The instruments used in the NAEP U.S. history assessment are composed of blocks of cognitive items from the previous NAEP assessment, as well as blocks that are newly developed for the current assessment. Administering the same blocks of items across years allows for the reporting of trends in U.S. history performance. At the same time, developing new sets of items makes it possible to release some items for public use. In some assessment years, one or more blocks at each grade are publicly released and can be accessed via the NAEP Questions Tool.
For the 2001 assessment, test developers chose fifteen blocks from the 1994 assessment—three blocks at grade 4, six blocks at grade 8, and six blocks at grade 12. In addition, they created three new blocks at each grade. Two blocks at each grade were publicly released.
The tables below display the NAEP 2001 U.S. history assessment student booklet configurations for grade 4, grade 8, and grade 12.
Booklet number | General background questions | Cognitive block 1 | Cognitive block 2 | Computer & social studies background questions |
H101 | BGH | H3 | H41 | CGH |
H102 | BGH | H41 | H51 | CGH |
H103 | BGH | H51 | H6 | CGH |
H104 | BGH | H6 | H71 | CGH |
H105 | BGH | H71 | H8 | CGH |
H106 | BGH | H8 | H3 | CGH |
H107 | BGH | H3 | H51 | CGH |
H108 | BGH | H41 | H6 | CGH |
H109 | BGH | H51 | H71 | CGH |
H110 | BGH | H6 | H8 | CGH |
H111 | BGH | H71 | H3 | CGH |
H112 | BGH | H8 | H41 | CGH |
H113 | BGH | H3 | H6 | CGH |
H114 | BGH | H41 | H71 | CGH |
H115 | BGH | H51 | H8 | CGH |
H116 | BGH | H6 | H3 | CGH |
H117 | BGH | H71 | H41 | CGH |
H118 | BGH | H8 | H51 | CGH |
1 Three new blocks were developed at grade 4 for the 2001 assessment: H4, H5, and H7. NOTE: Although similar block numbers exist at different grades (e.g., Block H5 appears at grades 4, 8 and 12), the items that compose each block are different. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 2001 U.S. History Assessment. |
Booklet number | General background questions | Cognitive block 1 | Cognitive block 2 | Computer & social studies background questions |
H101 | BGH | H3 | H41 | CGH |
H102 | BGH | H41 | H5 | CGH |
H103 | BGH | H5 | H6 | CGH |
H104 | BGH | H6 | H71 | CGH |
H105 | BGH | H71 | H8 | CGH |
H106 | BGH | H8 | H91 | CGH |
H107 | BGH | H91 | H10 | CGH |
H108 | BGH | H10 | H3 | CGH |
H109 | BGH | H3 | H5 | CGH |
H110 | BGH | H41 | H6 | CGH |
H111 | BGH | H5 | H71 | CGH |
H112 | BGH | H6 | H8 | CGH |
H113 | BGH | H71 | H91 | CGH |
H114 | BGH | H8 | H10 | CGH |
H115 | BGH | H91 | H3 | CGH |
H116 | BGH | H10 | H41 | CGH |
H117 | BGH | H3 | H6 | CGH |
H118 | BGH | H41 | H71 | CGH |
H119 | BGH | H5 | H8 | CGH |
H120 | BGH | H6 | H91 | CGH |
H121 | BGH | H71 | H10 | CGH |
H122 | BGH | H8 | H3 | CGH |
H123 | BGH | H91 | H41 | CGH |
H124 | BGH | H10 | H5 | CGH |
H125 | BGH | H3 | H71 | CGH |
H126 | BGH | H41 | H8 | CGH |
H127 | BGH | H5 | H91 | CGH |
H128 | BGH | H6 | H10 | CGH |
H129 | BGH | H71 | H3 | CGH |
H130 | BGH | H8 | H41 | CGH |
H131 | BGH | H91 | H5 | CGH |
H132 | BGH | H10 | H6 | CGH |
H133 | BGH | H112 | none | CGH |
1 Three new blocks were developed at grade 8 for the 2001 assessment: H4, H7, and H9. 2 Students were given 50 minutes to complete this block, which was newly developed for the 2001 assessment; students were given 25 minutes to complete all other blocks in this table. NOTE: Although similar block numbers exist at different grades (e.g., Block H5 appears at grades 4, 8 and 12), the items that compose each block are different. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 2001 U.S. History Assessment. |
Booklet number | General background questions | Cognitive block 1 | Cognitive block 2 | Computer & social studies background questions |
H101 | BGH | H3 | H4 | CGH |
H102 | BGH | H4 | H51 | CGH |
H103 | BGH | H51 | H6 | CGH |
H104 | BGH | H6 | H7 | CGH |
H105 | BGH | H7 | H8 | CGH |
H106 | BGH | H8 | H91 | CGH |
H107 | BGH | H91 | H10 | CGH |
H108 | BGH | H10 | H3 | CGH |
H109 | BGH | H3 | H51 | CGH |
H110 | BGH | H4 | H6 | CGH |
H111 | BGH | H51 | H7 | CGH |
H112 | BGH | H6 | H8 | CGH |
H113 | BGH | H7 | H91 | CGH |
H114 | BGH | H8 | H10 | CGH |
H115 | BGH | H91 | H3 | CGH |
H116 | BGH | H10 | H4 | CGH |
H117 | BGH | H3 | H6 | CGH |
H118 | BGH | H4 | H7 | CGH |
H119 | BGH | H51 | H8 | CGH |
H120 | BGH | H6 | H91 | CGH |
H121 | BGH | H7 | H10 | CGH |
H122 | BGH | H8 | H3 | CGH |
H123 | BGH | H91 | H4 | CGH |
H124 | BGH | H10 | H51 | CGH |
H125 | BGH | H3 | H7 | CGH |
H126 | BGH | H4 | H8 | CGH |
H127 | BGH | H51 | H91 | CGH |
H128 | BGH | H6 | H10 | CGH |
H129 | BGH | H7 | H3 | CGH |
H130 | BGH | H8 | H4 | CGH |
H131 | BGH | H91 | H51 | CGH |
H132 | BGH | H10 | H6 | CGH |
H133 | BGH | H111,2 | none | CGH |
1 Three new blocks were developed at grade 12 for the 2001 assessment: H5, H9, and H11. 2 Students were given 50 minutes to complete this block, which was newly developed for the 2001 assessment; students were given 25 minutes to complete all other blocks in this table. NOTE: Although similar block numbers exist at different grades (e.g., Block H5 appears at grades 4, 8 and 12), the items that compose each block are different. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 2001 U.S. History Assessment. |