Digest of Education Statistics
2016 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 325.92. Degrees in economics, history, political science and government, and sociology conferred by postsecondary institutions, by level of degree: Selected years, 1949-50 through 2014-15
Year Economics History Political science and government Sociology
Bachelor's Master's Doctor's Bachelor's Master's Doctor's Bachelor's Master's Doctor's Bachelor's Master's Doctor's
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1949-50 14,568 921 200 13,542 1,801 275 6,336 710 127 7,870 552 98
1951-52 8,593 695 239 10,187 1,445 317 4,911 525 147 6,648 517 141
1953-54 6,719 609 245 9,363 1,220 355 5,314 534 153 5,692 440 184
1955-56 6,555 581 232 10,510 1,114 259 5,633 509 203 5,878 402 170
1957-58 7,457 669 239 12,840 1,397 297 6,116 665 170 6,568 397 150
1959-60 7,453 708 237 14,737 1,794 342 6,596 722 201 7,147 440 161
1961-62 8,366 853 268 17,340 2,163 343 8,326 839 214 8,120 578 173
1963-64 10,583 1,104 385 23,668 2,705 507 12,126 1,163 263 10,943 646 198
1965-66 11,555 1,522 458 28,612 3,883 599 15,242 1,429 336 15,038 981 244
1967-68 15,193 1,916 600 35,291 4,845 688 20,387 1,937 457 21,710 1,193 367
1969-70 17,197 1,988 794 43,386 5,049 1,038 25,713 2,105 525 30,436 1,813 534
1970-71 15,758 1,995 721 44,663 5,157 991 27,482 2,318 700 33,263 1,808 574
1971-72 15,231 2,224 794 43,695 5,217 1,133 28,135 2,451 758 35,216 1,944 636
1972-73 14,770 2,225 845 40,943 5,030 1,140 30,100 2,398 747 35,436 1,923 583
1973-74 14,285 2,141 788 37,049 4,533 1,114 30,744 2,448 766 35,491 2,196 632
1974-75 14,046 2,127 815 31,470 4,226 1,117 29,126 2,333 680 31,488 2,112 693
1975-76 14,741 2,087 763 28,400 3,658 1,014 28,302 2,191 723 27,634 2,009 729
1976-77 15,296 2,158 758 25,433 3,393 921 26,411 2,222 641 24,713 1,830 714
1977-78 15,661 1,995 706 23,004 3,033 813 26,069 2,069 636 22,750 1,611 599
1978-79 16,409 1,955 712 21,019 2,536 756 25,628 2,037 563 20,285 1,415 612
1979-80 17,863 1,821 677 19,301 2,367 712 25,457 1,938 535 18,881 1,341 583
1980-81 18,753 1,911 727 18,301 2,237 643 24,977 1,875 484 17,272 1,240 610
1981-82 19,876 1,964 677 17,146 2,210 636 25,658 1,954 513 16,042 1,145 558
1982-83 20,517 1,972 734 16,467 2,041 575 25,791 1,829 435 14,105 1,112 522
1983-84 20,719 1,891 729 16,643 1,940 561 25,719 1,769 457 13,145 1,008 520
1984-85 20,711 1,992 749 16,049 1,921 468 25,834 1,500 441 11,968 1,022 480
1985-86 21,602 1,937 789 16,415 1,961 497 26,439 1,704 439 12,271 965 504
1986-87 22,378 1,855 750 16,997 2,021 534 26,817 1,618 435 12,239 950 451
1987-88 22,911 1,847 770 18,207 2,093 517 27,207 1,579 391 13,024 984 452
1988-89 23,454 1,886 827 20,159 2,121 487 30,450 1,598 452 14,435 1,135 451
1989-90 23,923 1,950 806 22,476 2,369 570 33,560 1,580 480 16,035 1,198 432
1990-91 23,488 1,951 802 24,541 2,591 606 35,737 1,772 468 17,550 1,260 465
1991-92 23,423 2,106 866 26,966 2,754 644 37,805 1,908 535 19,568 1,347 501
1992-93 21,321 2,292 879 27,774 2,952 690 37,931 1,943 529 20,896 1,521 536
1993-94 19,496 2,521 869 27,503 3,009 752 36,097 2,147 616 22,368 1,639 530
1994-95 17,673 2,400 910 26,598 3,091 816 33,013 2,019 637 22,886 1,748 546
1995-96 16,674 2,533 916 26,005 2,898 805 30,775 2,024 634 24,071 1,772 527
1996-97 16,539 2,433 968 25,214 2,901 873 28,969 1,909 686 24,672 1,731 591
1997-98 17,074 2,435 928 25,726 2,895 937 28,044 1,957 705 24,806 1,737 596
1998-99 17,577 2,332 819 24,742 2,618 931 27,476 1,667 694 24,979 1,940 521
1999-2000 18,441 2,168 851 25,247 2,573 984 27,635 1,627 693 25,598 1,996 595
2000-01 19,437 2,139 851 25,090 2,365 931 27,792 1,596 688 25,268 1,845 546
2001-02 20,927 2,330 826 26,001 2,420 924 29,354 1,641 625 25,202 1,928 534
2002-03 23,007 2,582 836 27,757 2,521 861 33,205 1,664 671 26,095 1,897 591
2003-04 24,069 2,824 849 29,808 2,522 855 35,581 1,869 618 26,939 2,009 558
2004-05 24,217 3,092 973 31,398 2,893 819 38,107 1,983 636 28,473 1,499 527
2005-06 23,807 2,941 930 33,153 2,992 852 39,409 2,054 649 28,467 1,547 562
2006-07 23,916 2,962 941 34,446 3,144 807 39,899 2,102 614 28,960 1,545 569
2007-08 25,278 3,187 1,025 34,441 3,403 860 40,259 2,156 639 28,815 1,560 585
2008-09 26,301 3,233 1,015 34,713 3,543 918 39,202 2,171 709 28,735 1,580 628
2009-10 27,623 3,358 983 35,191 3,858 888 39,462 2,252 745 28,650 1,428 603
2010-11 28,517 3,731 1,018 35,008 4,003 908 40,133 2,488 722 29,281 1,559 656
2011-12 27,994 3,890 1,130 35,122 4,155 969 39,792 2,510 746 30,136 1,696 626
2012-13 28,449 3,872 1,076 34,188 4,083 1,003 38,466 2,332 821 30,531 1,603 615
2013-14 29,999 4,115 1,059 31,122 3,955 1,040 37,360 2,294 792 30,070 1,611 674
2014-15 32,681 3,993 1,128 28,038 3,703 986 35,440 2,082 844 28,980 1,447 722
Percent change                        
2004-05 to 2009-10 14.1 8.6 1.0 12.1 33.4 8.4 3.6 13.6 17.1 0.6 -4.7 14.4
2009-10 to 2014-15 18.3 18.9 14.8 -20.3 -4.0 11.0 -10.2 -7.5 13.3 1.2 1.3 19.7
NOTE: Data are for postsecondary institutions participating in Title IV federal financial aid programs. Some data have been revised from previously published figures.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Earned Degrees Conferred, 1949-50 through 1963-64; Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS), "Degrees and Other Formal Awards Conferred" surveys, 1965-66 through 1985-86; Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Completions Survey" (IPEDS-C:87-99); and IPEDS Fall 2000 through Fall 2015, Completions component. (This table was prepared January 2017.)

2016 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest