VI–A |
Using the Education Data Model in Longitudinal Data Systems
Vicente Paredes, Schools Interoperability Framework Association
Jason Wrage, Integrity Technology Solutions
Kashka Kubzdela, National Center for Education Statistics
The Data Model Task Force of the National Forum on Education Statistics
has created a pk-12 data model
for education. The Education Data Model (Version I) represents the information that schools, LEAs,
and states would want to collect and manage to meet the education needs of their students and to
maintain effective organizations in the service of those needs. A single, comprehensive model of
education data is a prerequisite to establishing automated systems with the right, accurate data
that are comparable across time and systems. In this session, the Education Data Model and
its application were presented, leading to a discussion by session participants on how to
use the Education Data Model to develop and improve longitudinal data systems.
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Sessions in LDS track:
I-A, II-A, III-A, IV-A, V-A, VI-A, VII-A, VIII-A, IX-A, X-A, XI-A, and XI-D
VI–B |
Making a Statewide Data System Work for Teachers
Nancy Walker, West Virginia Department of Education
Mary K. Hervey Degarmo, Brooke County Schools (West Virginia)
Teachers are the focus of the West Virginia Board of Education goal of improving instruction
and learning through the use of technology and data. The state is rolling out an information
solution to help teachers toward that goal. This presentation illustrated how the West
Virginia Education Information System, designed for all schools in the state, is becoming
more open to allow teacher access to student information that has previously been inaccessible.
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Sessions in Statewide LDS track:
I-B, II-B, III-B, IV-B, V-B, VI-B, VII-B, VIII-B, IX-B, X-B, and XI-B
VI–C |
2008 Civil Rights Data Collection
Clare Banwart and Rebecca Fitch, U. S. Department of Education, EDFacts
Jim Parsons, Humble Independent School District (Texas)
Charlotte Bogner, Kansas Department of Education
Since 1968, the U.S. Department of Education has implemented the Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)
to collect school- and district-level data on key education and civil rights issues in our nation's
public schools. This session focused on the upcoming 2008 CRDC, which will collect data from
school years 2007–08 and 2008–09 from a sample of approximately 6,000 school districts and will
be the third CRDC to be conducted using the EDFacts Survey Tool. The session provided information
about the sample, the data items that will be collected, timelines, and the collection tool. It
also discussed steps that the Office for Civil Rights and the Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy
Development have taken to make the data from the 2006 CRDC, including full survey results, state and
national projections, and a time series, available earlier and in ways that more effectively meet the
needs of researchers and other data users. The session also provided an update on the activities
of the recently established CRDC workgroup, which includes state and local representatives. The CRDC
collects information about students in public schools, including enrollment, special education,
discipline, promotion and graduation testing, high school completers, GED, and interscholastic athletics.
Student data are disaggregated by race/ethnicity, sex, limited English proficiency and disability.
Data are also collected on school characteristics, including grades offered, number of Advanced
Placement courses offered, number of certified teachers and whether the school is a charter school,
magnet school, alternative school, or serves only special education students.
Sessions in EDEN/EDFacts track:
I-C, II-C, III-C, IV-C, V-C, VI-C, VII-C, VIII-C, IX-C, X-C, XI-C, and XII-C
VI–D |
Graduates and Dropouts on the CCD
Robert Stillwell, Lee Hoffman, and Nick Gaviola, National Center for Education Statistics
This session described the components of the Common Core of Data (CCD) dropout rate
and averaged
freshman graduation rate (AFGR). In addition to the rates themselves, the discussion
described what constitutes a dropout and an on-time graduate, what enrollment base is used as
denominator, and how we avoid disclosing students who dropout or fail to receive diplomas.
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Sessions in Federal track:
I-F, II-F, III-F, IV-D, IV-F, V-D, V-E, V-F, VI-D, VI-F, VII-D, VIII-E, X-E, and XI-E
VI–E |
Seeing Is Believing: Using a Data Mining Technique on NCES' B&B Dataset to "See" What Motivates Public School Teachers to Stay in Teaching
Kavita Mittapalli
College of Education and Human Development, George Mason University
In this paper, the presenter demonstrated the use of a data mining technique, decision tree model,
to illustrate the various thought-processes of teachers who decide to stay in teaching.
This graphical technique is used on NCES's B&B (93/03) dataset which provides a unique
opportunity to combine personal characteristics of teachers with their teaching beliefs
and perceptions; including classroom characteristics and practices. Decision tree models
are easy to interpret, and they allow for logical representation of thought processes to
understand particular behaviors (here, staying decisions of teachers). The findings have
teacher retention implications at the national level.
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VI–F |
You Might Be Able to Find It on the CCD
John Sietsema and Jennifer Sable, National Center for Education Statistics
A wealth of statistics—some going back 20 years—is easily accessible through the
Common Core of Data's (CCD) online Build a Table and Locator applications.
This session demonstrated how
you can use these resources for fast and authoritative answers to common education questions.
Sessions in Federal track:
I-F, II-F, III-F, IV-D, IV-F, V-D, V-E, V-F, VI-D, VI-F, VII-D, VIII-E, X-E, and XI-E
VI–G |
Data Quality in Real Time—How the SIF Standard Can Improve Your Data
Richard Nadeau and Jerri Fawcett, Horry County Schools (South Carolina)
Aziz Elia, CPSI, Ltd.
Laurie Collins, Schools Interoperability Framework Association
This presentation was a discussion of how SIF enhances and changes the district business process
and showed the data cleansing and cost savings that can be achieved on both the district and
state level. A live demonstration of the data extraction and data cleansing process illustrated
how data can be modified in real time for more accurate state and district reporting.
Sessions in SIF track:
VI–H |
The Complexity of Virginia's Discipline, Crime, and Violence Data Collection and the Innovations in the Data Reporting
Mona Mallory, Joyce Martin, and Ray Woten, Virginia Department of Education
The complexity of Virginia's Discipline, Crime, and Violence (DCV) data collection was discussed
as well as the enhancements that have improved the reporting process for the school districts in the state.
The usage of DCV data has also improved with tools such as the Safe Schools Information Resource (SSIR)
that provides transparency and allows schools, parents, and communities easy access to DCV data.
A demonstration of the SSIR tool was presented.
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VI–I |
An Introduction to the National AYP and Identification (NAYPI) Database
James Taylor, Kwang Yoon, and Yu Zhang, American Institute for Research
The presenters described the National Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) and Identification (NAYPI)
database and discussed the potential uses of these data. Funded by the U.S. Department of Education,
data were collected from state education agency officials and consolidated state performance reports,
and the data were then put into a common standardized format enabling analyses across states and the
nation. The database contains nearly 90,000 public schools in 15,000 districts across 50 states. The
NAYPI database contains detailed information on whether each school met each of its 37 potential AYP
targets including reading proficiency, math proficiency, reading test participation, math test
participation, and the other academic indicator for the "all students" group and each of eight
student subgroups in the years 2003–04, 2004–05, 2005–06 and three years of
identification for improvement status under NCLB. AYP and identification data have been
merged with the Common Core of Data (CCD) to provide a variety of demographic variables.
To display how the data can be used to address policy issues of interest, we briefly presented
analyses of the reasons that schools missed AYP, the percentage of students whose test
scores were used in the accountability system, and the estimated number of schools affected
by existing proposals for differentiated accountability. The session summarized the
accomplishments and lessons learned over the last four years creating and analyzing the database.
This overview also described upcoming releases and how the NAYPI can be merged with AYP data
elements from EDFacts to conduct more complex longitudinal analyses.
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