Digest of Education Statistics
2016 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 106.50. Direct general expenditures of state and local governments per capita for all functions and for education, by level of education and state: 2012-13 and 2013-14
[Amounts in current dollars]
  Direct general expenditures, 2012-13 Direct general expenditures, 2013-14
  Total amount per capita1 For education Total amount per capita1 For education
  All education Elementary and secondary education Colleges and universities Other education2
State Amount per capita As a percent of all functions Amount per capita As a percent of all functions Amount per capita As a percent
of all functions
Amount per capita As a percent of all functions Amount per capita As a percent of all functions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
United States $8,289 $2,771 33.4 $8,497 $2,839 33.4 $1,840 21.7 $844 9.9 $155 1.8
Alabama 7,471 2,750 36.8 7,468 2,713 36.3 1,555 20.8 972 13.0 186 2.5
Alaska 18,315 4,910 26.8 19,800 4,853 24.5 3,384 17.1 1,262 6.4 207 1.0
Arizona 6,379 2,171 34.0 6,376 2,243 35.2 1,185 18.6 754 11.8 305 4.8
Arkansas 7,223 2,761 38.2 7,496 2,742 36.6 1,644 21.9 890 11.9 209 2.8
California 9,306 2,771 29.8 9,593 2,871 29.9 1,778 18.5 953 9.9 140 1.5
Colorado 7,687 2,564 33.4 8,137 2,722 33.5 1,642 20.2 945 11.6 135 1.7
Connecticut 9,669 3,335 34.5 9,981 3,499 35.1 2,480 24.8 810 8.1 209 2.1
Delaware 10,124 3,759 37.1 10,249 3,762 36.7 2,041 19.9 1,295 12.6 425 4.2
District of Columbia 17,802 3,891 21.9 18,149 3,981 21.9 3,752 20.7 229 1.3 0 0.0
Florida 6,832 1,913 28.0 6,962 1,963 28.2 1,296 18.6 500 7.2 167 2.4
Georgia 6,507 2,522 38.8 6,493 2,522 38.8 1,726 26.6 607 9.3 189 2.9
Hawaii 8,804 2,420 27.5 9,660 2,392 24.8 1,510 15.6 800 8.3 82 0.8
Idaho 6,394 1,934 30.2 6,339 1,925 30.4 1,200 18.9 626 9.9 99 1.6
Illinois 8,269 2,791 33.8 8,488 2,896 34.1 2,013 23.7 744 8.8 139 1.6
Indiana 7,086 2,524 35.6 7,250 2,513 34.7 1,459 20.1 881 12.1 173 2.4
Iowa 8,989 3,223 35.9 9,282 3,357 36.2 1,989 21.4 1,219 13.1 149 1.6
Kansas 7,900 2,922 37.0 8,284 3,027 36.5 1,876 22.6 1,061 12.8 91 1.1
Kentucky 7,273 2,646 36.4 7,573 2,615 34.5 1,540 20.3 842 11.1 233 3.1
Louisiana 9,075 2,608 28.7 8,888 2,634 29.6 1,686 19.0 677 7.6 271 3.1
Maine 8,329 2,415 29.0 8,676 2,490 28.7 1,736 20.0 607 7.0 147 1.7
Maryland 8,894 3,110 35.0 9,314 3,251 34.9 2,103 22.6 1,024 11.0 124 1.3
Massachusetts 9,721 3,134 32.2 10,032 3,182 31.7 2,256 22.5 766 7.6 160 1.6
Michigan 7,537 2,825 37.5 7,666 2,880 37.6 1,648 21.5 1,111 14.5 121 1.6
Minnesota 8,888 2,957 33.3 9,422 3,025 32.1 1,972 20.9 858 9.1 196 2.1
Mississippi 7,996 2,448 30.6 8,082 2,540 31.4 1,468 18.2 917 11.4 154 1.9
Missouri 7,107 2,375 33.4 7,062 2,410 34.1 1,638 23.2 645 9.1 127 1.8
Montana 8,079 2,592 32.1 8,331 2,676 32.1 1,683 20.2 815 9.8 178 2.1
Nebraska 8,146 3,268 40.1 8,337 3,325 39.9 2,081 25.0 1,087 13.0 157 1.9
Nevada 6,498 1,953 30.1 6,518 1,958 30.0 1,359 20.9 468 7.2 131 2.0
New Hampshire 7,524 2,808 37.3 7,601 2,848 37.5 2,076 27.3 643 8.5 129 1.7
New Jersey 9,474 3,652 38.5 9,873 3,833 38.8 2,928 29.7 703 7.1 201 2.0
New Mexico 8,700 2,965 34.1 9,001 3,020 33.6 1,684 18.7 1,152 12.8 184 2.0
New York 12,354 3,609 29.2 12,457 3,717 29.8 2,928 23.5 694 5.6 95 0.8
North Carolina 7,331 2,400 32.7 7,233 2,368 32.7 1,298 17.9 939 13.0 131 1.8
North Dakota 10,354 3,484 33.6 11,053 3,567 32.3 2,057 18.6 1,371 12.4 139 1.3
Ohio 7,990 2,829 35.4 8,258 2,831 34.3 1,853 22.4 816 9.9 163 2.0
Oklahoma 7,070 2,491 35.2 7,364 2,609 35.4 1,533 20.8 928 12.6 148 2.0
Oregon 8,170 2,661 32.6 8,833 2,769 31.3 1,548 17.5 1,108 12.5 112 1.3
Pennsylvania 8,525 2,937 34.4 8,664 2,963 34.2 2,041 23.6 764 8.8 158 1.8
Rhode Island 8,909 3,040 34.1 9,196 3,063 33.3 2,165 23.5 617 6.7 281 3.1
South Carolina 7,304 2,647 36.2 7,667 2,729 35.6 1,674 21.8 785 10.2 270 3.5
South Dakota 7,340 2,433 33.1 7,473 2,481 33.2 1,543 20.6 795 10.6 143 1.9
Tennessee 6,526 2,095 32.1 6,628 2,146 32.4 1,410 21.3 578 8.7 159 2.4
Texas 7,042 2,714 38.5 7,292 2,846 39.0 1,757 24.1 1,006 13.8 83 1.1
Utah 7,299 2,917 40.0 7,124 2,846 40.0 1,452 20.4 1,260 17.7 135 1.9
Vermont 10,401 3,921 37.7 10,739 3,996 37.2 2,486 23.2 1,221 11.4 288 2.7
Virginia 7,911 2,920 36.9 8,093 2,937 36.3 1,930 23.9 755 9.3 115 1.4
Washington 8,298 2,829 34.1 8,783 2,923 33.3 1,765 20.1 890 10.1 268 3.0
West Virginia 7,943 2,958 37.2 8,004 2,935 36.7 1,714 21.4 895 11.2 326 4.1
Wisconsin 8,251 2,922 35.4 8,579 3,033 35.3 1,841 21.5 1,063 12.4 128 1.5
Wyoming 13,200 4,266 32.3 13,153 4,487 34.1 3,016 22.9 1,324 10.1 147 1.1
1 Includes state and local government expenditures for education and public libraries, social services and income maintenance, transportation, public safety, environment and housing, governmental administration, interest on general debt, and other direct general expenditures.
2 Includes assistance and subsidies to individuals, private elementary and secondary schools, and private colleges and universities, as well as miscellaneous education expenditures. Does not include expenditures for public libraries.
NOTE: Per capita amounts for 2013-14 are based on population estimates for July 2014. Per capita amounts for 2012-13 are based on the latest population estimates for July 2013 and have been revised from previously published figures. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Governmental Finances, retrieved March 15, 2017, from http://www.census.gov/govs/local/; and GCT-T1 Population Estimates, retrieved March 15, 2017, from https://www.census.gov/data/tables/2016/demo/popest/nation-total.html. (This table was prepared April 2017).

2016 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest