Demographic Overview
Figure 1.1 | Percentage of the resident population by selected race/ethnicity: Selected years, 1980 to 2003 and projections to 2050
Figure 1.3 | Ten largest American Indian tribes according to number of self-identified members, by tribe: 2000
Figure 1.5 | Percentage distribution of family households, by race/ethnicity and family status: 2003
Figure 1.6a |
Percentage of individuals living in poverty, by age group and race/ethnicity: 2003
Figure 1.6b |
Percentage of families with children under 18 living in poverty, by race/ethnicity: 1989, 1999, and 2003
Figure 1.6c |
Percentage of American Indian/Alaska Native families living in poverty, by American Indian/Alaska Native Area: 1989 and 1999
Figure 1.7 | Percentage of babies of low birthweight, by race/ethnicity: 2002
Figure 1.8 | Child mortality rates (deaths per 100,000 population), by age group and race/ethnicity: 2002
Figure 2.1 | Percentage distribution of public elementary and secondary school enrollment, by race/ethnicity and urbanicity: Fall 2002
Figure 2.2 | Number of Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)–funded school programs, by operational structure: Selected years, 1997–98 to 2003–04
Figure 2.3a |
Percentage of children in each racial/ethnic group served under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), by race/ethnicity: 2003
Figure 2.3b |
Percentage of children ages 3 to 21 served under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), by race/ethnicity: 1998 to 2003
Persistence and Effort
Figure 3.1 | Percentage distribution of 8th-grade students, by number of days absent from school in the preceding month and race/ethnicity: 2003
Figure 3.2 | Percentage of public school students in kindergarten through 12th grade who were suspended, by race/ethnicity and sex: 2000
Figure 3.3 | Percentage of 16- to 24-year-olds who were high school dropouts, by race/ ethnicity: Selected years, 1990 to 2003
Figure 3.4 | Percentage of 10th-graders who expected to complete a bachelor’s degree or higher, by race/ethnicity: 1980 and 2002
Academics and Achievement
Figure 4.1 | Percentage of American Indian/Alaska Native children and all children demonstrating specific motor and cognitive skills, by child’s age at assessment: 2001
Figure 4.2 | Average reading scale scores, by grade and selected race/ethnicity: 2000, 2002, and 2003
Figure 4.3 | Average mathematics scale scores, by grade and selected race/ethnicity: 1996, 2000, and 2003
Figure 4.4 | Average science scale scores, by grade and selected race/ethnicity: 1996 and 2000
Figure 4.5a |
Average U.S. history scale scores, by grade and selected race/ethnicity: 1994 and 2001
Figure 4.5b |
Average geography scale scores, by grade and selected race/ethnicity: 1994 and
Figure 4.6 | Percentage of public high school graduates who had completed the core academic track, by race/ethnicity: Various years, 1982 to 2000
Figure 4.7 | Percentage of high school graduates who completed advanced academic courses, by school subject and race/ethnicity: 2000
Figure 4.8 | Average scores on Advanced Placement (AP) tests, by subject and race/ethnicity: 2003
Figure 4.9 | Average SAT scores for college-bound seniors, by race/ethnicity: 2004
Social and Educational Environments
Figure 5.1 | Percentage of children ages 6 to 18 whose parents had completed high school, by race/ethnicity: 2003
Figure 5.2 | Percentage distribution of 8th-grade public school students who report that people in their home speak a language other than English, by frequency of other language spoken and race/ethnicity: 2003
Figure 5.3 | Percentage of 8th-grade students in public schools with more than 25 books at home, by race/ethnicity: 2003
Student Behaviors
Figure 6.1 | Percentage of 8th-grade students in public schools who use a computer at home, by race/ethnicity: 2003
Figure 6.2 | Percentage of children ages 12 to 17 who used alcohol, smoked cigarettes, or used marijuana in the past month, by race/ethnicity: 2003
Figure 6.3 | Percentage of high school students who reported that they were threatened or injured with a weapon on school property, engaged in a physical fight on school property, or carried a weapon to school, by race/ethnicity: 2003 |
Figure 6.4 | Percentage distribution of 8th-grade students in public schools according to frequency of reading for fun, by race/ethnicity: 2003
Postsecondary Education
Figure 7.1 | American Indian/Alaska Native enrollment in public and private degree-granting institutions, by type of institution and sex: Selected years, 1976 to 2002
Figure 7.2 | Enrollment in tribally controlled colleges: Fall 1997 to fall 2002
Figure 7.4 | Percentage of 1992 12th-graders who were likely postsecondary participants who completed a bachelor’s degree or higher by 2000, by race/ethnicity
Figure 7.5 | Number of degrees awarded to American Indian/Alaska Native students, by level of degree: 1976–77 to 2002–03
Figure 7.6 | Percentage of bachelor’s degrees conferred in total and to American Indians/Alaska Natives by degree-granting institutions in the 10 most popular fields of study: 2002–03
Figure 7.7 | Percentage of master’s and doctoral degrees conferred in total and to American Indians/Alaska Natives by degree-granting institutions in the most popular fields of study: 2002–03 |
Figure 7.8 | Percentage distribution of full-time instructional faculty in degree-granting institutions, by race/ethnicity and academic rank: 2001
Outcomes of Education
Figure 8.1 | Percentage distribution of adults ages 25 and over, by highest level of education and race/ethnicity: 2003
Figure 8.2 | Unemployment rates for persons ages 16 and over, by race/ethnicity: 1994 to 2003
Figure 8.3 | Median income (in constant 2003 dollars) of households, by race/ethnicity: 1989 to 2003
Figure 8.4 | Percentage of citizens ages 18 and over who reported voting in the presidential election, by race/ethnicity: 1996 and 2000