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Status and Trends in the Education of American Indians and Alaska Natives
Indicator 3.1: Absenteeism

Figure 3.1. Percentage distribution of 8th-grade students, by number of days absent from school in the preceding month and race/ethnicity: 2003
Percentage distribution of 8th-grade students, by number of days absent from school in the preceding month and race/ethnicity: 2003
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 2003 Reading Assessment.

American Indian/Alaska Native 8th-graders had relatively more absences from school than students of any other race/ethnicity.

Children with high rates of absenteeism do not have the same amount of learning opportunities as children who attend school regularly. In 2003, some 66 percent of American Indian/Alaska Native 8th-grade students reported they were absent in the preceding month. American Indian/Alaska Native students were more likely to be absent at least once a month than students of any other race/ethnicity. In 2003, some 56 percent of Black students, 58 percent of Hispanic students, and 57 percent of White students, and 37 percent of Asian/Pacific Islander students reported that they were absent at least once from school in the preceding month.

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