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This Week In IPEDS (TWII)

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December 5,2019

There are two items this week:
  1. Winter 2018-19 and Spring 2019 Provisional Data Released
  2. Forthcoming Data Feedback Reports (DFRs)

October 15,2019

There are two items this week:
  1. Fall 2018 Provisional Data Released
  2. Data Explorer Tool Released

September 30,2019

Reminder to Update Net Price Calculator URL

August 6,2019

There are two items this week:
  1. IPEDS TRP Summary Open for Comment
  2. Data Collection Registration for 2019-20 Opens August 7, 2019

July 16,2019

There are two items this week:
  1. Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) 2020 Released
  2. New IPEDS Brochures Released

June 25,2019

There are two items this week:
  1. OMB Opens 30-day Comment Period on IPEDS Changes for 2019-20 Through 2021-22
  2. Deadline Approaching: Customize Your Comparison Group for the 2019 Data Feedback Report

May 15,2019

There are two items this week:
  1. TRP Suggestions Available for Comment
  2. IPEDS at the AIR Forum

April 30,2019

There are two items this week:
  1. NCES Blog Post on Pension Benefits
  2. Reminder: OMB Seeks Comment on IPEDS Changes 2019-20 Through 2021-22

March 22,2019

There are four items this week:
  1. OMB Seeks Comment on IPEDS Changes 2019-20 Through 2021-22
  2. Data Collection Calendar 2019-20
  3. AIR is Recruiting IPEDS Educators
  4. Extended Help Desk Hours

January 29,2019

  1. Impact of Year-Round Pell Grants
  2. Tips for Keyholders
  3. National Postsecondary Education Cooperative 2018 Commissioned Research Papers
  4. IPEDS Net Price Brochure Released

January 7,2019

  1. OMB requests comments on the proposed 2020 Update to the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP)