Concurrent Session I 2:30 - 3:20 |
Data Exchanges: Best Practices Across Industries
Canada, McGowan |
Designing With the Ends in Mind: Data Systems and Their Users
Edwards, Levesque, Hall |
Institutionalizing EDFacts— Accomplishments and Milestones
Santy | CCD Non-Fiscal Coordinators Training
NCES, Census Bureau, ESSI |
Concurrent Session II 3:30 - 4:20 |
New Grants for Evaluation of State and Local Education Programs; Case Study: Effects of Teacher Policies on Student Achievement
Ruby, Wyckoff |
Data Audits for Impacting Data Quality
Carter, Gosa |
EDFacts and the State Education Data Center
Santy, Newby, Alston |
Concurrent Session III 4:30 - 5:20 |
Next Generation Data Conversations: From Building to Using Data to Improve Student Achievement
Osberg, Smith |
Wisconsin LDS: Building Internal Capacity to Increase Equity
Airola, Packard, Mulvenon |
EDFacts and the Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR) Continued Relationship Stettner-Eaton, Clark |
Concurrent Session IV 8:30 - 9:30 |
Data Sharing Across the Educational Pipeline
Smith |
New Developments in the NAEP High School Transcript Study
Brown, Laird |
SEAs, LEAs and Schools—What Are They?
Timm, Hoffman |
Encouraging Data Use for Instructional Improvement
Magner, Walkup |
Concurrent Session V
9:45 - 10:45 |
You Have Longitudinal Data—Now What?
Smith, Bergner |
Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE) Data Warehouse, SIF, and Portal Project Completion Case Study
Giroux, Landry, Stefanakos, Nadeau |
Expanding Access to EDFacts Data and Reports on www.ed.gov/edfacts: Interactive Session
Chatis |
And How Do You Define "School"?
Hoffman, Alston |
Concurrent Session VI 11:00 - 12:00 |
Using the Education Data Model in Longitudinal Data Systems
Paredes, Wrage, Kubzdela |
Making a Statewide Data System Work for Teachers
Walker, Hervey Degarmo |
2008 Civil Rights Data Collection
Banwart, Fitch, Parsons,
Bogner |
Graduates and Dropouts on the CCD
Stillwell, Hoffman, Gaviola |
Concurrent Session VII 1:30 - 2:30 |
Benefiting From Data
Taylor |
Where Oh Where Did My Students Go…Oh Where Oh Where Could They Be? Considerations for Calculating Graduation and Dropout Rates Babcock, Magyar, Scheff |
EDFacts, K-12 Models, and SIF
Santy, Collins |
Reporting the On-Time Graduation Rate to ED
Stevenson, Rooney, Chapman |
Concurrent Session VIII 2:45 - 3:45 |
P–12 Data Systems: New Developments and Lessons Learned
Gosa, Rodriguez, Schwartz |
Maryland-Johns Hopkins University
Metadata Partnership
Rabenstine, Smetheram, Stefanakos, Clements |
Organizing for Improved Data Governance
Timm |
Implementing a Statewide Dropout Early Warning System
Franklin, Madden |
Concurrent Session IX 4:00 - 5:00 |
P-20 Longitudinal Data Systems: Getting Started, the Future, and Lessons Learned
Sellers, Brinson, Taylor |
Infomatic—The Amazing Alaska Information Portal Data Slice and Dice Tool
Fadaoff, King |
Electronic Application System for Indian Education (EASIE)
Banwart, Carothers |
Using Current Data to Identify Dropouts and Electronically Track Interventions Kyle, Franklin |
Concurrent Session X 8:30 - 9:30 | Longitudinal Data Systems Roundtable Discussions
Smith, Bergner, Walker, Miller, Seddiq |
Electronic Record and Transcript Exchange: How Texas Implemented a PK-20 System for 4.5 Million Students
Gentzel, Buyse, Johnson |
Addressing Data Quality in EDFacts
Timm, Kehr |
Measure Mania—Part II
Barfield, Thompson |
Concurrent Session XI 9:45 - 10:45 |
Longitudinal Data Systems Roundtable Discussions
Smith, Bergner, Walker, Miller, Seddiq |
Workshop: Evaluating Longitudinal Data Systems: A Guide for State-Level Inquiry
Storandt, Zorn |
Managing the Business Process of Data
Hinman, Sauls |
Workshop: Writing a Readable Grant Proposal
Hoffman, Kubzdela, Gould, Gosa, Juillerat |
Concurrent Session XII 11:00 - 12:00 | |
EDFacts and Special Education Data
Worthington |