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This Week In IPEDS (TWII)

Previous date 2002 Next date

October 31,2002

  1. The Fall 2002 IPEDS collection is closed to keyholders
  2. The Winter 2002-2003 collection will open on November 25, 2002

July 29,2002

  1. Registration for the 2002-2003 IPEDS collection is open
  2. File specifications
  3. The Spring 2002 data have been moved to a new location

June 17,2002

  1. Classification of Instructional Programs update
  2. Reporting to the Finance Survey for GASB standards
  3. Collection change to “Other Administrative”
  4. Recent SHEEO/IPEDS meeting
  5. New Racial/Ethnicity changes
  6. Review previously submitted data
  7. Peer Analysis System and winter data

April 29,2002

  1. There are only 9 days remaining in the Spring 2002 Collection
  2. The Help Desk will now be operating extended hours
  3. Other notes of interest