Teacher Compensation Survey (TCS) Coordinators Training
NCES, Census Bureau, and ESSI The Teacher Compensation Survey (TCS) is an administrative records survey to collect a “little bit of data” on each public school teacher. For the first time, compensation and personal characteristic data are being collected on individual teachers. In 2007, NCES and the Census Bureau launched a pilot data collection, and seven states submitted data, totaling 509,225 records, representing 497,927 teachers. Twenty states have volunteered to participate in the TCS in 2008, totaling 1.5 million records. This training session was for all data providers for the TCS coordinators, although all participants interested in learning about the survey were also encouraged to attend. The session covered all aspects of data submission including an overview of the data items, survey website, file format, as well as guidelines for preparing files. The session also described the data editing process, along with a timetable for data release. The training session covered the importance of collecting these valuable data on teachers and teacher compensation. Download Zipped PowerPoint Presentations: