Digest of Education Statistics
2016 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 318.50. Degrees conferred by postsecondary institutions, by control of institution, level of degree, and field of study: 2014-15
Field of study All institutions Public institutions Private nonprofit institutions Private for-profit institutions
Asso- ciate's degrees Bachelor's degrees Master's degrees Doctor's de-grees1 Asso- ciate's degrees Bachelor's degrees Master's degrees Doctor's de-grees1 Asso- ciate's degrees Bache- lor's degrees Master's degrees Doctor's de-grees1 Asso- ciate's degrees Bache- lor's degrees Master's degrees Doctor's de- grees1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
All fields, total 1,013,971 1,894,934 758,708 178,547 821,874 1,209,438 351,119 90,252 58,622 553,534 336,182 80,092 133,475 131,962 71,407 8,203
Agriculture and natural resources 7,693 36,277 6,426 1,561 7,270 30,121 5,062 1,452 411 5,321 1,240 109 12 835 124 0
Architecture and related services 491 9,090 8,006 272 471 6,366 4,729 190 20 2,649 3,176 82 0 75 101 0
Area, ethnic, cultural, gender, and group studies 382 7,782 1,847 312 367 5,073 1,059 188 15 2,709 788 124 0 0 0 0
Biological and biomedical sciences 4,882 109,896 14,650 8,053 4,755 75,259 8,409 5,370 127 34,478 6,241 2,683 0 159 0 0
Business 132,363 363,799 185,222 3,116 91,396 209,370 67,463 1,084 12,605 111,065 89,234 751 28,362 43,364 28,525 1,281
Communication, journalism, and related programs 6,034 90,650 9,581 644 5,732 64,549 3,966 508 118 25,077 5,277 136 184 1,024 338 0
Communications technologies 4,628 5,135 554 0 3,235 1,599 51 0 132 1,471 317 0 1,261 2,065 186 0
Computer and information sciences 36,401 59,581 31,474 1,998 22,381 33,830 17,055 1,341 1,742 14,818 11,964 561 12,278 10,933 2,455 96
Construction trades 4,643 247 0 0 3,731 247 0 0 163 0 0 0 749 0 0 0
Education 17,175 91,623 146,561 11,772 14,596 62,949 71,793 6,128 679 24,753 63,612 4,064 1,900 3,921 11,156 1,580
Engineering 4,875 97,858 46,115 10,239 4,727 76,566 30,982 7,487 29 21,156 15,005 2,752 119 136 128 0
Engineering technologies and engineering-
      related fields2
31,958 16,611 5,324 123 22,860 12,474 2,989 80 1,168 1,782 1,934 43 7,930 2,355 401 0
English language and literature/letters 2,324 45,847 8,928 1,418 2,073 31,151 5,377 1,113 15 13,778 3,417 305 236 918 134 0
Family and consumer sciences/human sciences 8,752 24,584 3,148 335 8,111 19,803 1,938 263 353 4,313 903 49 288 468 307 23
Foreign languages, literatures, and linguistics 2,102 19,493 3,566 1,243 2,082 14,054 2,554 860 20 5,400 1,012 383 0 39 0 0
Health professions and related programs 199,991 216,228 102,897 71,003 128,515 118,627 42,720 35,461 19,980 68,046 44,954 33,843 51,496 29,555 15,223 1,699
Homeland security, law enforcement, and
43,039 62,723 9,643 193 31,071 36,039 3,808 136 2,720 14,512 3,300 9 9,248 12,172 2,535 48
Legal professions and studies 9,095 4,420 7,924 40,329 5,860 2,197 2,085 14,094 842 1,520 5,664 24,455 2,393 703 175 1,780
Liberal arts and sciences, general studies,
      and humanities
367,626 43,647 2,794 96 355,956 30,295 1,267 44 9,743 13,002 1,467 35 1,927 350 60 17
Library science 170 99 5,259 44 170 68 4,386 39 0 0 873 5 0 31 0 0
Mathematics and statistics 2,697 21,853 7,589 1,801 2,686 14,885 5,054 1,338 11 6,963 2,535 463 0 5 0 0
Mechanic and repair technologies/technicians 19,983 380 0 0 13,463 208 0 0 2,456 168 0 0 4,064 4 0 0
Military technologies and applied sciences 1,229 276 71 0 1,192 59 31 0 2 173 40 0 35 44 0 0
Multi/interdisciplinary studies 29,139 47,556 8,098 840 26,575 31,652 4,176 537 569 11,280 3,356 303 1,995 4,624 566 0
Parks, recreation, leisure, and fitness studies 4,669 49,006 7,639 311 3,250 36,610 5,160 276 320 11,746 2,280 35 1,099 650 199 0
Philosophy and religious studies 697 11,072 1,912 762 177 4,938 617 275 520 6,084 1,294 485 0 50 1 2
Physical sciences and science technologies 7,568 30,038 7,100 5,823 7,505 21,423 5,395 4,271 60 8,613 1,705 1,552 3 2 0 0
Precision production 4,382 48 4 0 3,898 0 0 0 150 48 4 0 334 0 0 0
Psychology 8,739 117,557 26,773 6,583 8,067 79,667 8,906 2,581 401 34,851 14,268 2,583 271 3,039 3,599 1,419
Public administration and social services 8,437 34,363 46,083 1,123 6,248 21,858 25,627 586 473 9,599 18,222 301 1,716 2,906 2,234 236
Social sciences and history 17,885 166,944 20,533 4,828 17,734 114,649 10,900 3,249 103 50,966 8,810 1,572 48 1,329 823 7
Social sciences 16,602 138,906 16,830 3,842 16,511 95,678 8,492 2,609 84 42,255 7,911 1,226 7 973 427 7
History 1,283 28,038 3,703 986 1,223 18,971 2,408 640 19 8,711 899 346 41 356 396 0
Theology and religious vocations 1,133 9,708 14,271 1,927 4 4 0 0 1,121 9,474 14,041 1,916 8 230 230 11
Transportation and materials moving 1,801 4,711 960 5 1,316 2,521 100 1 429 2,166 855 4 56 24 5 0
Visual and performing arts 20,988 95,832 17,756 1,793 14,400 50,327 7,460 1,300 1,125 35,553 8,394 489 5,463 9,952 1,902 4
1 Includes Ph.D., Ed.D., and comparable degrees at the doctoral level, as well as such degrees as M.D., D.D.S., and law degrees that were formerly classified as first-professional degrees.
2 Excludes "Construction trades" and "Mechanic and repair technologies/technicians," which are listed separately.
NOTE: Data are for degree-granting postsecondary institutions, which are institutions that grant associate's or higher degrees and participate in Title IV federal financial aid programs. To facilitate trend comparisons, certain aggregations have been made of the degree fields as reported in the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): "Agriculture and natural resources" includes Agriculture, agriculture operations, and related sciences and Natural resources and conservation; and "Business" includes Business management, marketing, and related support services and Personal and culinary services.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), Fall 2015, Completions component. (This table was prepared February 2017.)

2016 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest