Digest of Education Statistics
2016 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 401.60. U.S. Department of Education appropriations for major programs, by state or jurisdiction: Fiscal year 2015
[In thousands of current dollars]
State or jurisdiction Total Grants for the disadvan-taged1 Block grants to states for school improve-ment2 School assistance in federally affected areas3 Career/ technical and
adult education4
Special education5 English language acquisi-tion American Indian education Student financial assistance6 Rehabili-tation services7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Total, 50 states and D.C.8  $67,471,115 $14,720,246 $4,025,275 $1,058,325 $1,636,500 $12,010,941 $663,448 $100,381 $30,209,991 $3,046,007
Total, 50 states, D.C., other
       activities, and other
69,983,807 15,337,923 4,267,102 1,216,955 1,686,553 12,289,642 737,400 100,381 31,164,723 3,183,129
Alabama 1,111,942 231,798 67,281 2,317 28,380 190,926 3,845 1,428 524,313 61,654
Alaska 321,439 46,015 21,122 140,579 5,259 39,527 1,132 13,535 42,667 11,603
Arizona 2,209,772 342,030 75,805 149,281 37,235 203,193 14,128 10,235 1,312,501 65,364
Arkansas 678,008 165,301 46,203 339 16,887 119,645 3,487 219 278,726 47,200
California 8,414,552 1,874,822 449,367 54,542 209,632 1,295,896 146,896 4,896 4,068,638 309,864
Colorado 971,201 162,578 48,674 27,369 22,818 166,326 8,761 674 491,733 42,270
Connecticut 644,324 120,942 38,258 3,456 14,775 140,073 6,712 31 291,175 28,902
Delaware 190,761 46,406 21,002 52 6,391 38,380 1,003 0 63,024 14,503
District of Columbia 261,711 44,412 20,705 220 5,483 19,996 1,214 0 151,564 18,117
Florida 3,995,133 826,437 192,978 6,547 100,645 675,569 43,840 94 1,970,197 178,825
Georgia 2,210,697 525,254 123,184 18,384 56,883 351,950 15,141 0 1,037,207 82,694
Hawaii 246,379 49,898 21,279 27,223 7,653 42,377 4,075 0 79,813 14,061
Idaho 346,362 63,414 23,636 5,315 8,664 59,827 2,070 485 164,565 18,386
Illinois 2,893,362 688,757 170,791 10,947 60,828 533,321 26,869 239 1,288,868 112,742
Indiana 1,542,335 273,055 72,571 79 34,871 272,792 8,774 0 819,306 60,886
Iowa 732,252 96,229 34,953 118 15,513 128,545 4,006 263 420,821 31,804
Kansas 592,059 119,576 37,117 33,896 13,897 113,708 4,143 918 257,436 11,368
Kentucky 958,313 227,375 67,265 433 26,354 171,499 3,474 0 412,313 49,600
Louisiana 1,045,534 298,003 87,163 7,908 30,264 198,803 3,020 865 384,049 35,459
Maine 277,809 53,153 24,045 1,855 7,159 58,643 683 169 114,750 17,351
Maryland 973,618 204,543 58,285 4,590 24,374 211,745 9,852 77 418,800 41,352
Massachusetts 1,245,047 243,413 69,881 320 27,810 297,827 14,224 115 533,472 57,984
Michigan 2,202,064 524,005 151,248 3,602 50,777 418,330 11,397 2,129 938,290 102,287
Minnesota 1,115,741 156,440 55,183 19,149 22,464 201,726 8,728 3,808 594,491 53,751
Mississippi 775,905 198,334 61,369 1,379 19,533 126,448 1,414 474 321,533 45,421
Missouri 1,292,737 251,893 76,285 19,317 30,048 238,113 5,099 77 605,056 66,849
Montana 255,024 48,166 26,367 42,329 6,401 40,198 504 3,639 73,944 13,477
Nebraska 377,098 76,725 25,996 10,581 9,221 78,691 3,212 912 150,288 21,472
Nevada 415,630 121,220 27,524 3,035 15,444 77,705 6,609 653 147,290 16,149
New Hampshire 262,262 41,870 23,416 5 7,116 50,558 1,024 0 126,032 12,240
New Jersey 1,565,143 344,892 90,840 13,047 37,661 379,447 20,505 0 613,287 65,464
New Mexico 595,553 121,369 34,689 82,789 12,297 95,983 4,783 7,636 213,587 22,421
New York 4,598,883 1,154,311 304,551 39,485 93,312 807,084 60,931 1,925 1,981,888 155,395
North Carolina 1,956,313 437,358 105,463 14,182 53,472 350,862 14,448 3,517 868,210 108,800
North Dakota 178,120 34,954 21,832 22,226 5,198 31,346 616 2,070 49,408 10,470
Ohio 2,255,907 580,345 153,405 1,162 58,347 457,410 10,454 0 887,073 107,710
Oklahoma 822,781 163,379 56,816 33,070 21,293 155,572 4,843 24,086 318,762 44,959
Oregon 811,795 156,881 43,961 2,665 18,968 135,619 7,025 1,850 393,544 51,282
Pennsylvania 2,402,289 572,065 155,312 717 58,690 449,223 16,035 0 1,020,632 129,614
Rhode Island 263,462 51,479 21,183 1,388 7,655 46,982 1,987 0 117,785 15,003
South Carolina 978,372 235,495 57,497 751 26,994 187,676 3,651 28 407,052 59,229
South Dakota 278,964 45,899 22,083 48,167 5,393 37,436 943 3,940 104,100 11,003
Tennessee 1,275,037 294,130 77,216 2,332 34,497 249,704 5,120 0 551,680 60,358
Texas 5,688,729 1,426,678 347,937 91,658 148,410 1,045,941 105,840 487 2,273,796 247,982
Utah 697,991 93,105 29,713 8,179 15,686 118,491 4,063 1,361 385,874 41,519
Vermont 162,214 35,089 20,753 8 5,116 30,377 500 221 52,967 17,183
Virginia 1,491,447 254,124 72,669 26,686 36,753 300,276 12,001 10 709,582 79,345
Washington 1,173,896 255,041 68,490 48,128 30,149 235,041 15,804 4,026 460,517 56,700
West Virginia 493,676 90,032 34,008 10 12,045 80,553 684 0 234,784 41,560
Wisconsin 1,067,322 217,481 67,086 12,384 26,761 221,663 7,379 2,410 445,864 66,294
Wyoming 154,148 34,078 20,812 14,121 5,026 31,918 500 881 36,736 10,077
Other activities/jurisdictions                    
Indian Tribe Set-Aside 279,230 99,040 22,503 0 13,970 99,424 5,000 0 0 39,293
Other nonstate allocations 397,145 42,595 88,091 158,630 2,877 13,000 61,931 0 0 30,021
American Samoa 29,697 10,667 4,816 0 554 6,966 1,132 0 4,422 1,141
Freely Associated States9  21,823 0 0 0 170 6,579 0 0 15,075 0
Guam 59,544 15,932 7,659 0 1,053 15,584 1,339 0 15,046 2,929
Northern Marianas 21,492 6,811 3,328 0 653 5,298 1,123 0 3,260 1,020
Puerto Rico 1,670,569 431,447 110,544 0 29,751 122,098 3,334 0 912,883 60,513
U.S. Virgin Islands 33,191 11,184 4,886 0 1,024 9,753 93 0 4,046 2,205
1 Title I grants. Includes Grants to Local Education Agencies (Basic, Concentration, Targeted, and Education Finance Incentive Grants); School Improvement State Grants; State Agency Program--Migrant Education; and State Agency Program--Neglected and Delinquent Children.
2 Title VI grants. Includes Supporting Effective Instruction State Grants; Mathematics and Science Partnerships; 21st Century Community Learning Centers; State Assessments; Rural and Low-Income Schools Program; Small, Rural School Achievement Program; and Homeless Children and Youth Education.
\3Includes Impact Aid--Basic Support Payments; Impact Aid--Payments for Children with Disabilities; and Impact Aid--Construction.
4 Includes Career and Technical Education State Grants; Adult Basic and Literacy Education State Grants; and English Literacy and Civics Education State Grants.
5 Includes Special Education--Grants to States; Special Education--Preschool Grants; and Grants for Infants and Families.
6 Includes Federal Pell Grants; Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants; Federal Work-Study; and Student Loan Program interest subsidies.
7 Includes Vocational Rehabilitation State Grants; Client Assistance State Grants; Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights; Supported Employment State Grants; and Independent Living Services for Older Blind Individuals.
8 Total excludes other activities and other jurisdictions.
9 Includes the Marshall Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, and Palau.
NOTE: Data reflect revisions to figures in the Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2017. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Budget Service, retrieved January 27, 2017, from http://www2.ed.gov/about/overview/budget/statetables/index.html; and unpublished tabulations. (This table was prepared January 2017.)

2016 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest