XI–A |
Longitudinal Data Systems Roundtable Discussions
Nancy Smith, Data Quality Campaign
Terry Bergner, Consultant, Data Quality Campaign
Eboni Walker, Kforce Government Solutions
Amanda Miller and Yosef Seddiq, Council of Chief State School Officers
By popular demand, this session provided a chance to talk with your colleagues about a variety of issues
surrounding the development, maintenance, and use of longitudinal data systems. Participants could
join a table with a particular topic, or suggest their own.
Sessions in LDS track:
I-A, II-A, III-A, IV-A, V-A, VI-A, VII-A, VIII-A, IX-A, X-A, XI-A, and XI-D
XI–B |
Workshop: Evaluating Longitudinal Data Systems: A Guide for State-Level Inquiry
Barbara Storandt, Hezel Associates
Deborah Zorn, University of Cincinnati, Evaluation Services Center
Led by the evaluators of Ohio's D3A2 initiative, workshop participants considered ways to measure
the implementation and impact of their states' longitudinal data systems. Formative, summative and
process evaluation techniques informed the template used to guide the workshop. At the conclusion
of the session, participants had articulated their evaluation needs as research questions, and
they will had identified qualitative and/or quantitative research activities that were most
appropriate for answering each question. Participants also considered the strengths and limitations
of evaluation data. This workshop was ideal for recipients of IES grant funds and anyone involved
in developing a statewide LDS.
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Sessions in Statewide LDS track:
I-B, II-B, III-B, IV-B, V-B, VI-B, VII-B, VIII-B, IX-B, X-B, and XI-B
XI–C |
Managing the Business Process of Data
Pam Hinman and Kevin Sauls, U. S. Department of Education, EDFacts
The effective collection, storage, and use of data require that business processes be defined,
managed, integrated, and documented. EDFacts
has acquired a business process management
system (BPMS) to help with the management, integration, and documentation of the business
processes used by EDFacts. This session used selected business processes to illustrate
how the BPMS tool is used to coordinate and integrate EDFacts business processes.
Sessions in EDEN/EDFacts track:
I-C, II-C, III-C, IV-C, V-C, VI-C, VII-C, VIII-C, IX-C, X-C, XI-C, and XII-C
XI–D |
Two-Hour Workshop: Writing a Readable Grant Proposal
Lee Hoffman, Kashka Kubzdela, and Tate Gould, National Center for Education Statistics
Kathy Gosa, Kansas State Department of Education
Beth Juillerat, Ohio Department of Education
IES is issuing requests for applications from states for a third round of Statewide Longitudinal
Data Systems (SLDS) grants to state education agencies. Reviewers can only judge the quality of
a proposal if it clearly conveys what the state proposes to do. Using excerpts from winning
proposals, and their own experience, the panelists pointed out what to cover, and how to cover
it understandably, in the major proposal sections.
Sessions in LDS track:
I-A, II-A, III-A, IV-A, V-A, VI-A, VII-A, VIII-A, IX-A, X-A, XI-A, and XI-D
XI–E |
What You Should Consider Before Starting to Build a Longitudinal Education Information System
Patrick Sherrill, U.S. Department of Education, Office of Planning and Policy Development
Laurie Collins, Schools Interoperability Framework Association
In the development of a longitudinal data system with numerous participant stakeholders,
80 percent of the work requires insights into education and project management processes,
yet only 20 percent of the work requires technological expertise. There are many variables
from different areas of expertise that must be carefully considered. This presentation by
team members of the Longitudinal Data System Task Force introduced and discussed a number
of concepts, perspectives, and processes that need to be understood and incorporated in
any complicated information systems development project. Among other topics, they
discussed the importance of considering the information life cycle, the systems development
life cycle, the concepts of enterprise architecture and data governance, and the multiple,
different stakeholder perspectives of those who will be involved in developing the system
Sessions in Federal track:
I-F, II-F, III-F, IV-D, IV-F, V-D, V-E, V-F, VI-D, VI-F, VII-D, VIII-E, X-E, and XI-E
XI–G |
PESC and SIFA, Making the Connections for P-20
Michael Sessa, Postsecondary Electronic Standards Council
Larry L Fruth II, Ph.D., Schools Interoperability Framework Association
Many LEAs, SEAs, and Higher Education Institutions are wondering what the connections
are between secondary and postsecondary. In this session we looked at the joint work
being done between the organizations, what the touching points, opportunities and needs
are to exchange data, and how this will improve interoperability for P-20.
Sessions in SIF track: