Data File User’s Manuals, codebooks, and public-use data files are linked below for download. They are organized by NHES collection year.
Early Childhood Program Participation (ECPP)
Parent and Family Involvement in Education (PFI)
Early Childhood Program Participation (ECPP)
Parent and Family Involvement in Education (PFI)
Adult Training and Education (ATES)
NHES:2016 Restricted Use Geocode Files
Early Childhood Program Participation (ECPP)
Parent and Family Involvement in Education (PFI)
On August 13, 2015, NCES released an errata for the NHES Parent and Family Involvement in Education (PFI) data files released on May 6, 2015, describing an error in the response coding for four variables (P1SCINT , P1WRMTL, P2SCINT , P2WRMTL). That error has been corrected in these PFI files. For more details, see the errata posted here.
School Readiness (SR)
Parent and Family Involvement in Education (PFI)
Early Childhood Program Participation (ECPP)
After-School Programs and Activities (ASPA)
Adult Education (AE)
Parent and Family Involvement in Education (PFI)
Adult Education for Work-Related Reasons (AEWR)
Early Childhood Program Participation (ECPP)
Before- and After-School Programs and Activities (ASPA)
Adult Education and Lifelong Learning (AELL)
Adult Education
The following information applies to you only if you have NHES:1999 Stata dictionary files that were downloaded or ordered before November 30, 2021 and merged either the public-use data files to the restricted-use files or to another NHES:1999 public-use file (e.g., merged the Parent public-use file to the Youth public-use file).
The NHES:1999 Stata dictionary files that were downloaded or shipped prior to November 30, 2021 contain a syntax error that has now been corrected; data users will need to rerun the read-in files to correct for the error. The affected variables are BASMID and ENUMID, for Parent-NHES:1999; Youth-NHES:1999; and AE-NHES:1999. No data elements nor Stata setup files have changed. To update these case identification variables in Stata, you will need to download the revised Stata dictionary files that are now available (files starting parent99rev.dct, youth99rev.dct, adult99rev.dct) and the corresponding ASCII data files and Stata setup files. These revised files will allow Stata users to merge the public-use data files to each other and to the restricted-use files.
Data users may need to edit the syntax in the set-up files so that the directories specified in the files match the directory structure and the location of data on the user’s computer. If you have any questions, please contact us.
To obtain NHES data files and codebooks for surveys conducted before 1999, please go to
The following are a list of user’s manuals for the NHES data files for surveys conducted before 1999.