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The tables shown here complement those included in the publications that use ECLS data. Additional tables will be added to ECLS Table Library periodically.

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indicates a recently added or modified table.

  • Table D1a. Self-reported frequency of their sense of feeling connected to school for the kindergarten class of 2010–11 during the 2015–16 school year, by selected child and family characteristics: Spring 2016
  • Table D1b. Standard Errors for Table D1a: Self-reported frequency of their sense of feeling connected to school for the kindergarten class of 2010–11 during the 2015-16 school year, by selected child and family characteristics: Spring 2016
  • Table D2a. Percentage of the kindergarten class of 2010–11 reporting during the 2015–16 school year that statements related to people demonstrating effort and persistence describe a person like themselves, by selected child and family characteristics: Spring 2016
  • Table D2b. Standard Errors for Table D2a: Percentage of the kindergarten class of 2010–11 reporting during the 2015–16 school year that statements related to people demonstrating effort and persistence describe a person like themselves, by selected child and family characteristics: Spring 2016
  • Table B1a. Percentage of kindergartners whose parents reported in the fall of kindergarten that their child and family members did home activities together three or more times in a typical week, by activity type and selected child and school characteristics: School years 1998–99 and 2010–11
  • Table B1b. Standard errors for table B1a: Percentage of kindergartners whose parents reported in the fall of kindergarten that their child and family members did home activities together three or more times in a typical week, by activity type and selected child and school characteristics: School years 1998–99 and 2010–11
  • Table B2a. Percentage of kindergartners whose parents reported in the spring of kindergarten doing activities with their child in the past month, by activity type and selected child and school characteristics: School years 1998–99 and 2010–11
  • Table B2b. Standard errors for table B2a: Percentage of kindergartners whose parents reported in the spring of kindergarten doing activities with their child in the past month, by activity type and selected child and school characteristics: School years 1998–99 and 2010–11
  • Table B3a. Percentage of the kindergarten class of 2010–11 who attended summer camp during the summer of 2012, frequency of attendance, and percentage participating in selected activities, by selected child and family characteristics: Fall 2012
  • Table B3b. Standard Errors for Table B3a: Percentage of the kindergarten class of 2010–11 who attended summer camp during the summer of 2012, frequency of attendance, and percentage participating in selected activities, by selected child and family characteristics: Fall 2012
  • Table E1a. Percentage of the kindergarten class of 2010–11 whose reading, math, and science teachers assigned them homework during the 2015–16 school year, average number of days per week teachers assigned them homework, and amount of time per day teachers expected them to spend on homework, by selected school characteristics: Spring 2016
  • Table E1b. Standard Errors for Table E1a: Percentage of the kindergarten class of 2010–11 whose reading, math, and science teachers assigned them homework during the 2015–16 school year, average number of days per week teachers assigned them homework, and amount of time per day teachers expected them to spend on homework, by selected school characteristics: Spring 2016
  • Table E2a. Percentage of the kindergarten class of 2010–11 in classrooms where a non-English language was used during the 2012–13 school year by teachers, aides, or other adults about half the time or more in class, by purpose of use and selected child and school characteristics: Spring 2013
  • Table E2b. Standard Errors for Table E2a: Percentage of the kindergarten class of 2010–11 in classrooms where a non-English language was used during the 2012–13 school year by teachers, aides, or other adults about half the time or more in class, by purpose of use and selected child and school characteristics: Spring 2013
  • Table F1a. Percentage of schools containing kindergarten classes, by those with language-minority students, average percentage of kindergartners who are English language learners (ELL), percentage providing selected types of instruction and services to language-minority students, and selected school characteristics: School year 2010–11
  • Table F1b. Standard Errors for Table F1a: Percentage of schools containing kindergarten classes, by those with language-minority students, average percentage of kindergartners who are English language learners (ELL), percentage providing selected types of instruction and services to language-minority students, and selected school characteristics: School year 2010–11
  • Table F2a. Percentage of the kindergarten class of 2010–11 who attended schools during the 2015–16 school year with selected safety measures, by how often students felt safe at school and selected child and school characteristics: Spring 2016
  • Table F2b. Standard Errors for Table F2a: Percentage of the kindergarten class of 2010–11 who attended schools during the 2015–16 school year with selected safety measures, by how often students felt safe at school and selected child and school characteristics: Spring 2016
  • Table A1a. Percentage of kindergartners whose parents reported participation in school-related activities during the school year, by activity type and selected child and school characteristics: School years 1998–99 and 2010–11
  • Table A1b. Standard errors for table A1a: Percentage of kindergartners whose parents reported participation in school-related activities during the school year, by activity type and selected child and school characteristics: School years 1998–99 and 2010–11
  • Table A2a. Percentage of schools that reported offering different family involvement activities during the school year, by activity type and selected school characteristics: School years 1998–99 and 2010–11
  • Table A2b. Standard errors for table A2a: Percentage of schools that reported offering different family involvement activities during the school year, by activity type and selected school characteristics: School years 1998–99 and 2010–11
  • Table A3a. Percentage of schools that reported having on-site programs or services for parents during the school year, by program or service type and selected school characteristics: School years 1998–99 and 2010–11
  • Table A3b. Standard errors for table A3a: Percentage of schools that reported having on-site programs or services for parents during the school year, by program or service type and selected school characteristics: School years 1998–99 and 2010–11
  • Table G1a. Percentage of the kindergarten class of 2010–11 reporting social anxiety/fear of negative evaluation in the springs of 2014, 2015, and 2016, and worry/stress about school in the spring of 2016, by selected child and family characteristics: Spring 2014, spring 2015, and spring 2016
  • Table G1b. Standard Errors for Table G1a: Percentage of the kindergarten class of 2010–11 reporting social anxiety/fear of negative evaluation in the springs of 2014, 2015, and 2016, and worry/stress about school in the spring of 2016, by selected child and family characteristics: Spring 2014, spring 2015, and spring 2016
  • Table G2a. Percentage of the kindergarten class of 2010–11 with low, moderate, or high teacher ratings for prosocial behavior and emotional understanding during the springs of 2015 and 2016, by selected child and family characteristics: Spring 2015 and spring 2016
  • Table G2b. Standard Errors for Table G2a: Percentage of the kindergarten class of 2010–11 with low, moderate, or high teacher ratings for prosocial behavior and emotional understanding during the springs of 2015 and 2016, by selected child and family characteristics: Spring 2015 and spring 2016
  • Table C1a. Percentage of kindergartners whose parents reported in the fall of kindergarten that their child demonstrated certain attitudes and behaviors in transitioning to kindergarten more than once a week during the first 2 months of the school year, by type of attitude or behavior and selected child and school characteristics: School years 1998–99 and 2010–11
  • Table C1b. Standard errors for table C1a: Percentage of kindergartners whose parents reported in the fall of kindergarten that their child demonstrated certain attitudes and behaviors in transitioning to kindergarten more than once a week during the first 2 months of the school year, by type of attitude or behavior and selected child and school characteristics: School years 1998–99 and 2010–11
  • Table C2a. Percentage of kindergartners whose parents reported in the fall of kindergarten that their child's school or teacher sent home information about kindergarten, by type of information and selected child and school characteristics: School years 1998–99 and 2010–11
  • Table C2b. Standard errors for table C2a: Percentage of kindergartners whose parents reported in the fall of kindergarten that their child's school or teacher sent home information about kindergarten, by type of information and selected child and school characteristics: School years 1998–99 and 2010–11
