Digest of Education Statistics
2016 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 331.20. Full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by participation and average amount awarded in financial aid programs, and control and level of institution: 2000-01 through 2014-15
Control and level of institution, and year Number enrolled Number awarded financial aid Percent awarded aid Percent of enrolled students awarded aid Average award for students in aid programs1
Current dollars Constant 2015-16 dollars2
Federal grants State/ local grants Institu- tional grants Student loans3 Federal grants State/ local grants Institu- tional grants Student loans3 Federal grants State/ local grants Institu- tional grants Student loans3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
All institutions                              
2000-01 1,976,600 1,390,527 70.3 31.6 31.2 31.1 40.1 $2,486 $2,039 $4,740 $3,764 $3,384 $2,775 $6,450 $5,123
2001-02 2,050,016 1,481,592 72.3 33.3 32.5 31.5 40.7 2,739 2,057 4,918 3,970 3,663 2,751 6,576 5,309
2002-03 2,135,613 1,553,024 72.7 34.1 30.9 31.5 41.4 2,947 2,189 5,267 4,331 3,856 2,864 6,892 5,666
2003-04 2,178,517 1,610,967 73.9 34.6 31.2 31.9 43.1 2,934 2,226 5,648 4,193 3,756 2,850 7,232 5,369
2004-05 2,260,590 1,689,910 74.8 35.2 31.3 31.7 44.0 2,939 2,343 5,958 4,463 3,653 2,913 7,406 5,547
2005-06 2,309,543 1,731,315 75.0 33.7 30.8 32.7 44.6 2,959 2,441 6,213 4,831 3,543 2,923 7,440 5,785
2006-07 2,427,043 1,766,257 72.8 32.1 30.0 32.2 43.5 3,125 2,526 6,593 5,014 3,648 2,948 7,695 5,853
2007-08 2,532,955 1,914,567 75.6 35.4 30.6 33.6 45.6 3,376 2,580 6,791 6,009 3,800 2,904 7,644 6,763
2008-09 2,542,748 1,974,063 77.6 36.4 31.7 34.6 46.6 3,927 2,706 7,518 6,723 4,359 3,004 8,346 7,463
2009-10 2,855,241 2,323,706 81.4 46.2 28.6 33.3 51.2 4,693 2,771 7,693 7,019 5,160 3,047 8,457 7,716
2010-11 2,648,101 2,179,582 82.3 47.8 31.0 35.8 50.1 4,758 2,843 8,393 6,624 5,128 3,064 9,046 7,139
2011-12 2,571,120 2,140,556 83.3 47.6 30.8 37.9 51.2 4,424 2,912 8,767 6,641 4,632 3,050 9,180 6,953
2012-13 2,510,994 2,077,909 82.8 45.5 31.2 39.8 49.4 4,452 3,051 9,223 6,896 4,585 3,142 9,499 7,102
2013-14 2,504,847 2,076,901 82.9 45.3 32.2 41.3 47.4 4,531 3,102 9,606 7,012 4,595 3,146 9,742 7,110
2014-15 2,470,124 2,060,944 83.4 44.5 32.9 42.8 47.0 4,598 3,215 10,068 6,931 4,629 3,237 10,136 6,977
2000-01 1,333,236 872,109 65.4 30.0 33.5 22.7 30.7 2,408 1,707 2,275 3,050 3,277 2,323 3,095 4,151
2005-06 1,510,268 1,066,041 70.6 31.1 34.8 25.1 34.2 2,926 2,226 3,162 3,866 3,503 2,666 3,786 4,630
2009-10 1,804,745 1,383,660 76.7 41.1 35.6 26.3 38.6 4,698 2,555 3,903 5,682 5,165 2,809 4,290 6,247
2010-11 1,802,335 1,421,369 78.9 46.0 35.9 27.2 40.2 4,765 2,676 4,160 5,780 5,135 2,885 4,484 6,229
2011-12 1,766,428 1,418,651 80.3 46.8 35.7 29.6 42.5 4,400 2,772 4,439 5,909 4,607 2,903 4,648 6,187
2012-13 1,736,339 1,391,643 80.1 45.1 36.2 31.2 41.4 4,427 2,915 4,696 6,123 4,560 3,002 4,837 6,306
2013-14 1,751,924 1,409,393 80.4 44.9 37.3 32.4 39.9 4,517 2,962 4,951 6,206 4,580 3,003 5,021 6,294
2014-15 1,742,518 1,411,546 81.0 44.2 38.1 34.3 39.6 4,592 3,081 5,162 6,248 4,623 3,102 5,197 6,290
2000-01 804,793 573,430 71.3 26.6 36.5 29.6 40.7 2,569 2,068 2,616 3,212 3,496 2,814 3,560 4,371
2005-06 906,948 695,017 76.6 26.6 36.8 34.2 44.4 3,071 2,752 3,573 4,166 3,677 3,296 4,279 4,988
2009-10 1,021,273 833,194 81.6 34.4 37.4 38.9 50.1 4,966 3,302 4,345 6,065 5,460 3,630 4,776 6,668
2010-11 1,039,126 858,424 82.6 38.9 38.2 39.6 51.5 4,983 3,469 4,634 6,127 5,371 3,738 4,995 6,603
2011-12 1,059,837 878,933 82.9 39.1 37.1 42.1 52.6 4,472 3,531 4,895 6,326 4,682 3,698 5,126 6,624
2012-13 1,056,119 872,932 82.7 37.8 37.3 43.8 50.8 4,506 3,665 5,168 6,576 4,641 3,775 5,323 6,773
2013-14 1,076,346 892,158 82.9 38.0 37.4 45.3 49.6 4,596 3,725 5,437 6,652 4,660 3,778 5,513 6,746
2014-15 1,095,340 914,837 83.5 37.5 37.6 47.2 49.5 4,669 3,842 5,648 6,698 4,700 3,868 5,686 6,743
2000-01 528,443 298,679 56.5 35.2 28.8 12.1 15.3 2,222 1,009 1,004 2,396 3,024 1,374 1,366 3,260
2005-06 603,320 371,024 61.5 38.0 31.9 11.3 19.0 2,774 1,314 1,297 2,812 3,321 1,574 1,553 3,368
2009-10 783,472 550,466 70.3 49.7 33.3 9.9 23.7 4,455 1,461 1,647 4,629 4,898 1,606 1,810 5,089
2010-11 763,209 562,945 73.8 55.7 32.8 10.3 24.9 4,557 1,418 1,677 4,802 4,912 1,529 1,807 5,175
2011-12 706,591 539,718 76.4 58.2 33.4 10.9 27.5 4,327 1,508 1,789 4,711 4,530 1,579 1,874 4,932
2012-13 680,220 518,711 76.3 56.3 34.5 11.5 26.9 4,345 1,653 1,891 4,792 4,475 1,702 1,947 4,935
2013-14 675,578 517,235 76.6 56.0 37.2 11.8 24.4 4,431 1,736 1,977 4,763 4,494 1,761 2,005 4,830
2014-15 647,178 496,709 76.7 55.6 39.0 12.4 22.9 4,505 1,840 2,031 4,603 4,535 1,853 2,045 4,634
Private nonprofit                              
2000-01 439,369 363,044 82.6 28.4 31.8 68.1 57.7 2,879 2,998 7,368 4,019 3,918 4,080 10,026 5,470
2005-06 471,069 401,908 85.3 26.5 31.3 73.8 59.8 3,426 3,117 9,932 5,270 4,103 3,732 11,893 6,310
2009-10 501,227 445,500 88.9 33.1 27.8 78.4 63.0 5,059 3,642 13,642 7,445 5,562 4,004 14,998 8,185
2010-11 517,831 462,840 89.4 36.4 27.7 78.4 64.3 5,076 3,556 14,324 7,296 5,471 3,832 15,438 7,863
2011-12 512,754 457,227 89.2 34.9 27.0 79.4 63.3 4,656 3,538 15,067 7,480 4,875 3,704 15,776 7,832
2012-13 515,385 458,633 89.0 33.8 26.1 79.9 61.9 4,663 3,673 15,960 7,886 4,803 3,783 16,437 8,122
2013-14 513,574 458,513 89.3 33.7 26.1 81.1 61.1 4,733 3,762 16,830 8,064 4,800 3,815 17,067 8,178
2014-15 534,717 479,029 89.6 35.0 24.8 78.4 60.2 4,758 3,842 17,712 7,948 4,790 3,868 17,831 8,002
2000-01 419,499 347,638 82.9 27.4 32.2 70.1 58.1 2,930 3,001 7,458 4,000 3,988 4,085 10,149 5,443
2005-06 460,832 393,429 85.4 26.0 31.2 74.6 59.8 3,437 3,121 10,002 5,264 4,116 3,737 11,977 6,304
2009-10 491,140 436,485 88.9 32.4 27.8 79.2 63.1 5,092 3,656 13,737 7,471 5,598 4,020 15,103 8,214
2010-11 504,715 451,012 89.4 35.4 27.7 79.6 64.3 5,105 3,574 14,414 7,305 5,501 3,852 15,535 7,873
2011-12 499,901 445,144 89.0 33.9 27.0 80.6 63.2 4,683 3,554 15,178 7,493 4,904 3,721 15,893 7,845
2012-13 505,079 449,337 89.0 33.1 26.0 80.7 61.9 4,692 3,680 16,070 7,904 4,833 3,791 16,551 8,141
2013-14 504,584 450,215 89.2 33.1 26.1 81.6 61.0 4,753 3,764 16,964 8,069 4,820 3,817 17,203 8,183
2014-15 503,208 450,460 89.5 32.6 25.9 82.4 60.9 4,826 3,842 17,845 8,003 4,858 3,867 17,965 8,057
2000-01 19,870 15,406 77.5 49.2 23.9 25.7 49.5 2,269 2,892 2,168 4,509 3,088 3,936 2,950 6,136
2005-06 10,237 8,479 82.8 51.6 36.1 38.5 55.9 3,176 2,974 3,799 5,531 3,803 3,561 4,549 6,623
2009-10 10,087 9,015 89.4 66.9 29.1 41.5 58.6 4,294 3,000 4,798 6,078 4,721 3,298 5,274 6,682
2010-11 13,116 11,828 90.2 73.3 26.8 29.8 64.3 4,553 2,835 5,059 6,944 4,907 3,055 5,453 7,484
2011-12 12,853 12,083 94.0 76.3 24.3 31.8 65.5 4,180 2,830 4,075 7,014 4,377 2,963 4,267 7,344
2012-13 10,306 9,296 90.2 67.1 30.3 37.7 60.6 3,962 3,373 4,347 6,960 4,080 3,474 4,478 7,168
2013-14 8,990 8,298 92.3 70.6 27.3 49.5 65.5 4,216 3,618 4,346 7,818 4,275 3,669 4,408 7,928
2014-15 31,509 28,569 90.7 74.2 8.4 14.5 48.4 4,281 3,851 5,636 6,839 4,309 3,877 5,674 6,886
Private for-profit                              
2000-01 203,995 155,374 76.2 49.3 15.2 6.2 63.5 2,312 2,494 1,540 5,517 3,147 3,393 2,095 7,508
2005-06 328,206 263,366 80.2 55.6 11.4 8.8 70.4 2,725 2,796 1,423 6,454 3,263 3,347 1,704 7,728
2009-10 549,269 494,546 90.0 74.8 6.3 15.2 81.5 4,538 3,275 1,218 8,800 4,989 3,600 1,339 9,674
2010-11 327,935 295,373 90.1 75.7 9.0 15.5 82.0 4,494 3,028 1,884 8,064 4,843 3,264 2,031 8,691
2011-12 291,938 264,678 90.7 75.3 8.4 15.3 82.3 4,327 2,992 2,102 7,797 4,531 3,133 2,201 8,164
2012-13 259,270 227,633 87.8 71.9 7.8 18.2 77.3 4,360 3,159 2,343 8,095 4,490 3,253 2,413 8,338
2013-14 239,349 208,995 87.3 72.8 8.1 21.5 73.2 4,395 3,277 2,499 8,336 4,457 3,323 2,534 8,454
2014-15 192,889 170,369 88.3 73.1 8.7 20.6 76.6 4,420 3,558 3,192 7,907 4,450 3,582 3,213 7,960
2000-01 81,075 51,739 63.8 36.1 11.9 8.3 57.7 2,295 2,889 1,616 5,749 3,124 3,931 2,199 7,823
2005-06 157,705 116,237 73.7 46.8 8.9 10.9 67.2 2,490 2,945 1,641 7,046 2,982 3,526 1,965 8,437
2009-10 241,369 222,795 92.3 75.9 6.6 23.7 86.6 4,578 2,899 1,379 9,667 5,033 3,187 1,516 10,628
2010-11 112,706 102,000 90.5 73.6 11.3 23.6 82.9 4,733 2,950 2,805 8,561 5,101 3,179 3,023 9,227
2011-12 112,969 102,357 90.6 75.5 10.7 22.4 82.7 4,692 2,994 2,860 8,231 4,913 3,135 2,995 8,619
2012-13 100,555 89,424 88.9 73.5 9.7 26.9 79.1 4,663 2,941 3,028 8,300 4,802 3,029 3,118 8,548
2013-14 90,408 80,758 89.3 72.4 10.5 34.4 78.0 4,628 3,023 3,082 8,585 4,693 3,066 3,125 8,706
2014-15 81,791 73,040 89.3 71.9 9.8 30.9 75.7 4,677 3,262 4,137 8,237 4,708 3,284 4,165 8,293
2000-01 122,920 103,635 84.3 58.0 17.3 4.8 67.3 2,319 2,314 1,453 5,387 3,156 3,149 1,977 7,330
2005-06 170,501 147,129 86.3 63.6 13.7 6.8 73.4 2,885 2,706 1,098 5,951 3,454 3,240 1,315 7,126
2009-10 307,900 271,751 88.3 74.0 6.1 8.5 77.5 4,506 3,596 865 8,040 4,954 3,953 951 8,840
2010-11 215,229 193,373 89.8 76.8 7.8 11.3 81.5 4,374 3,088 875 7,799 4,714 3,328 943 8,406
2011-12 178,969 162,321 90.7 75.2 6.9 10.8 82.0 4,095 2,990 1,108 7,521 4,288 3,131 1,161 7,875
2012-13 158,715 138,209 87.1 70.9 6.6 12.6 76.2 4,160 3,361 1,417 7,961 4,285 3,461 1,460 8,199
2013-14 148,941 128,237 86.1 73.0 6.7 13.6 70.3 4,254 3,517 1,602 8,168 4,314 3,567 1,625 8,283
2014-15 111,098 97,329 87.6 73.9 7.9 13.1 77.2 4,236 3,829 1,555 7,669 4,265 3,855 1,566 7,721
1 Average amounts for students participating in indicated programs.
2 Constant dollars based on the Consumer Price Index, prepared by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, adjusted to an academic-year basis.
3 Includes only loans made directly to students. Does not include Parent Loans for Undergraduate Students (PLUS) and other loans made directly to parents.
NOTE: Degree-granting institutions grant associate’s or higher degrees and participate in Title IV federal financial aid programs. Data through 2009-10 are for students receiving aid, while later data are for students awarded aid. Students receiving aid are those who were not only awarded aid, but also accepted it. Some data have been revised from previously published figures.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), Spring 2002 through Spring 2011 and Winter 2011-12 through Winter 2015-16, Student Financial Aid component. (This table was prepared November 2016.)

2016 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest