Digest of Education Statistics
2016 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 302.40. Number of high schools with 12th-graders and percentage of high school graduates attending 4-year colleges, by selected high school characteristics: Selected years, 1998-99 through 2011-12
[Standard errors appear in parentheses]
Selected high school characteristic Number of high schools with 12th-graders Graduation rate of 12th-graders in 2010-111 Percent of graduates attending 4-year colleges
1998-99 2002-03 2006-07 2010-11 1998-99 graduates attending
in 1999-2000
2002-03 graduates attending in 2003-04 2006-07 graduates attending in 2007-08 2010-11 graduates attending
in 2011-12
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Public high schools 20,000 (230) 22,500 (400) 24,100 (540) 23,300 (330) 88.7 (0.90) 35.4 (0.43) 35.0 (0.61) 39.5 (0.91) 39.4 (0.59)
Percent of students who are
     Black, Hispanic, Asian,
     Pacific Islander, American
     Indian/Alaska Native, or
     two or more races
Less than 5 percent 6,400 (170) 6,100 (220) 5,200 (270) 3,600 (140) 94.7 (1.19) 41.3 (0.67) 42.6 (0.96) 46.8 (1.54) 43.9 (1.40)
5 to 19 percent 4,800 (180) 5,200 (270) 5,400 (320) 5,700 (310) 92.4 (2.55) 36.6 (0.88) 38.0 (1.77) 48.4 (2.06) 44.9 (1.02)
20 to 49 percent 4,000 (170) 4,700 (180) 6,200 (440) 5,900 (270) 91.2 (1.14) 32.5 (0.92) 34.1 (1.27) 35.0 (1.89) 39.6 (1.31)
50 percent or more 4,800 (150) 6,500 (280) 7,300 (430) 8,100 (320) 81.7 (1.58) 28.7 (0.89) 25.8 (1.43) 30.8 (2.00) 33.0 (1.17)
Percent of students approved
     for free or reduced-price
School does not participate 2,400 (130) 2,400 (230) 2,800 (320) 1,900 (250) 72.8 (7.11) 30.0 (1.75) 23.2 (2.26) 25.4 (4.12) 27.6 (5.24)
0 to 25 percent 8,600 (180) 6,800 (230) 6,700 (360) 5,100 (220) 93.3 (1.02) 42.6 (0.67) 46.9 (0.78) 52.1 (1.63) 50.7 (1.42)
26 to 50 percent 4,800 (160) 6,700 (220) 7,300 (350) 6,800 (230) 92.8 (0.91) 33.4 (0.81) 36.7 (1.08) 41.5 (1.44) 42.5 (1.00)
51 to 75 percent 2,300 (140) 4,000 (270) 4,100 (290) 5,100 (260) 90.3 (1.06) 29.1 (1.57) 27.3 (1.58) 33.2 (1.91) 35.8 (1.35)
76 to 100 percent 2,000 (100) 2,600 (260) 3,300 (360) 4,300 (230) 82.3 (1.93) 22.2 (1.35) 20.7 (2.79) 26.0 (2.93) 29.1 (1.66)
School locale                                    
City (†) 4,500 (240) 4,800 (300) 5,100 (220) 81.3 (3.11) (†) 32.5 (1.61) 36.1 (2.73) 38.6 (1.53)
Suburb (†) 4,800 (200) 5,400 (360) 4,800 (160) 86.1 (1.50) (†) 40.3 (1.11) 41.2 (2.35) 42.2 (1.42)
Town (†) 3,700 (200) 3,900 (310) 3,300 (260) 89.9 (2.21) (†) 31.1 (1.65) 35.2 (2.28) 35.3 (1.76)
Rural (†) 9,500 (390) 10,000 (460) 10,100 (260) 93.4 (0.67) (†) 35.2 (1.28) 41.9 (1.47) 39.8 (0.88)
Private high schools 7,600 (240) 8,200 (260) 8,900 (280) 8,900 (310) 92.4 (1.34) 55.6 (1.74) 56.2 (1.77) 66.5 (1.57) 64.3 (2.10)
Percent of students who are
     Black, Hispanic, Asian,
     Pacific Islander, American
     Indian/Alaska Native, or
     two or more races
Less than 5 percent 2,700 (150) 2,500 (180) 2,100 (160) 1,600 (190) 96.1 (1.72) 53.3 (2.85) 54.4 (3.31) 68.2 (3.81) 58.0 (6.31)
5 to 19 percent 2,500 (130) 2,900 (170) 3,500 (200) 3,100 (230) 95.1 (1.90) 63.6 (2.37) 64.2 (2.71) 70.3 (2.24) 67.9 (3.40)
20 to 49 percent 1,400 (100) 1,700 (140) 2,000 (190) 2,200 (200) 90.4 (2.33) 55.3 (3.29) 56.7 (3.70) 58.7 (3.39) 69.4 (3.89)
50 percent or more 1,000 (110) 1,100 (140) 1,400 (130) 1,900 (190) 87.1 (3.49) 41.6 (5.34) 38.3 (4.52) 65.3 (3.37) 57.6 (5.18)
Percent of students approved
     for free or reduced-price
School does not participate 6,700 (230) 7,100 (250) 7,300 (280) 7,400 (280) 93.3 (1.27) 57.0 (1.74) 56.2 (2.00) 68.3 (1.77) 66.5 (2.29)
0 to 25 percent 700 (70) 600 (80) 700 (100) 600 (80) 96.8 (2.45) 53.8 (5.69) 66.2 (4.35) 73.2 (4.64) 74.6 (5.23)
26 to 100 percent (†) 400 (80) 1,000 (130) 900 (140) 83.0 (5.65) (†) 38.9 (6.70) 46.7 (6.86) 37.8 (8.06)
School locale                                    
City (†) (†) 3,100 (170) (†) (†) (†) (†) 71.8 (2.62) (†)
Suburb (†) (†) 2,800 (180) (†) (†) (†) (†) 67.0 (2.99) (†)
Town (†) (†) 1,000 (150) (†) (†) (†) (†) 63.8 (5.02) (†)
Rural (†) (†) 2,000 (190) (†) (†) (†) (†) 58.9 (3.54) (†)
—Not available.
†Not applicable.
‡Reporting standards not met. Data may be suppressed because the response rate is under 50 percent, there are too few cases for a reliable estimate, or the coefficient of variation (CV) is 50 percent or greater.
1 The 12th-grade graduation rate is the number of students who graduated from grade 12 with a diploma during the 2010-11 school year divided by 12th-grade enrollment in October 2010.
NOTE: Data are based on a sample survey and may not be strictly comparable with data reported elsewhere. Includes all schools, including combined schools, with students enrolled in the 12th grade. Some data have been revised from previously published figures. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS), "Public School Teacher Data File" and "Private School Teacher Data File," 1999-2000, 2003-04, 2007-08, and 2011-12; and "Charter School Teacher Data File," 1999-2000. (This table was prepared April 2014.)

2016 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest