in these institutions,
by enrollment size, control, and classification of institution: Fall 2015
Table 317.50. Degree-granting
postsecondary institutions that have closed their doors, by control and level of
institution: 1969-70 through 2015-16
Table 318.10. Degrees conferred
by postsecondary institutions, by level of degree and sex of student: Selected years,
1869-70 through 2026-27
Table 318.20Bachelor's,
master's, and doctor's degrees conferred by postsecondary institutions, by field
of study: Selected years, 1970-71 through 2014-15
Table 318.30Bachelor's,
master's, and doctor's degrees conferred by postsecondary institutions, by sex of
student and discipline division: 2014-15
Table 318.40. Degrees/certificates
conferred by postsecondary institutions, by control of institution and level of
degree/certificate: 1970-71 through 2014-15
Table 318.45.WEB-ONLY Table —Number and percentage distribution
of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) degrees/certificates
conferred by postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity, level of degree/certificate,
and sex of student: 2008-09 through 2014-15
Table 318.50Degrees conferred
by postsecondary institutions, by control of institution, level of degree, and field
of study: 2014-15
Table 318.60Number of postsecondary
institutions conferring degrees, by control of institution, level of degree, and
field of study: 2014-15
Table 320.10Certificates
below the associate's degree level conferred by postsecondary institutions, by length
of curriculum, sex of student, institution level and control, and discipline division:
Table 320.12. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Certificates below the associate's degree level conferred by public
less-than-2-year postsecondary institutions, by length of curriculum, sex of student,
and discipline division: 2014-15
Table 320.20. Certificates
below the associate’s degree level conferred by postsecondary institutions,
by race/ethnicity and sex of student: 1998-99 through 2014-15
Table 321.10. Associate’s
degrees conferred by postsecondary institutions, by sex of student and discipline
division: 2004-05 through 2014-15
Table 321.12. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Certificates below the associate's degree level and associate's
degrees conferred by public 2-year postsecondary institutions, by length of curriculum,
sex of student, and discipline division: 2014-15
Table 321.20. Associate’s
degrees conferred by postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity and sex of student:
Selected years, 1976-77 through 2014-15
Table 321.30. Associate’s
degrees conferred by postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity and field of
study: 2013-14 and 2014-15
Table 321.40. Associate’s
degrees conferred to males by postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity and
field of study: 2013-14 and 2014-15
Table 321.50. Associate’s
degrees conferred to females by postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity and
field of study: 2013-14 and 2014-15
Table 322.10. Bachelor’s
degrees conferred by postsecondary institutions, by field of study: Selected years,
1970-71 through 2014-15
Table 322.20. Bachelor’s
degrees conferred by postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity and sex of student:
Selected years, 1976-77 through 2014-15
Table 322.30. Bachelor’s
degrees conferred by postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity and field of
study: 2013-14 and 2014-15
Table 322.40. Bachelor’s
degrees conferred to males by postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity and
field of study: 2013-14 and 2014-15
Table 322.50. Bachelor’s
degrees conferred to females by postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity and
field of study: 2013-14 and 2014-15
Table 324.10. Doctor’s
degrees conferred by postsecondary institutions, by field of study: Selected years,
1970-71 through 2014-15
Table 324.20. Doctor’s
degrees conferred by postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity and sex of student:
Selected years, 1976-77 through 2014-15
Table 324.25. Doctor’s
degrees conferred by postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity and field of
study: 2013-14 and 2014-15
Table 324.30. Doctor’s
degrees conferred to males by postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity and
field of study: 2013-14 and 2014-15
Table 324.35. Doctor’s
degrees conferred to females by postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity and
field of study: 2013-14 and 2014-15
Table 324.40. Number of
postsecondary institutions conferring doctor's degrees in dentistry, medicine, and
law, and number of such degrees conferred, by sex of student: Selected years, 1949-50
through 2014-15
Table 324.50. Degrees conferred
by postsecondary institutions in selected professional fields, by sex of student,
control of institution, and field of study: Selected years, 1985-86 through 2014-15
Table 324.55. Degrees conferred
by postsecondary institutions in selected professional fields, by race/ethnicity
and field of study: 2013-14 and 2014-15
Table 324.60. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Degrees conferred to males by postsecondary institutions in selected
professional fields, by race/ethnicity and field of study: 2013-14 and 2014-15
Table 324.70. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Degrees conferred to females by postsecondary institutions in selected
professional fields, by race/ethnicity and field of study: 2013-14 and 2014-15
Table 324.80. Statistical
profile of persons receiving doctor's degrees, by field of study and selected characteristics:
2013-14 and 2014-15
Table 324.90. Doctor's degrees
conferred by the 60 institutions conferring the most doctor's degrees, by rank order:
2005-06 through 2014-15
Table 325.10WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Degrees in agriculture and natural resources conferred by postsecondary
institutions, by level of degree and sex of student: 1970-71 through 2014-15
Table 325.15WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Degrees in architecture and related services conferred by postsecondary
institutions, by level of degree and sex of student: Selected years, 1949-50 through
Table 325.20WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Degrees in the biological and biomedical sciences conferred by
postsecondary institutions, by level of degree and sex of student: Selected years,
1951-52 through 2014-15
Table 325.22WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Degrees in biology, microbiology, and zoology conferred by postsecondary
institutions, by level of degree: 1970-71 through 2014-15
Table 325.25WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Degrees in business conferred by postsecondary institutions, by
level of degree and sex of student: Selected years, 1955-56 through 2014-15
Table 325.30WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Degrees in communication, journalism, and related programs and
in communications technologies conferred by postsecondary institutions, by level
of degree and sex of student: 1970-71 through 2014-15
Table 325.35Degrees in computer
and information sciences conferred by postsecondary institutions, by level of degree
and sex of student: 1970-71 through 2014-15
Table 325.40WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Degrees in education conferred by postsecondary institutions, by
level of degree and sex of student: Selected years, 1949-50 through 2014-15
Table 325.45Degrees in engineering
and engineering technologies conferred by postsecondary institutions, by level of
degree and sex of student: Selected years, 1949-50 through 2014-15
Table 325.47WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Degrees in chemical, civil, electrical, and mechanical engineering
conferred by postsecondary institutions, by level of degree:1970-71 through 2014-15
Table 325.50WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Degrees in English language and literature/letters conferred by
postsecondary institutions, by level of degree and sex of student: Selected years,
1949-50 through 2014-15
Table 325.55WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Degrees in foreign languages and literatures conferred by postsecondary
institutions, by level of degree and sex of student: Selected years, 1959-60 through
Table 325.57WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Degrees in French, German, Italian, and Spanish language and literature
conferred by postsecondary institutions, by level of degree: Selected years, 1949-50
through 2014-15
Table 325.59WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Degrees in Arabic, Chinese, Korean, and Russian language and literature
conferred by postsecondary institutions, by level of degree: 1969-70 through 2014-15
Table 325.60WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Degrees in the health professions and related programs conferred
by postsecondary institutions, by level of degree and sex of student: 1970-71 through
Table 325.65WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Degrees in mathematics and statistics conferred by postsecondary
institutions, by level of degree and sex of student: Selected years, 1949-50 through
Table 325.70WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Degrees in the physical sciences and science technologies conferred
by postsecondary institutions, by level of degree and sex of student: Selected years,
1959-60 through 2014-15
Table 325.72WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Degrees in chemistry, geology and earth science, and physics conferred
by postsecondary institutions, by level of degree: 1970-71 through 2014-15
Table 325.80WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Degrees in psychology conferred by postsecondary institutions,
by level of degree and sex of student: Selected years, 1949-50 through 2014-15
Table 325.85WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Degrees in public administration and social services conferred
by postsecondary institutions, by level of degree and sex of student: 1970-71 through
Table 325.90WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Degrees in the social sciences and history conferred by postsecondary
institutions, by level of degree and sex of student: 1970-71 through 2014-15
Table 325.92WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Degrees in economics, history, political science and government,
and sociology conferred by postsecondary institutions, by level of degree: Selected
years, 1949-50 through 2014-15
Table 325.95WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Degrees in visual and performing arts conferred by postsecondary
institutions, by level of degree and sex of student: 1970-71 through 2014-15
Table 326.10. Graduation rate from first institution attended for first-time,
full-time bachelor’s degree-seeking students at 4-year postsecondary institutions,
by race/ethnicity, time to completion, sex, control of institution, and acceptance
rate: Selected cohort entry years, 1996 through 2009
Table 326.20. Graduation rate from first institution attended within 150 percent
of normal time for first-time, full-time degree/certificate-seeking students at
2-year postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity, sex, and control of institution:
Selected cohort entry years, 2000 through 2012
Table 326.30. Retention
of first-time degree-seeking undergraduates at degree-granting postsecondary institutions,
by attendance status, level and control of institution, and percentage of applications
accepted: Selected years, 2006 to 2015
Table 326.40. Percentage
distribution of first-time postsecondary students starting at 2- and 4-year institutions
during the 2003-04 academic year, by highest degree attained, enrollment status,
and selected characteristics: Spring 2009
Table 326.50Number and percentage
distribution of first-time postsecondary students starting at 2- and 4-year institutions
during the 2011-12 academic year, by attainment and enrollment status and selected
characteristics: Spring 2014
Table 329.10. On-campus
crimes, arrests, and referrals for disciplinary action at degree-granting postsecondary
institutions, by location of incident, control and level of institution, and type
of incident: 2001 through 2014
Table 329.20. On-campus crimes, arrests, and referrals for disciplinary action
per 10,000 full-time-equivalent (FTE) students at degree-granting postsecondary
institutions, by whether institution has residence halls, control and level of institution,
and type of incident: 2001 through 2014
Table 329.30. On-campus
hate crimes at degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by level and control
of institution, type of crime, and category of bias motivating the crime: 2009 through
Table 330.10. Average undergraduate
tuition and fees and room and board rates charged for full-time students in degree-granting
postsecondary institutions, by level and control of institution: 1963-64 through
Table 330.20. Average undergraduate
tuition and fees and room and board rates charged for full-time students in degree-granting
postsecondary institutions, by control and level of institution and state or jurisdiction:
2014-15 and 2015-16
Table 330.30Average undergraduate
tuition, fees, room, and board rates for full-time students in degree-granting postsecondary
institutions, by percentile of charges and control and level of institution: Selected
years, 2000-01 through 2015-16
Table 330.40. Average total cost of attendance for first-time, full-time undergraduate
students in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by control and level of
institution, living arrangement, and component of student costs: Selected years,
2009-10 through 2015-16
Table 330.41. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Average total cost of attendance
for first-time, full-time undergraduate students in public degree-granting postsecondary
institutions, by level of institution, living arrangement, component of student
costs, and state: 2014-15
Table 330.50Average graduate
tuition and required fees in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by control
of institution and percentile of charges: 1989-90 through 2015-16
Table 331.10. Percentage
of undergraduates receiving financial aid, by type and source of aid and selected
student characteristics: 2011-12
Table 331.20. Full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate
students enrolled in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by participation
and average amount awarded in financial aid programs, and control and level of institution:
2000-01 through 2014-15
Table 331.30. Average amount
of grant and scholarship aid and average net price for first-time, full-time students
receiving Title IV aid, by control and level of institution and income level: Selected
years, 2009-10 through 2014-15
Table 331.35. Percentage
of full-time, full-year undergraduates receiving financial aid, and average annual
amount received, by source of aid and selected student characteristics: Selected
years, 1999-2000 through 2011-12
Table 331.37. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Percentage of part-time or part-year undergraduates receiving financial
aid, and average annual amount received, by source of aid and selected student characteristics:
Selected years, 1999-2000 through 2011-12
Table 331.40. Average amount
of financial aid awarded to full-time, full-year undergraduates, by type and source
of aid and selected student characteristics: 2011-12
Table 331.45. Average amount
of financial aid awarded to part-time or part-year undergraduates, by type and source
of aid and selected student characteristics: 2011-12
Table 331.50. Amount borrowed,
aid status, and sources of aid for full-time and part-time undergraduates, by control
and level of institution: 2007-08 and 2011-12
Table 331.60. Percentage
of full-time, full-year undergraduates receiving financial aid, by type and source
of aid and control and level of institution: Selected years, 1992-93 through 2011-12
Table 331.70. Average amount
of financial aid awarded to full-time, full-year undergraduates, by type and source
of aid and control and level of institution: Selected years, 1992-93 through 2011-12
Table 331.80. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Percentage of part-time or part-year undergraduates receiving financial
aid, by type and source of aid and control and level of institution: Selected years,
1992-93 through 2011-12
Table 331.90. Percentage
of full-time and part-time undergraduates receiving federal aid, by aid program
and control and level of institution: 2007-08 and 2011-12
Table 331.95. Percentage of undergraduate students ages 18 to 24 in their 4th
(senior) year or above who ever received federal loans, nonfederal loans, or Parent
Loans for Undergraduate Students (PLUS), and average cumulative amount borrowed,
by selected student characteristics and control and level of institution: 1989-90,
1999-2000, and 2011-12
Table 332.10. Amount borrowed,
aid status, and sources of aid for full-time, full-year postbaccalaureate students,
by level of study and control and level of institution: Selected years, 1992-93
through 2011-12
Table 332.20. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Amount borrowed, aid status, and sources of aid for part-time or
part-year postbaccalaureate students, by level of study and control and level of
institution: Selected years, 1992-93 through 2011-12
Table 332.30. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Percentage of full-time, full-year postbaccalaureate students receiving
financial aid, by type of aid, level of study, and control and level of institution:
Selected years, 1992-93 through 2011-12
Table 332.40. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Percentage of part-time or part-year postbaccalaureate students
receiving financial aid, by type of aid, level of study, and control and level of
institution: Selected years, 1992-93 through 2011-12
Table 332.50Number of postsecondary students who entered the student loan repayment
phase, number of students who defaulted within a 3-year period, and 3-year student
loan cohort default rate, by level and control of institution: Fiscal years 2010
through 2013
Table 333.10Revenues of
public degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by source of revenue and level
of institution: Selected years, 2007-08 through 2014-15
Table 333.20Revenues of
public degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by source of revenue and state
or jurisdiction: 2014-15
Table 333.25WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Revenues of public degree-granting postsecondary institutions,
by source of revenue and state or jurisdiction: 2013-14
Table 333.30Appropriations
from state and local governments for public degree-granting postsecondary institutions,
by state or jurisdiction: Selected years, 1990-91 through 2014-15
Table 333.40Total revenue
of private nonprofit degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by source of funds
and level of institution: Selected years, 1999-2000 through 2014-15
Table 333.50Total revenue
of private nonprofit degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by source of funds
and classification of institution: 2014-15
Table 333.55Total revenue
of private for-profit degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by source of funds
and level of institution: Selected years, 1999-2000 through 2014-15
Table 333.60WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Total revenue of private for-profit degree-granting postsecondary
institutions, by source of funds and classification of institution: 2014-15
Table 333.70. Revenue received
from the federal government by the 120 degree-granting postsecondary institutions
receiving the largest amounts, by control and rank order: 2014-15
Table 333.80Voluntary support
for degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by source and purpose of support:
Selected years, 1949-50 through 2014-15
Table 333.90. Endowment
funds of the 120 degree-granting postsecondary institutions with the largest endowments,
by rank order: Fiscal year 2015
Table 334.10Expenditures
of public degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by purpose of expenditure
and level of institution: Selected years, 2007-08 through 2014-15
Table 334.20Expenditures
of public degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by level of institution, purpose
of expenditure, and state or jurisdiction: 2011-12 through 2014-15
Table 334.30Total expenditures
of private nonprofit degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by purpose and
level of institution: Selected years, 1999-2000 through 2014-15
Table 334.40Total expenditures
of private nonprofit degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by purpose and
classification of institution: 2014-15
Table 334.50Total expenditures
of private for-profit degree-granting postsecondary institutions by purpose and
level of institution: Selected years, 1999-2000 through 2014-15
Table 334.60WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Total expenditures of private for-profit degree-granting postsecondary
institutions, by purpose and classification of institution: 2014-15
Table 334.70Total expenditures
of private nonprofit and for-profit degree-granting postsecondary institutions,
by state or jurisdiction: Selected years, 1999-2000 through 2014-15
Table 401.10. Federal support
and estimated federal tax expenditures for education, by category: Selected fiscal
years, 1965 through 2016
Table 401.20. Federal on-budget
funds for education, by agency: Selected fiscal years, 1970 through 2015
Table 401.30. Federal on-budget
funds for education, by level/educational purpose, agency, and program: Selected
fiscal years, 1970 through 2016
Table 401.60. U.S. Department
of Education appropriations for major programs, by state or jurisdiction: Fiscal
year 2015
Table 401.70Appropriations
for Title I and selected other programs under the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001,
by program and state or jurisdiction: Fiscal years 2015 and 2016
Table 402.10. Federal obligations
for research, development, and R&D plant, by category of obligation, performer,
and field of science and engineering: Fiscal years 2008 through 2016
Table 501.10. Labor force
participation, employment, and unemployment of persons 25 to 64 years old, by sex,
race/ethnicity, age group, and educational attainment: 2013, 2014, and 2015
Table 501.20. Labor force
participation, employment, and unemployment of persons 16 to 24 years old who are
not enrolled in school, by age group, sex, race/ethnicity, and educational attainment:
2013, 2014, and 2015
Table 501.30. Number and
percentage of persons 16 to 24 years old who were neither enrolled in school nor
working, by educational attainment, age group, sex, family poverty status, and race/ethnicity:
2006, 2011, and 2016
Table 501.35.WEB-ONLY
Table —Labor force status of persons 25 to 64 years old, by disability
status, highest level of educational attainment, age, sex, and race/ethnicity: 2015
Table 501.40. Percentage
distribution of 25- to 34-year-olds with various levels of educational attainment,
by labor force status, sex, race/ethnicity, and U.S. nativity and citizenship status:
Table 501.50. Employment
to population ratios of persons 16 to 64 years old, by age group and highest level
of educational attainment: Selected years, 1975 through 2016
Table 501.60. Employment
to population ratios of males 16 to 64 years old, by age group and highest level
of educational attainment: Selected years, 1975 through 2016
Table 501.70. Employment
to population ratios of females 16 to 64 years old, by age group and highest level
of educational attainment: Selected years, 1975 through 2016
Table 501.80. Unemployment
rates of persons 16 to 64 years old, by age group and highest level of educational
attainment: Selected years, 1975 through 2016
Table 501.85. Unemployment
rates of males 16 to 64 years old, by age group and highest level of educational
attainment: Selected years, 1975 through 2016
Table 501.90. Unemployment
rates of females 16 to 64 years old, by age group and highest level of educational
attainment: Selected years, 1975 through 2016
Table 502.10. Occupation
of employed persons 25 years old and over, by highest level of educational attainment
and sex: 2015 and 2016
Table 502.20. Median annual
earnings, number, and percentage of full-time year-round workers 25 years old and
over, by highest level of educational attainment and sex: 1990 through 2015
Table 502.30. Median annual
earnings of full-time year-round workers 25 to 34 years old and full-time year-round
workers as a percentage of the labor force, by sex, race/ethnicity, and educational
attainment: Selected years, 1995 through 2015
Table 502.40. Annual earnings
of persons 25 years old and over, by highest level of educational attainment and
sex: 2015
Table 503.10. Percentage
of high school students age 16 and over who were employed, by age group, sex, race/ethnicity,
family income, nativity, and hours worked per week: Selected years, 1970 through
Table 503.20. Percentage
of college students 16 to 24 years old who were employed, by attendance status,
hours worked per week, and control and level of institution: Selected years, October
1970 through 2015
Table 503.30. Percentage
of college students 16 to 24 years old who were employed, by attendance status,
hours worked per week, and selected characteristics: October 2013 through 2015
Table 503.40. Percentage
of 16- to 64-year-old undergraduate students who were employed, by attendance status,
hours worked per week, and selected characteristics: 2005, 2010, and 2015
Table 504.10. Labor force
status of 2013, 2014, and 2015 high school completers, by college enrollment status,
sex, and race/ethnicity: October 2013, 2014, and 2015
Table 504.20. Labor force
status of recent high school dropouts, by sex and race/ethnicity: Selected years,
October 1980 through 2015
Table 504.30. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Among special education students out of high school up to 8 years,
percentage attending and completing postsecondary education, living independently,
and working competitively, by type of disability: 2007 and 2009
Table 505.10Number, percentage distribution, unemployment rates, and median
earnings of 25- to 29-year-old bachelor's degree holders and percentage of degree
holders among all 25- to 29-year-olds, by field of study and science, technology,
engineering, or mathematics (STEM) status of field: 2010 and 2015
Table 505.15. Number, percentage
distribution, and median annual earnings of 25- to 34-year-olds with a bachelor's
or higher degree, by sex, race/ethnicity, and selected employment and occupational
characteristics: 2015
Table 505.20. Unemployment
rate of 25- to 34-year-olds with a bachelor's or higher degree, by undergraduate
field of study, sex, race/ethnicity, and U.S. nativity and citizenship status: 2015
Table 505.30. Among employed 25- to 34-year-olds with a bachelor's degree in
a science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) field, percentage with
STEM and non-STEM occupations, by sex, race/ethnicity, and U.S. nativity and citizenship
status: 2015
Table 505.40. Percentage
distribution of recipients of bachelor's degrees in various fields of study 1 year
after graduation, by time to completion, enrollment and employment status, and occupation:
2001 and 2009
Table 505.50. Percentage,
selected employment characteristics, and annual salaries of bachelor's degree recipients
employed full time 1 year after graduation, by field of study: 1991, 2001, and 2009
Table 506.10. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Percentage of 1972 high school seniors, 1992 high school seniors,
and 2004 high school seniors who felt that certain life values were very important,
by sex: Selected years, 1972 through 2004
Table 507.10. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Literacy skills of adults, by type of literacy, proficiency levels,
and selected characteristics: 1992 and 2003
Table 507.15. Average literacy
and numeracy scale scores and percentage distribution of 25- to 65-year-olds, by
proficiency level and selected characteristics: 2012/2014
Table 507.16. Percentage of 25- to 65-year-olds who were not assessed in the
problem solving in technology-rich environments domain and average scale score and
percentage distribution of those who were assessed, by proficiency level and selected
characteristics: 2012/2014
Table 507.20. Participants
in state-administered adult basic education, secondary education, and English as
a second language programs, by type of program and state or jurisdiction: Selected
fiscal years, 2000 through 2015
Table 507.30. Participation
of employed persons, 17 years old and over, in career-related adult education during
the previous 12 months, by selected characteristics of participants: 1995, 1999,
and 2005
Table 507.40. Participation
rate of persons, 17 years old and over, in adult education during the previous 12
months, by selected characteristics of participants: Selected years, 1991 through
Table 601.10. Population,
school enrollment, and number of teachers, by major areas of the world and level
of education: Selected years, 1980 through 2014
Table 601.20. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Selected population and enrollment statistics for countries with
populations of at least 10 million in 2014, by continent and country: Selected years,
1990 through 2014
Table 601.30. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—School-age populations as a percentage of total population, by
age group and country: Selected years, 1985 through 2013
Table 601.35. Percentage
of 3- and 4-year-olds and 5- to 14-year-olds enrolled in school, by country: 2000
through 2014
Table 601.40. Percentage
of 15- to 29-year-olds enrolled in school, by selected levels of education, age,
and country: 2014
Table 601.50. Pupil/teacher
ratios in public and private elementary and secondary schools, by level of education
and country: Selected years, 2000 through 2014
Table 601.60. Teachers'
statutory teaching and total working time and average class size in public elementary
and secondary schools, by level of education and country: 2014
Table 602.10. Average reading literacy scale scores of fourth-graders and percentage
whose schools emphasize reading skills and strategies at or before second grade
or at third grade, by sex and country or other education system: 2001, 2006, and
Table 602.20Average fourth-grade
scores and annual instructional time in mathematics and science, by country or other
education system: 2015
Table 602.30Average eighth-grade
scores and annual instructional time in mathematics and science, by country or other
education system: 2015
Table 602.32aAverage mathematics score and percentage of eighth-graders, by
access to the Internet at home, access to a computer or Table t at home or other
place outside of school, frequency of computer or Table t use for schoolwork outside
of school, and country or other education system: 2015
Table 602.32bAverage mathematics
score and percentage of eighth-graders, by mathematics teachers' reports of student
access to computers and frequency of computer use during mathematics lessons and
country or other education system: 2015
Table 602.33aAverage science score and percentage of eighth-graders, by access
to the Internet at home, access to a computer or Table t at home or other place
outside of school, frequency of computer or Table t use for schoolwork outside of
school, and country or other education system: 2015
Table 602.33bAverage science
score and percentage of eighth-graders, by science teachers' reports of student
access to computers and frequency of computer use during science lessons and country
or other education system: 2015
Table 602.35Average advanced mathematics and physics scores of high school seniors
who had taken advanced courses in these subjects, seniors who had taken such courses
as a percentage of their age cohort, and instructional time in such courses, by
country: 2015
Table 602.40. Average reading
literacy, mathematics literacy, and science literacy scores of 15-year-old students,
by sex and country or other education system: 2009, 2012, and 2015
Table 602.45Average reading
literacy, mathematics literacy, and science literacy scores of 15-year-old students,
by computer and internet access at home and country or other education system: 2015
Table 602.50Average reading
literacy scores of 15-year-old students and percentage attaining reading literacy
proficiency levels, by country or other education system: 2015
Table 602.60Average mathematics
literacy scores of 15-year-old students and percentage attaining mathematics literacy
proficiency levels, by country or other education system: 2015
Table 602.70Average science
literacy scores of 15-year-old students and percentage attaining science literacy
proficiency levels, by country or other education system: 2015
Table 602.84Percentage distribution
of fourth- and eighth-graders, by frequency with which they reported being bullied
during the school year and country or other education system: 2015
Table 602.85Percentage distribution
of fourth- and eighth-graders, by extent to which their teachers rated the school
as safe and orderly and country or other education system: 2015
Table 602.86Percentage distribution
of fourth- and eighth-graders, by severity of school discipline problems reported
by their principal and country or other education system: 2015
Table 603.10Percentage of
the population 25 to 64 years old who completed high school, by age group and country:
Selected years, 2001 through 2015
Table 603.20Percentage of
the population 25 to 64 years old who attained any postsecondary degree, by age
group and country: Selected years, 2001 through 2015
Table 603.30Percentage of
the population 25 to 64 years old who attained a postsecondary degree, by highest
degree attained, age group, and country: 2015
Table 603.60. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Percentage of postsecondary degrees awarded to women, by field
of study and country: 2014
Table 603.70. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Percentage of degrees at the bachelor's level and above awarded
in mathematics, science, and engineering, by field of study, level of degree, and
country: 2014
Table 603.90. Employment
to population ratios of 25- to 64-year-olds, by sex, highest level of educational
attainment, and country: 2015
Table 604.10. Average literacy
and numeracy scale scores of 25- to 65-year-olds, by sex, age group, highest level
of educational attainment, and country or other education system: 2012
Table 604.20. Percentage
distribution of 25- to 65-year-olds, by literacy proficiency level, numeracy proficiency
level, selected levels of educational attainment, and country or other education
system: 2012
Table 604.30. Employment
rates and mean monthly earnings of 25- to 65-year-olds, by literacy proficiency
level, numeracy proficiency level, and country or other education system: 2012
Table 604.40Percentage distribution
of 16- to 19-year-olds, by frequency of using computers or the Internet to perform
selected activities in everyday life and country or subnational region: 2012, 2014,
and 2015
Table 604.50Percentage of 16- to 19-year-olds who were not assessed in the problem
solving in technology-rich environments domain and percentage distribution of those
who were assessed, by proficiency level, selected U.S. and international respondent
characteristics, and country or subnational region: 2012, 2014, and 2015
Table 605.10Gross domestic
product per capita and public and private education expenditures per full-time-equivalent
(FTE) student, by level of education and country: Selected years, 2005 through 2013
Table 605.20Public and private
direct expenditures on education institutions as a percentage of gross domestic
product, by level of education and country: Selected years, 2005 through 2013
Table 701.10. Selected statistics
on public school libraries/media centers, by level of school: Selected years, 1999-2000
through 2011-12
Table 701.20. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Selected statistics on public school libraries/media centers, by
level and enrollment size of school: 2011-12
Table 701.30. WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Selected statistics on public school libraries/media centers, by
state: 2011-12
Table 701.40. Collections,
staff, and operating expenditures of degree-granting postsecondary institution libraries:
Selected years, 1981-82 through 2014-15
Table 701.50. Collections,
staff, operating expenditures, public service hours, and reference services of the
60 largest college and university libraries: Fiscal year 2012
Table 701.60. Number of
public libraries, number of books and serial volumes, and per capita usage of selected
library services per year, by state: Fiscal years 2013 and 2014
Table 702.10Percentage of
children ages 3 to 18 living in households with a computer, by type of computer
and selected child and family characteristics: Selected years, 2010 through 2015
Table 702.15. Percentage
of children ages 3 to 18 who use the Internet from home, by selected child and family
characteristics: Selected years, 2010 through 2015
Table 702.20. Percentage
of children ages 3 to 18 who use the Internet and, among those who use the Internet,
percentage using it in various locations, by selected child and family characteristics:
2011 and 2015
Table 702.30. Percentage
of persons age 3 and over who use the Internet anywhere and who use the Internet
at selected locations, by selected characteristics: 2011 and 2015
Table 702.35WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Percentage of home internet users age 3 and over and ages 3 to
18, by means of internet access from home and selected characteristics: 2010 and
Table 702.40WEB-ONLY TABLE—Percentage of persons age 3 and over
and ages 3 to 18 with no internet access at home and percentage distribution of
those with no home access, by main reason for not having access and selected characteristics:
2010 and 2015
Table 702.60WEB-ONLY
TABLE—Number and percentage of households with computer and internet
access, by state: 2015