CTE Statistics Table Archive
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Secondary/High School
- Participation Archive (not comparable to participation statistics on the main Secondary/High School page for 2013)
- Student Participation in CTE: 1990 to 2009
- Student Participation in CTE: 2005
- Participation in CTE in public high schools: All Students
- Participation in CTE in public high schools: By student
race/ethnicity and gender
- Participation in CTE in public high schools: By student
disability status and limited English proficiency status
- Table H73 Average credits earned in each
area, by student disability status and limited English proficiency status (Standard Error Table)
- Table H77 Percent of students earning
any CTE credits, by student disability status and limited English proficiency status (Standard Error Table)
- Table H81 Percent of students who are
concentrators, by student disability status and limited English proficiency status (Standard Error Table)
- Table H85 Percent of students who are
concentrators in each occupational area, by student disability status and limited
English proficiency status (Standard
Error Table)
- Table H89 Percentage distribution of concentrators
in each occupational area and nonconcentrators, by student disability status and
limited English proficiency status (Standard Error Table)
- Participation in CTE in public high schools: By highest
mathematics course completed in grade 9 and completion of 4-year college preparatory
- Table H74 Average credits earned in each
area, by highest mathematics course completed in grade 9 and completion of 4-year
college preparatory coursework (Standard Error Table)
- Table H78 Percent of students earning
any CTE credits, by highest mathematics course completed in grade 9 and completion
of 4-year college preparatory coursework (Standard Error Table)
- Table H82 Percent of students who are
concentrators, by student's highest mathematics course in grade 9 and college preparatory
coursework (Standard Error Table)
- Table H86 Percent of students who are
concentrators in each occupational area, by highest mathematics course completed
in grade 9 and completion of 4-year college preparatory coursework (Standard Error Table)
- Table H90 Percentage distribution of concentrators
in each occupational area and nonconcentrators, by highest mathematics course completed
in grade 9 and completion of 4-year college preparatory coursework (Standard Error Table)
- Participation in CTE in public high schools: By school size
and locale
- Patterns of CTE coursetaking
- Combinations of credits in specific occupational areas
- Student Participation in CTE: 1990 to 2005
- Transitions Archive (not comparable to statistics on the main Secondary/High School page for 2016)
- Class of 2004 Participation in CTE
- Education status of the Class of 2004 by 2012
- Work status of the Class of 2004 by 2012
- Table H133. Enrollment and work status in 2012 (Standard Error Table)
- Table H134. Ever enrolled in postsecondary education or worked (Standard Error Table)
- Table H137. Ever unemployed since 2009. Employment status in 2012 (Standard Error Table)
- Table H138. Occupation in 2012, concentrators vs. non-concentrators (Standard Error Table)
- Table H139. Occupation in 2012, by number of occupational credits (Standard Error Table)
- Table H140. Hourly wages in 2012, by sex (Standard Error Table)
- Table H141. Hourly wages in 2012, by educational attainment, sex, and employment status (Standard Error Table)
- Table H142. Licensing and certification rate in 2012 (Standard Error Table)
- Table H143. Licensing and certification rate in 2012, by educational attainment (Standard Error Table)
- Table H144. Licensing and certification rate in 2012, by employment and occupation (Standard Error Table)
- Table H145. Employed in "career path" job in 2012, by educational attainment (Standard Error Table)
- Table H146. Employed in "career path" job in 2012, by occupational credential status (Standard Error Table)
- Education and work status for the Class of 1992 vs. the Class of 2004
- Postsecondary Education and Employment of the Class of 2004 by
- Tables
- Table H100 Class of 2004 by occupational
concentrator status
- Table H101 Education and work status
two years after graduation
- Table H102 Enrollment characteristics
of postsecondary enrollees
- Table H103 Persistence of postsecondary
- Table H104 Field of study of postsecondary
enrollees, by high school area of concentration
- Table H105 Field of study of postsecondary
enrollees, by number of CTE credits in high school
- Table H106 Relationship between postsecondary
field of study and high school area of concentration
- Table H107 Employment characteristics
of graduates who did not enroll in postsecondary education
- Table H108 Full-time work and wages,
for graduates who did not enroll in postsecondary education
- Table H109 Current occupation of graduates
who did not enroll in postsecondary education, by high school area of concentration
- Table H110 Current occupation of graduates
who did not enroll in postsecondary education, by number of CTE credits in high
- Table H111 Relationship between occupation
and high school area of concentration
- Table H112 Relationship between postsecondary
field of study and/or occupation and high school area of concentration
- Postsecondary education of the Class of 1992 by 2000
- Employment of the Class of 1992 by 2000
- Trends in Institutions and Offerings (2003-2015)
- Table P140. Number of institutions of each type (by control and level)
- Table P141. Institutions offering subbaccalaureate occupational education, by type of institution
- Table P142. Institutions offering subbaccalaureate occupational education in each subject area
- Table P172. Number of for-profit institution openings and closures, 2006-07 to 2015-16
- Trends in Credentials Awarded (2003-2015)
- Table P160. Number of credentials awarded at each credential level, by institution type (by control and level)
- Table P161. Number of subbaccalaureate occupational credentials awarded at each credential level
- Table P162. Number of credentials awarded at each credential level, by control of institution and by level of institution
- Table P163. Subbaccalaureate occupational credentials awarded at each credential level, by control of institution and by level of institution
- Table P164. Percent of credentials at each credential level that are awarded by each type of institution
- Table P166. Number and percent of subbaccalaureate credentials awarded in each broad subject area
- Table P167. Number and percent of certificates awarded in each broad subject area
- Table P170. Number and percent of associate's degrees awarded in each broad subject area
- Table P171. Number and percent of bachelor's degrees awarded in each broad subject area
- Institutions and Offerings (2000-2014)
- Credentials Awarded (2000-2014)
- State-level Institutions and Credentials (2000-2014)
- Career education offerings and credentials, 1997-2006
- Offerings among institutions
- Career education credentials (certificates and degrees)
- Table P79 Number of career and academic credentials
- Table P84 Percent of credentials that are career education
- Credentials among institutions
- Table P74 Number of credentials from each institution type
- Table P75 Distribution of credentials at each level, by institution
- Table P76 Distribution of subbaccalaureate credentials at
each level, by institution type
- Table P77 Number of subbaccalaureate credentials from each
type of less-than-4-year institution
- Table P78 Distribution of subbaccalaureate credentials across
types of less-than-4-year institution
- Level of credential awarded
- Table P79 Number of career and academic credentials, by level
of credential
- Table P84 Percent of credentials that are career education,
by level of credential
- Table P74 Number of credentials at each level, by institution
- Table P75 Distribution of credentials at each level, by institution
- Table P76 Distribution of subbaccalaureate credentials at
each level, by institution type
- Table P77 Number of subbaccalaureate credentials from each
type of less-than-4-year institution, by level of credential
- Table P78 Distribution of subbaccalaureate credentials across
types of less-than-4-year institution, by level of credential
- Table P80 Number of credentials in each career field of study,
by level of credential
- Table P81 Distribution of credentials across career fields
of study, by level of credential
- Table P82 Number of subbaccalaureate credentials awarded by
less-than-4-year institutions in each career field of study, by level of credential
- Table P83 Distribution of subbaccalaureate credentials awarded
by less-than-4-year institutions across career fields of study, by level of credential
- Career field of study for credential
- Table P80 Number of credentials in each career field of study
- Table P81 Distribution of credentials across career fields
of study
- Table P82 Number of subbaccalaureate credentials awarded by
less-than-4-year institutions in each career field of study
- Table P83 Distribution of subbaccalaureate credentials awarded
by less-than-4-year institutions across career fields of study, by level of credential
- Detailed fields of study (2007)
- Institutions and Credentials, 2000-2010
- State-level data, 2006
- Institutions offering career education
- Types of institutions with offerings
- Table P20 Number of institutions of each type
- Table P21 Number of institutions of each type offering career
- Table P22 Percent of institutions of each type offering career
- Table P23 Distribution of institutions offering career education
- Table P24 Distribution of institutions by extent of career
education offerings
- Level of offerings
- Table P25 Number of institutions offering career education,
by highest level of offering
- Table P26 Distribution of institutions offering career education,
by highest level of offering
- Table P27 Number of institutions offering career education,
by credential level
- Table P28 Percent of institutions offering career education,
by credential level
- Fields of study offered
- Table P29 Number of institutions offering career education,
by career field of study
- Table P30 Percent of institutions offering career education,
by career field of study
- Table P31 Number of institutions offering subbaccalaureate
career education, by career field of study
- Table P32 Percent of institutions offering subbaccalaureate
career education, by career field of study
- Subbaccalaureate career education
- Table P31 Number of institutions offering subbaccalaureate
career education, by career field of study
- Table P32 Percent of institutions offering subbaccalaureate
career education, by career field of study
- Credentials (certificates and degrees) awarded
- Types of institutions awarding credentials
- Table P33 Number of career education credentials awarded,
by type of institution
- Table P34 Distribution of career education credentials awarded,
by type of institution
- Level of credentials awarded
- Table P35 Number of career education credentials awarded,
by level
- Table P36 Distribution of career education credentials awarded,
by level
- Fields of study
- Table P37 Number of career education credentials awarded,
by career field of study
- Table P38 Distribution of career education credentials awarded,
by career field of study
- Table P39 Number of subbaccalaureate career education credentials,
by career field of study
- Table P40 Distribution of career education subbaccalaureate
credentials, by career field of study
- Subbaccalaureate credentials
- Table P39 Number of subbaccalaureate career education credentials,
by career field of study
- Table P40 Distribution of career education subbaccalaureate
credentials, by career field of study
- State-level data, 2010
- Postsecondary institutions
- Certificates and degrees
- Table S101 Credentials awarded by all institutions
- Table S102 Credentials awarded by public 4-year institutions
- Table S103 Credentials awarded by public 2-year institutions
- Table S104 Credentials awarded by public less-than-2-year
- Table S105 Credentials awarded by private, nonprofit 4-year
- Table S106 Credentials awarded by private, nonprofit 2-year
- Table S107 Credentials awarded by private, nonprofit less-than-2-year
- Table S108 Credentials awarded by private, for-profit 4-year
- Table S109 Credentials awarded by private, for-profit 2-year
- Table S110 Credentials awarded by private, for-profit less-than-2-year
- Table S111 Distribution of credentials, by credential level
- Table S112 Subbaccalaureate credentials, by field of study
- Table S113 Certificates, by field of study
- Table S114 Associate's degrees, by field of study
- Student Enrollments (2007-08; not comparable to other years)
- Student Enrollments (2011-12; not comparable to other years)