Tables: Secondary/High School
This section provides tabulated statistics on CTE at the high school level (grades 9-12). Most statistics focus on public high schools and public high school graduates. Statistics for years 2013 forward use the 2018 Secondary School Course Taxonomy to define CTE. Statistics for years before 2013 use the 2007 revision to the Secondary School Taxonomy to define CTE. The statistics before 2013 are not comparable to those from 2013 forward because of this change in taxonomy. For more information on CTE Statistics taxonomy see Development of the 2018 Secondary School Course Taxonomy. For more information on course classifications, visit School Courses for the Exchange of Data (SCED) for version updates.
This page organizes the secondary/high school tables by topic. In addition, all NCES tables can be searched with words or phrases, using the Tables and Figures search. See the CTE Statistics Table Archive for tables from previous data collections.
- Student Participation in CTE (2019) — based on 2019 NAEP data
- Participation among all students
- Table H256. Average number of Carnegie credits and percentage distribution of total credits earned by public high school graduates, by course type and subject area: 2019
- Table H257. Percentage of public high school graduates who concentrated in a career and technical education (CTE) subject area, by CTE coursetaking pattern and CTE subject area: 2019
- Table H258. Percentage of public high school graduates who earned Carnegie credits in each career and technical education (CTE) subject area and, among those graduates, average number of credits earned and percentage who concentrated in each CTE subject area: 2019
- Table H260. Average number of career and technical education (CTE) Carnegie credits and percentage distribution of total CTE credits public high school graduates earned, by grade level: 2019
- Participation among different student groups
- Table H259. Percentage distribution of public high school graduates with each career and technical education (CTE) coursetaking pattern, by selected student race/ethnicity categories and gender: 2019
- Participation among all students
- CTE Delivery System and Offerings (2008, 2012)
- Table H1. Percentage of CTE schools, enrollment, student characteristics, instructional strategies, admissions requirements, and occupational preparation offerings
- Table H150. Student access to CTE schools
- Table H151. Average number of students per counselor
- Table H152. Counseling responsibilities and activities
- Table H153. Dual credit programs
- Table H154. School-to-work transition activities
- Table H155. Career-related programs and activities
- Work-Related Attitudes, Influences, and Expectations (2012)
- Table H156. Level of education students would like to attain
- Table H157. Level of education students expect to attain
- Table H158. Level of education parents would like the student to attain
- Table H159. Students' main expected activity for fall 2013
- Table H160. Student opinions on whether math is useful for life, college, or career
- Table H161. Student opinions on whether science is useful for life, college, or career
- Table H162. Student opinions on whether studying in high school pays off with good jobs
- Table H163. Student opinions on whether people can do OK if they drop out of high school
- Table H164. Student opinions on whether students with bad grades can get good jobs
- Table H165. Student reports on what is important when choosing a postsecondary school
- Table H166. Parent reports on what is important when choosing a postsecondary school
- Table H167. Who most influenced students' thinking about education after high school
- Table H168. Who most influenced students' thinking about careers
- Table H169. Parents' discussions of various issues with the student
- Students' Career Preparation Activities (2012)
- Table H170. Students who worked while in high school, and who worked in a job related to their career goals
- Table H171. Student development and use of graduation, career, or education plans
- Table H172. Student participation in various career preparation activities
- Table H173. Student use of various work preparation services
- Student Participation in CTE (2013)
- Participation among all students
- Table H185. Average number of credits earned in each subject area
- Table H210. Average number of CTE credits earned, by grade level
- Table H186. Percent earning credits in each CTE area
- Table H187. Range of credits earned in each CTE area
- Table H188, Percent concentrating in each CTE area
- Table H189. Number of CTE areas in which students earn credits
- Table H190. Average number of credits and percent concentrating, among students earning credits in each CTE area
- Table H192. Percent earning credits in other CTE areas, among students earning credits in each CTE area
- Participation among different student groups
- Table H196. Average number of credits earned in each subject, by student race/ethnicity and sex
- Table H201. CTE coursetaking patterns, by student race/ethnicity and sex
- Table H197. Average number of credits earned in each subject, by student IES status, English language status, and parents’ educational level
- Table H202. CTE coursetaking patterns, by student IEP status, English language status, and parents’ educational level
- Table H198. Average number of credits earned in each subject, by school locale
- Table H203. CTE coursetaking patterns, by school locale
- Table H191. Concentrator status, by student race/ethnicity, sex, IEP status, English language status, and parents’ educational level
- Table H204. Percent of concentrators in each CTE area who are male and female
- Relationship between CTE and academic coursetaking
- Table H193. Average number of credits earned in select subject areas by students with different CTE coursetaking patterns
- Table H209. Highest math taken by students with different CTE coursetaking patterns
- Table H208. Grade 9 math achievement and grade 9 math course level, among students with different CTE coursetaking patterns
- Table H194. Average credits earned in each subject, by highest math taken and completion of college prep curriculum
- Table H199. CTE coursetaking patterns, by highest math taken and completion of college prep curriculum
- H195. Average credits earned in each subject, by grade 9 math achievement and grade 9 math course level
- Table H200. CTE coursetaking patterns, by grade 9 math achievement and grade 9 math course level
- CTE participation in 10 states
- Participation among all students
- Student Participation in CTE (1992–2013)
- Participation among all students
- Table H175. Average credits and percent of credits earned in each subject area
- Table H176. Percent earning any, and minimum number of, credits in each subject area
- Table H177. Percent earning specific CTE credit ranges and percent concentrating in CTE
- Table H178. Percent concentrating in each CTE area
- Participation by race/ethnicity and sex
- Relationship between CTE and academic coursetaking
- Table H182. Average credits earned in academic, CTE, and other curricula by students with different CTE coursetaking patterns
- Table H183. Average core academic, math, and science credits earned by students with different CTE coursetaking patterns
- Table H184. Percent earning credits in math above Algebra II, among students with different CTE coursetaking patterns
- Participation among all students
- Education and Work After High School (2013 to 2016)
- Education Status of the Class of 2013 by 2016
- Table H232. Current employment and enrollment status
- Table H233. Employment and enrollment through 2016
- Table H234. Current postsecondary enrollment and attainment status
- Table H235. Current postsecondary attainment level
- Table H236. Current postsecondary enrollment or attainment level
- Table H237. Postsecondary enrollment or attainment level through 2016
- Table H238. Immediate and full-time postsecondary enrollment, 4-year and less-than-4-year institutions
- Table H240. Dual credits in high school and later postsecondary enrollment
- Table H241. Remedial coursetaking, belief that education is good investment, and level of first postsecondary program
- Table H242. Work status while enrolled, and whether working student or employee in school
- Table H243. Postsecondary credential/major in occupational field
- Table H244. Postsecondary credential in area of high school CTE concentration
- Table H245. Postsecondary field of study in area of high school CTE concentration
- Table H246. Postsecondary credential or major in area of high school CTE concentration
- Work Status of the Class of 2013 by 2016
- Table H232. Current employment and enrollment status
- Table H233. Employment and enrollment through 2016
- Table H242. Work status while enrolled; whether working student or employee in school
- Table H247. Employment status in 2016; ever unemployed
- Table H248. Current employment status
- Table H249. Current or last occupation
- Table H250. Median hourly wage for current job
- Table H251. Median hourly wage by educational attainment level
- Table H252. Wage of more than $10 per hour
- Table H253. Benefits provided by current job
- Table H254. Satisfaction with current job
- Table H255. Certification, licensure, and military service
- Education Status of the Class of 2013 by 2016
- Public School Teachers of CTE (2008)
- Table H113. CTE, academic, and other main teaching assignments
- Table H114. Main teaching assignments within occupational CTE areas
- Table H115. Years of teaching experience
- Table H116. Class size
- Table H117. Professional development
- Table H118. Age
- Table H119. Sex and race/ethnicity
- Table H120. Certification route and status
- Table H121. Highest educational attainment
- Table H122. Job Satisfaction
Table Archive
Click here to view previously released archived CTE tables.