NAEP survey questionnaire data showed that eighth- and twelfth- grade students in Iowa were less likely than their peers across the country to take advanced mathematics courses. This information led the Statewide Mathematics Leadership Team-a team of district and regional educators focused on supporting mathematics instruction, assessment, and professional development-to take action to encourage higher levels of mathematics enrollment across Iowa.
Prior to 2013, Mississippi NAEP scores were far below the national average. To address this concern, Mississippi leaders revamped state standards and overhauled literacy instruction to meet the rigor of NAEP. These initiatives led to large improvements in Mississippi performance on NAEP: by 2019, Mississippi was at the national average for fourth-grade math and reading and the gap between eighth-grade performance and the national average decreased significantly.
In 2005, results from the NAEP reading assessments revealed that eighth grade students in North Carolina scored below the national average. In response, the state deployed more than 200 literacy coaches to middle schools around the state to help teachers reach students with reading difficulties before they made the transition to high school.
To address the states growing economy and workforce needs, Oregon referenced grade 4 NAEP mathematics data to shape a STEM Education Plan in 2016. This plan was established to develop important science, technology, engineering, and mathematics skills for students of all races, economic status, and regions.
NAEP survey questionnaires are voluntarily completed by students, teachers, and school administrators who participate in a NAEP assessment. These questionnaires collect contextual information about students, teachers, and schools. Specifically, student survey questionnaires ask about students' educational experiences and opportunities to learn both in and out of the classroom.
Responses to NAEP survey questionnaires help put student achievement results into context and allow meaningful comparison between student groups. Questionnaire results are never reported for individual students or schools; responses are confidential and cannot be linked to any student's identity or personal information.
Your child's responses help highlight what is needed to improve education across the country. NAEP survey questionnaires provide important information that allows in-depth analyses to better understand the context in which students learn. Your child's participation has the opportunity to help teachers, principals, policymakers, and researchers develop ways to improve education in our nation's classrooms.
In addition to assessing subject-area achievement, NAEP collects information that fulfills reporting requirements of federal legislation. This legislation requires that, whenever feasible, NAEP collects information and reports achievement results for special groups (e.g., information reported by race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, gender, disability, and English language learner status) to better determine how well education is meeting the needs of all students.
The NAEP frameworks define content areas and levels of complexity for questions on NAEP. Using the dashboard below, explore sample questions from recent mathematics and reading assessments by subject, content area, and range of difficulty. Sample Questions are sourced from the NAEP Questions Tool, a database which houses over 3,000 assessment questions.
Have a question about what NAEP means for your student? Check out the most frequently submitted questions.