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Digest of Education Statistics
2016 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 326.30. Retention of first-time degree-seeking undergraduates at degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by attendance status, level and control of institution, and percentage of applications accepted: Selected years, 2006 to 2015
Attendance status, level, control, and percent of applications accepted First-time degree-seekers (adjusted entry cohort),1  by entry year Students from adjusted cohort returning in the following year Percent of first-time undergraduates retained
2006 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2007 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2006 to 2007 2009 to 2010 2010 to 2011 2011 to 2012 2012 to 2013 2013 to 2014 2014 to 2015
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Full-time students                                          
All institutions 2,171,714 2,371,220 2,340,415 2,271,908 2,222,696 2,221,384 2,211,526 1,542,175 1,705,242 1,678,241 1,631,396 1,620,901 1,642,199 1,647,614 71.0 71.9 71.7 71.8 72.9 73.9 74.5
Public institutions 1,524,044 1,732,822 1,698,150 1,666,828 1,637,518 1,646,239 1,639,859 1,072,644 1,222,688 1,192,140 1,170,856 1,168,782 1,192,882 1,200,015 70.4 70.6 70.2 70.2 71.4 72.5 73.2
Nonprofit institutions 466,139 478,755 487,746 484,388 483,373 483,621 489,977 369,084 381,364 389,124 386,563 388,107 392,197 397,060 79.2 79.7 79.8 79.8 80.3 81.1 81.0
For-profit institutions 181,531 159,643 154,519 120,692 101,805 91,524 81,690 100,447 101,190 96,977 73,977 64,012 57,120 50,539 55.3 63.4 62.8 61.3 62.9 62.4 61.9
4-year institutions 1,458,731 1,452,575 1,460,795 1,472,189 1,466,129 1,482,853 1,501,612 1,115,529 1,146,534 1,151,786 1,159,681 1,166,522 1,193,644 1,213,066 76.5 78.9 78.8 78.8 79.6 80.5 80.8
Public institutions 912,401 936,840 940,660 957,744 957,709 977,381 994,997 711,490 745,703 746,121 758,616 765,686 789,743 807,605 78.0 79.6 79.3 79.2 79.9 80.8 81.2
Open admissions 62,724 45,458 43,031 41,111 34,897 34,566 31,477 38,839 28,675 26,485 24,978 21,128 21,413 19,618 61.9 63.1 61.5 60.8 60.5 61.9 62.3
90 percent or more accepted 68,835 63,453 74,553 50,200 47,775 55,149 60,565 49,274 46,280 53,975 35,197 33,969 40,118 43,811 71.6 72.9 72.4 70.1 71.1 72.7 72.3
75.0 to 89.9 percent accepted 244,177 212,573 205,403 230,328 226,673 261,407 277,839 185,457 163,639 158,677 176,676 174,316 203,267 218,446 76.0 77.0 77.3 76.7 76.9 77.8 78.6
50.0 to 74.9 percent accepted 417,093 462,554 469,026 451,184 469,245 461,424 454,703 336,199 376,021 379,353 363,305 381,576 381,505 375,128 80.6 81.3 80.9 80.5 81.3 82.7 82.5
25.0 to 49.9 percent accepted 103,118 131,241 131,782 169,908 164,067 147,849 150,216 88,908 112,209 112,006 145,215 141,671 127,595 132,228 86.2 85.5 85.0 85.5 86.3 86.3 88.0
Less than 25.0 percent accepted 7,716 14,326 13,996 9,468 8,843 15,315 14,947 7,048 13,649 13,302 9,013 8,357 14,651 14,336 91.3 95.3 95.0 95.2 94.5 95.7 95.9
Information not available 8,738 7,235 2,869 5,545 6,209 1,671 5,250 5,765 5,230 2,323 4,232 4,669 1,194 4,038 66.0 72.3 81.0 76.3 75.2 71.5 76.9
Nonprofit institutions 457,566 470,795 476,794 473,690 475,635 476,441 476,966 363,760 376,668 382,427 380,126 383,552 387,721 389,146 79.5 80.0 80.2 80.2 80.6 81.4 81.6
Open admissions 26,679 22,613 22,853 21,972 22,497 12,549 11,941 16,116 14,349 14,304 13,835 14,349 7,653 7,548 60.4 63.5 62.6 63.0 63.8 61.0 63.2
90 percent or more accepted 13,684 15,135 14,102 13,537 12,348 22,841 22,483 9,549 10,953 9,859 9,292 8,516 16,881 16,357 69.8 72.4 69.9 68.6 69.0 73.9 72.8
75.0 to 89.9 percent accepted 102,218 80,301 83,326 80,566 79,804 86,040 93,890 78,495 62,196 64,730 62,725 62,184 68,481 74,179 76.8 77.5 77.7 77.9 77.9 79.6 79.0
50.0 to 74.9 percent accepted 190,079 218,072 222,880 218,224 219,709 207,435 200,353 148,781 170,232 175,151 170,519 173,059 162,951 158,609 78.3 78.1 78.6 78.1 78.8 78.6 79.2
25.0 to 49.9 percent accepted 93,560 98,312 92,723 93,743 95,584 98,202 94,962 81,880 84,941 79,654 80,260 81,655 85,506 82,607 87.5 86.4 85.9 85.6 85.4 87.1 87.0
Less than 25.0 percent accepted 26,696 32,980 38,511 44,290 44,735 45,222 48,076 25,639 31,790 37,056 42,698 43,208 43,522 46,054 96.0 96.4 96.2 96.4 96.6 96.2 95.8
Information not available 4,650 3,382 2,399 1,358 958 4,152 5,261 3,300 2,207 1,673 797 581 2,727 3,792 71.0 65.3 69.7 58.7 60.6 65.7 72.1
For-profit institutions 88,764 44,940 43,341 40,755 32,785 29,031 29,649 40,279 24,163 23,238 20,939 17,284 16,180 16,315 45.4 53.8 53.6 51.4 52.7 55.7 55.0
Open admissions 45,273 16,826 16,783 20,710 16,799 19,206 21,732 18,735 9,260 9,034 10,769 8,325 10,053 11,110 41.4 55.0 53.8 52.0 49.6 52.3 51.1
90 percent or more accepted 6,285 3,722 2,475 5,380 3,337 700 578 3,454 1,311 1,460 2,511 1,650 504 300 55.0 35.2 59.0 46.7 49.4 72.0 51.9
75.0 to 89.9 percent accepted 3,703 3,224 2,536 2,857 1,880 2,920 5,254 2,081 1,549 1,369 1,352 1,224 1,865 3,450 56.2 48.0 54.0 47.3 65.1 63.9 65.7
50.0 to 74.9 percent accepted 12,845 12,061 10,122 4,849 6,268 3,690 1,502 6,536 6,839 5,443 2,691 3,613 2,472 1,002 50.9 56.7 53.8 55.5 57.6 67.0 66.7
25.0 to 49.9 percent accepted 18,142 6,098 7,214 6,687 2,908 419 474 8,036 3,423 3,942 3,451 1,554 293 362 44.3 56.1 54.6 51.6 53.4 69.9 76.4
Less than 25.0 percent accepted 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 66.7
Information not available 2,516 3,006 4,211 272 1,593 2,096 109 1,437 1,779 1,990 165 918 993 91 57.1 59.2 47.3 60.7 57.6 47.4 83.5
2-year institutions 712,983 918,645 879,620 799,719 756,567 738,531 709,914 426,646 558,708 526,455 471,715 454,379 448,555 434,548 59.8 60.8 59.9 59.0 60.1 60.7 61.2
Public institutions 611,643 795,982 757,490 709,084 679,809 668,858 644,862 361,154 476,985 446,019 412,240 403,096 403,139 392,410 59.0 59.9 58.9 58.1 59.3 60.3 60.9
Nonprofit institutions 8,573 7,960 10,952 10,698 7,738 7,180 13,011 5,324 4,696 6,697 6,437 4,555 4,476 7,914 62.1 59.0 61.1 60.2 58.9 62.3 60.8
For-profit institutions 92,767 114,703 111,178 79,937 69,020 62,493 52,041 60,168 77,027 73,739 53,038 46,728 40,940 34,224 64.9 67.2 66.3 66.3 67.7 65.5 65.8
Part-time students                                          
All institutions 463,234 545,635 548,178 532,017 515,589 490,022 470,929 191,586 229,566 228,329 224,401 222,328 213,497 205,340 41.4 42.1 41.7 42.2 43.1 43.6 43.6
Public institutions 419,006 497,453 500,615 494,294 482,851 461,845 445,644 171,746 209,164 210,466 209,013 209,042 202,505 195,108 41.0 42.0 42.0 42.3 43.3 43.8 43.8
Nonprofit institutions 14,585 10,359 9,805 9,788 9,858 9,341 8,946 7,018 4,892 4,325 4,395 3,971 3,884 3,707 48.1 47.2 44.1 44.9 40.3 41.6 41.4
For-profit institutions 29,643 37,823 37,758 27,935 22,880 18,836 16,339 12,822 15,510 13,538 10,993 9,315 7,108 6,525 43.3 41.0 35.9 39.4 40.7 37.7 39.9
4-year institutions 82,367 72,046 69,397 57,810 53,711 49,367 46,654 38,257 32,344 29,023 25,142 23,665 22,328 21,839 46.4 44.9 41.8 43.5 44.1 45.2 46.8
Public institutions 48,353 33,327 29,934 28,281 27,479 26,540 25,820 23,631 16,944 15,354 14,044 13,790 13,921 13,912 48.9 50.8 51.3 49.7 50.2 52.5 53.9
Open admissions 20,223 8,356 6,303 5,971 5,515 5,243 4,605 8,298 3,586 2,616 2,249 1,978 2,093 1,791 41.0 42.9 41.5 37.7 35.9 39.9 38.9
90 percent or more accepted 3,745 4,004 4,974 2,294 2,223 2,098 1,958 1,909 1,959 2,796 1,008 1,005 1,061 880 51.0 48.9 56.2 43.9 45.2 50.6 44.9
75.0 to 89.9 percent accepted 8,969 6,493 5,650 6,003 5,226 7,386 6,622 4,196 3,268 2,856 3,109 2,595 3,946 3,581 46.8 50.3 50.5 51.8 49.7 53.4 54.1
50.0 to 74.9 percent accepted 11,599 11,254 10,650 10,785 10,671 9,154 9,935 6,766 6,053 5,690 5,798 5,840 5,149 5,958 58.3 53.8 53.4 53.8 54.7 56.2 60.0
25.0 to 49.9 percent accepted 3,373 3,046 2,262 2,947 2,854 2,553 2,469 2,223 1,982 1,330 1,739 1,774 1,617 1,553 65.9 65.1 58.8 59.0 62.2 63.3 62.9
Less than 25.0 percent accepted 65 44 43 41 49 51 58 50 35 35 27 38 33 49 76.9 79.5 81.4 65.9 77.6 64.7 84.5
Information not available 379 130 52 240 941 55 173 189 61 31 114 560 22 100 49.9 46.9 59.6 47.5 59.5 40.0 57.8
Nonprofit institutions 12,828 9,599 9,046 8,833 9,118 8,502 8,154 6,045 4,491 3,951 3,881 3,603 3,449 3,348 47.1 46.8 43.7 43.9 39.5 40.6 41.1
Open admissions 5,446 3,821 3,896 4,226 4,433 2,434 1,511 2,579 1,693 1,575 1,634 1,400 848 512 47.4 44.3 40.4 38.7 31.6 34.8 33.9
90 percent or more accepted 523 393 474 843 915 1,159 498 237 199 175 358 377 468 207 45.3 50.6 36.9 42.5 41.2 40.4 41.6
75.0 to 89.9 percent accepted 2,459 1,164 975 1,278 1,174 1,332 1,901 1,047 550 462 683 520 622 810 42.6 47.3 47.4 53.4 44.3 46.7 42.6
50.0 to 74.9 percent accepted 3,131 3,256 2,924 1,869 1,786 1,516 2,229 1,406 1,531 1,330 844 847 702 926 44.9 47.0 45.5 45.2 47.4 46.3 41.5
25.0 to 49.9 percent accepted 853 715 647 466 582 606 805 452 366 319 240 276 305 390 53.0 51.2 49.3 51.5 47.4 50.3 48.4
Less than 25.0 percent accepted 112 93 84 116 126 115 136 86 78 67 104 106 101 123 76.8 83.9 79.8 89.7 84.1 87.8 90.4
Information not available 304 157 46 35 102 1,340 1,074 238 74 23 18 77 403 380 78.3 47.1 50.0 51.4 75.5 30.1 35.4
For-profit institutions 21,186 29,120 30,417 20,696 17,114 14,325 12,680 8,581 10,909 9,718 7,217 6,272 4,958 4,579 40.5 37.5 31.9 34.9 36.6 34.6 36.1
Open admissions 10,515 10,926 13,567 10,634 9,561 10,395 10,089 4,105 4,299 4,875 4,253 3,909 3,751 3,863 39.0 39.3 35.9 40.0 40.9 36.1 38.3
90 percent or more accepted 2,212 1,372 2,159 2,234 360 121 123 639 375 504 637 137 59 30 28.9 27.3 23.3 28.5 38.1 48.8 24.4
75.0 to 89.9 percent accepted 2,838 3,151 2,407 4,145 854 1,232 1,794 1,342 1,093 527 1,106 250 353 492 47.3 34.7 21.9 26.7 29.3 28.7 27.4
50.0 to 74.9 percent accepted 2,774 4,591 6,237 524 1,820 2,471 586 1,134 2,249 1,996 220 596 755 158 40.9 49.0 32.0 42.0 32.7 30.6 27.0
25.0 to 49.9 percent accepted 2,033 1,099 1,826 2,932 2,537 73 9 627 342 583 936 727 25 2 30.8 31.1 31.9 31.9 28.7 34.2 22.2
Less than 25.0 percent accepted 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Information not available 814 7,981 4,221 227 1,982 33 79 734 2,551 1,233 65 653 15 34 90.2 32.0 29.2 28.6 32.9 45.5 43.0
2-year institutions 380,867 473,589 478,781 474,207 461,878 440,655 424,275 153,329 197,222 199,306 199,259 198,663 191,169 183,501 40.3 41.6 41.6 42.0 43.0 43.4 43.3
Public institutions 370,653 464,126 470,681 466,013 455,372 435,305 419,824 148,115 192,220 195,112 194,969 195,252 188,584 181,196 40.0 41.4 41.5 41.8 42.9 43.3 43.2
Nonprofit institutions 1,757 760 759 955 740 839 792 973 401 374 514 368 435 359 55.4 52.8 49.3 53.8 49.7 51.8 45.3
For-profit institutions 8,457 8,703 7,341 7,239 5,766 4,511 3,659 4,241 4,601 3,820 3,776 3,043 2,150 1,946 50.1 52.9 52.0 52.2 52.8 47.7 53.2
†Not applicable.  
1 Adjusted student counts exclude students who died or were totally and permanently disabled, served in the armed forces (including those called to active duty), served with a foreign aid service of the federal government (e.g., Peace Corps), or served on official church missions. For 4-year institutions, the adjusted cohort is based on first-time bachelor’s degree-seeking students.  
NOTE: Returning students data for 2-year institutions include returning students, plus students who completed their program.  
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), Spring 2008 through Spring 2016, Fall Enrollment component; and IPEDS Fall 2006 through Fall 2014, Institutional Characteristics component. (This table was prepared October 2016.)  

2016 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest