Digest of Education Statistics
2016 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 313.10. Fall enrollment, degrees conferred, and expenditures in degree-granting historically Black colleges and universities, by institution: 2014, 2015, and 2014-15
Institution State Level and con- trol1 Total enroll- ment, fall 20142 Enrollment, fall 2015 Full-time-equivalent enrollment, fall 2015 Degrees conferred,
Total expen- ditures, 2014-15 (in thousands of current dollars)4
Total Black enroll- ment Asso- ciate’s Bache- lor’s Mas- ter’s Doc-tor’s3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Total 294,316 293,388 228,263 253,211 4,627 33,413 7,427 2,490 $7,609,653
Alabama A&M University5 AL 1 5,333 5,628 5,192 5,219 426 202 6 152,235
Alabama State University AL 1 5,519 5,383 4,914 4,943 529 136 41 143,365
Bishop State Community College AL 2 3,320 3,111 1,965 2,105 245 33,358
Concordia College, Alabama AL 3 546 487 452 465 30 21 11,817
Gadsden State Community College AL 2 5,289 5,018 942 3,396 634 47,987
H. Councill Trenholm State Technical
AL 2 1,338 1,401 853 973 201 18,966
J. F. Drake State Community and Technical
AL 2 1,062 996 511 656 78 14,170
Lawson State Community College,
      Birmingham Campus
AL 2 3,090 3,172 2,575 2,232 239 37,160
Miles College AL 3 1,782 1,873 1,813 1,831 220 28,788
Oakwood University AL 3 1,939 1,749 1,534 1,684 6 335 6 52,220
Selma University AL 3 558 333 317 285 2 21 9 2,991
Shelton State Community College AL 2 4,978 4,834 1,754 3,086 417 44,231
Stillman College AL 3 1,056 895 817 834 122 23,028
Talladega College AL 3 879 989 909 902 90 16,239
Tuskegee University5  AL 3 3,103 2,996 2,896 2,924 432 86 64 154,067
Arkansas Baptist College AR 3 899 990 939 907 103 40 19,334
Philander Smith College AR 3 567 584 529 563 111 17,485
Shorter College AR 4 403 236 232 221 20 2,818
University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff5  AR 1 2,513 2,658 2,426 2,474 0 359 18 0 74,398
Delaware State University5 DE 1 4,397 4,288 2,963 4,055 533 109 6 124,236
Howard University DC 3 10,265 10,002 8,545 9,404 1,343 310 528 842,148
University of the District of Columbia5 DC 1 4,803 4,805 3,341 3,217 276 335 116 139,524
Bethune-Cookman University FL 3 4,044 3,831 3,405 3,693 509 27 84,914
Edward Waters College FL 3 929 2,254 1,516 1,428 125 22,262
Florida A&M University5 FL 1 10,241 9,928 8,485 9,059 67 1,507 231 353 292,864
Florida Memorial University FL 3 1,528 1,467 1,175 1,392 209 27 36,061
Albany State University GA 1 3,910 3,492 3,155 3,033 543 174 68,056
Clark Atlanta University GA 3 3,485 3,661 3,434 3,430 448 223 21 85,845
Fort Valley State University5  GA 1 2,594 2,696 2,542 2,366 464 90 74,049
Interdenominational Theological Center GA 3 306 256 249 171 75 6 7,798
Morehouse College GA 3 2,109 2,167 2,084 2,107 319 83,223
Morehouse School of Medicine GA 3 398 452 340 445 38 66 141,968
Paine College GA 3 848 555 501 526 101 20,337
Savannah State University GA 1 4,915 4,800 3,963 4,419 6 492 71 97,423
Spelman College GA 3 2,135 2,144 2,052 2,111 462 93,738
Kentucky State University5  KY 1 1,895 1,586 900 1,348 62 270 52 68,536
Simmons College of Kentucky2  KY 3 261 216 212 154 9 4 2,263
Dillard University LA 3 1,200 1,185 1,142 1,153 192 45,588
Grambling State University LA 1 4,504 4,541 4,177 3,980 8 592 244 5 89,134
Southern University and A&M College5  LA 1 6,330 6,401 5,875 5,708 652 281 26 137,567
Southern University at New Orleans LA 1 2,103 2,792 2,607 2,244 30 306 163 45,095
Southern University at Shreveport LA 2 2,952 3,174 2,788 2,342 260 34,042
Xavier University of Louisiana LA 3 2,976 2,969 2,093 2,866 358 43 163 100,438
Bowie State University MD 1 5,695 5,430 4,536 4,555 801 304 8 98,876
Coppin State University MD 1 3,133 3,108 2,561 2,521 416 75 0 76,481
Morgan State University MD 1 7,698 7,725 6,181 7,037 931 234 58 204,917
University of Maryland, Eastern Shore5  MD 1 4,279 4,465 3,054 4,044 577 46 99 116,260
Alcorn State University5  MS 1 3,639 3,518 3,212 3,047 34 347 119 81,974
Coahoma Community College MS 2 2,045 2,148 2,026 1,762 273 31,476
Hinds Community College, Utica Campus MS 2 711 678 652 646 83
Jackson State University MS 1 9,508 9,802 8,772 8,397 989 424 80 196,999
Mississippi Valley State University MS 1 2,222 2,309 2,213 2,035 323 107 53,525
Rust College MS 3 963 856 828 819 9 139 17,303
Tougaloo College MS 3 900 872 858 842 1 144 25,152
Harris-Stowe State University MO 1 1,280 1,390 1,200 1,179 134 27,606
Lincoln University5 MO 1 3,117 2,944 1,265 2,394 71 287 35 51,799
Bennett College NC 3 633 583 540 534 77 18,171
Elizabeth City State University NC 1 1,867 1,585 1,260 1,476 422 17 64,491
Fayetteville State University NC 1 5,899 6,104 4,037 5,061 911 169 8 112,820
Johnson C. Smith University NC 3 1,402 1,438 1,264 1,406 253 0 44,854
Livingstone College NC 3 1,301 1,262 1,239 1,255 0 149 32,519
North Carolina A&T State University5 NC 1 10,725 10,852 8,920 9,962 1,293 427 46 253,013
North Carolina Central University NC 1 7,687 8,011 6,276 7,099 1,065 367 177 185,154
Saint Augustine’s College NC 3 1,016 810 778 803 208 29,966
Shaw University NC 3 1,802 1,646 1,560 1,543 231 32 41,868
Winston-Salem State University NC 1 5,220 5,107 3,645 4,612 1,291 138 26 137,289
Central State University OH 1 1,751 1,804 1,731 1,711 287 4 50,746
Wilberforce University OH 3 387 646 579 625 138 7 16,295
Langston University5  OK 1 2,482 2,543 2,164 2,282 12 276 65 17 59,684
Cheyney University of Pennsylvania PA 1 1,022 711 623 664 140 9 41,561
Lincoln University PA 1 1,819 1,904 1,755 1,771 265 99 49,988
Allen University SC 3 660 625 620 610 77 16,164
Benedict College SC 3 2,444 2,465 2,436 2,447 354 54,757
Claflin University SC 3 1,866 1,925 1,757 1,888 330 19 44,326
Clinton College SC 3 194 161 160 154 22 2 3,338
Denmark Technical College SC 2 1,678 1,043 964 785 90 16,824
Morris College SC 3 780 774 761 765 126 19,855
South Carolina State University5  SC 1 3,331 3,054 2,747 2,717 486 101 30 100,458
Voorhees College SC 3 468 434 415 427 73 12,975
American Baptist College2  TN 3 157 157 152 128 4 21 3,008
Fisk University TN 3 772 855 794 827 88 7 29,112
Lane College TN 3 1,262 1,376 1,329 1,361 182 22,523
Le Moyne-Owen College TN 3 1,006 945 932 879 148 17,607
Meharry Medical College TN 3 802 829 666 829 45 146 121,383
Tennessee State University5  TN 1 9,027 9,167 5,857 7,713 116 872 408 54 179,815
Huston-Tillotson University TX 3 1,031 1,023 695 966 17 140 0 19,841
Jarvis Christian College TX 3 763 863 723 854 65 17,919
Paul Quinn College TX 3 273 424 339 411 27 9,675
Prairie View A&M University5  TX 1 8,429 8,315 7,025 7,422 1,159 412 25 212,815
Saint Philip’s College TX 2 10,514 11,198 1,102 4,781 931 75,008
Southwestern Christian College TX 3 164 150 99 141 30 3 5,346
Texas College TX 3 813 853 750 818 33 87 12,507
Texas Southern University TX 1 9,233 8,965 6,860 8,086 927 341 281 200,935
Wiley College TX 3 1,351 1,172 976 1,131 0 186 22,117
Hampton University VA 3 4,393 4,269 3,873 3,938 0 667 149 105 159,801
Norfolk State University VA 1 6,027 5,107 4,399 4,512 15 992 189 10 149,953
Virginia State University5 VA 1 5,025 4,696 4,353 4,410 3 817 160 20 131,358
Virginia Union University VA 3 1,715 1,922 1,851 1,852 206 120 3 35,469
Virginia University of Lynchburg VA 3 324 402 394 338 45 26 5 12 4,473
Bluefield State College WV 1 1,563 1,486 136 1,326 87 170 22,750
West Virginia State University5 WV 1 2,884 3,166 459 2,404 433 11 48,133
University of the Virgin Islands5 VI 1 2,280 2,321 1,796 1,858 58 185 51 86,855
—Not available.
†Not applicable.
1 1 = 4-year public; 2 = 2-year public; 3 = 4-year private nonprofit; and 4 = 2-year private nonprofit.
2 Simmons College of Kentucky and American Baptist College in Tennessee were classified as historically Black colleges and universities in 2015, but not 2014. Therefore, the enrollment total for 2014 excludes these two institutions.
3 Includes Ph.D., Ed.D., and comparable degrees at the doctoral level, as well as such degrees as M.D., D.D.S., and law degrees that were formerly classified as first-professional degrees.
4 Includes private and some public institutions reporting total expenses and deductions under Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) reporting standards and public institutions reporting total expenses and deductions under Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) 34/35 reporting standards.
5 Land-grant institution.
NOTE: Degree-granting institutions grant associate’s or higher degrees and participate in Title IV federal financial aid programs. Excludes historically Black colleges and universities that are not participating in Title IV programs. Historically Black colleges and universities are degree-granting institutions established prior to 1964 with the principal mission of educating Black Americans. Federal regulations, 20 U.S. Code, Section 1061 (2), allow for certain exceptions to the founding date. Totals include persons of other racial/ethnic groups not separately identified. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), Fall 2015, Completions component; Spring 2015 and Spring 2016, Fall Enrollment component; and Spring 2016, Finance component. (This table was prepared November 2016.)

2016 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest