Digest of Education Statistics
2016 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 325.70. Degrees in the physical sciences and science technologies conferred by postsecondary institutions, by level of degree and sex of student: Selected years, 1959-60 through 2014-15
Year Bachelor's degrees Master's degrees Doctor's degrees
Total Males Females Females as
a percent
of total
Total Males Females Total Males Females
Number Annual
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1959-60 16,007 14,013 1,994 12.5 3,376 3,049 327 1,838 1,776 62
1967-68 19,380 16,739 2,641 13.6 5,499 4,869 630 3,593 3,405 188
1969-70 21,439 18,522 2,917 13.6 5,908 5,069 839 4,271 4,038 233
1970-71 21,410 -0.1 18,457 2,953 13.8 6,336 5,495 841 4,324 4,082 242
1971-72 20,743 -3.1 17,661 3,082 14.9 6,268 5,390 878 4,075 3,805 270
1972-73 20,692 -0.2 17,622 3,070 14.8 6,230 5,388 842 3,961 3,698 263
1973-74 21,170 2.3 17,669 3,501 16.5 6,019 5,157 862 3,558 3,312 246
1974-75 20,770 -1.9 16,986 3,784 18.2 5,782 4,949 833 3,577 3,284 293
1975-76 21,458 3.3 17,349 4,109 19.1 5,428 4,622 806 3,388 3,097 291
1976-77 22,482 4.8 17,985 4,497 20.0 5,281 4,411 870 3,295 2,981 314
1977-78 22,975 2.2 18,083 4,892 21.3 5,507 4,583 924 3,073 2,763 310
1978-79 23,197 1.0 17,976 5,221 22.5 5,418 4,438 980 3,061 2,717 344
1979-80 23,407 0.9 17,861 5,546 23.7 5,167 4,210 957 3,044 2,669 375
1980-81 23,936 2.3 18,052 5,884 24.6 5,246 4,172 1,074 3,105 2,733 372
1981-82 24,045 0.5 17,861 6,184 25.7 5,446 4,274 1,172 3,246 2,804 442
1982-83 23,374 -2.8 16,988 6,386 27.3 5,250 4,131 1,119 3,214 2,767 447
1983-84 23,645 1.2 17,112 6,533 27.6 5,541 4,249 1,292 3,269 2,789 480
1984-85 23,694 0.2 17,065 6,629 28.0 5,752 4,425 1,327 3,349 2,808 541
1985-86 21,711 -8.4 15,750 5,961 27.5 5,860 4,443 1,417 3,521 2,946 575
1986-87 20,060 -7.6 14,365 5,695 28.4 5,586 4,193 1,393 3,629 3,004 625
1987-88 17,797 -11.3 12,385 5,412 30.4 5,696 4,300 1,396 3,758 3,085 673
1988-89 17,179 -3.5 12,071 5,108 29.7 5,691 4,180 1,511 3,795 3,046 749
1989-90 16,056 -6.5 11,026 5,030 31.3 5,410 3,996 1,414 4,116 3,328 788
1990-91 16,334 1.7 11,170 5,164 31.6 5,281 3,823 1,458 4,248 3,417 831
1991-92 16,970 3.9 11,443 5,527 32.6 5,397 3,935 1,462 4,378 3,433 945
1992-93 17,577 3.6 11,853 5,724 32.6 5,392 3,840 1,552 4,372 3,426 946
1993-94 18,474 5.1 12,271 6,203 33.6 5,718 4,069 1,649 4,652 3,657 995
1994-95 19,247 4.2 12,556 6,691 34.8 5,798 4,058 1,740 4,486 3,443 1,043
1995-96 19,716 2.4 12,634 7,082 35.9 5,910 4,031 1,879 4,589 3,543 1,046
1996-97 19,594 -0.6 12,285 7,309 37.3 5,616 3,799 1,817 4,501 3,479 1,022
1997-98 19,454 -0.7 11,999 7,455 38.3 5,411 3,484 1,927 4,592 3,451 1,141
1998-99 18,448 -5.2 11,119 7,329 39.7 5,241 3,454 1,787 4,229 3,206 1,023
1999-2000 18,427 -0.1 11,019 7,408 40.2 4,888 3,167 1,721 4,017 3,002 1,015
2000-01 18,025 -2.2 10,628 7,397 41.0 5,134 3,276 1,858 3,968 2,914 1,054
2001-02 17,890 -0.7 10,349 7,541 42.2 5,082 3,186 1,896 3,824 2,766 1,058
2002-03 18,038 0.8 10,625 7,413 41.1 5,196 3,284 1,912 3,939 2,854 1,085
2003-04 18,131 0.5 10,577 7,554 41.7 5,714 3,470 2,244 3,937 2,855 1,082
2004-05 19,104 5.4 11,065 8,039 42.1 5,823 3,569 2,254 4,248 3,071 1,177
2005-06 20,522 7.4 11,978 8,544 41.6 6,063 3,666 2,397 4,642 3,258 1,384
2006-07 21,291 3.7 12,604 8,687 40.8 6,012 3,675 2,337 5,041 3,454 1,587
2007-08 22,179 4.2 13,143 9,036 40.7 6,061 3,762 2,299 4,994 3,513 1,481
2008-09 22,691 2.3 13,465 9,226 40.7 5,862 3,576 2,286 5,237 3,554 1,683
2009-10 23,381 3.0 13,866 9,515 40.7 6,066 3,654 2,412 5,065 3,406 1,659
2010-11 24,705 5.7 14,778 9,927 40.2 6,386 3,907 2,479 5,295 3,608 1,687
2011-12 26,664 7.9 15,972 10,692 40.1 6,911 4,299 2,612 5,370 3,609 1,761
2012-13 28,053 5.2 17,142 10,911 38.9 7,014 4,377 2,637 5,514 3,646 1,868
2013-14 29,307 4.5 17,804 11,503 39.3 6,984 4,312 2,672 5,806 3,873 1,933
2014-15 30,038 2.5 18,478 11,560 38.5 7,100 4,438 2,662 5,823 3,826 1,997
Percent change                      
2004-05 to 2009-10 22.4 25.3 18.4 4.2 2.4 7.0 19.2 10.9 41.0
2009-10 to 2014-15 28.5 33.3 21.5 17.0 21.5 10.4 15.0 12.3 20.4
†Not applicable.
NOTE: Data are for postsecondary institutions participating in Title IV federal financial aid programs. Some data have been revised from previously published figures.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Earned Degrees Conferred, 1959-60; Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS), "Degrees and Other Formal Awards Conferred" surveys, 1967-68 through 1985-86; Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Completions Survey" (IPEDS-C:87-99); and IPEDS Fall 2000 through Fall 2015, Completions component. (This table was prepared January 2017.)

2016 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest