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National Household Education Surveys Program (NHES)

The 2016 National Household Education Survey

Participating in NHES

Why should I participate? Do I have to participate?

Researchers, educators, and policymakers all depend on the information collected in this survey to study various issues that are central to improving education, to help set education policy, and to keep the public informed about the condition of education in the United States. You represent thousands of other households like yours, and you cannot be replaced. By participating, you are helping to provide the best and most accurate information about American education. You may choose not to answer any or all questions in this survey.

There are no children in my household. Should I complete the survey?

Yes. NHES collects data about adults' training and education, too, and your responses are important for understanding educational experiences in the United States.

How long is the survey?

For most respondents, the survey will take between 8 and 28 minutes to complete. The initial questions about your household are expected to take about 8 minutes to complete. Additional questions about the educational experiences of children or adults in your household, if asked, are expected to take between 10 and 20 minutes to complete.

How did you get my address?

Your address was randomly selected among all of the home addresses in the nation. It was selected using scientific sampling methods to represent other households in the U.S. The sample is designed so that responses from only a few thousand people will accurately describe the educational experiences of Americans.

Can I complete the survey online?

If you received a letter with a User ID, please click here to complete the survey online. If you received a paper questionnaire mailed to your address, please complete that paper form. If you've misplaced either your letter or paper questionnaire, please call the Census Bureau toll-free at 1-888-840-8353 to request replacement materials. You must be selected for the 2016 NHES collection in order to respond.

I am having trouble with the online survey. What should I do?

Please refer to this FAQ for answers to questions about how the online survey works. You may also call the Census Bureau toll-free 8 am to 8 pm Eastern Standard Time (EST) Monday through Friday at 1-888-840-8353.