2010-11 (the kindergarten year): The ECLS-K:2011 child assessments, parent interviews, and teacher questionnaires were fielded in the fall. Children, parents, and teachers participated again in the spring, along with school administrators and before- and after-school care providers.
2011-12 (the first-grade year): The ECLS-K:2011 child assessments, parent interviews, and teacher questionnaires were fielded for a subsample of children in the fall. The full sample of children, their parents, their teachers, and their school administrators participated in the spring.
2012-13 (the second-grade year): The ECLS-K:2011 child assessments, child hearing evaluations, parent interviews, and teacher questionnaires were fielded for a subsample of children in the fall. The full sample of children, their parents, their teachers, and their school administrators participated in the spring.
2014 (the third-grade year): The ECLS-K:2011 child assessments, parent interviews, and teacher and school administrator questionnaires were fielded in the spring of the third-grade year. Children also completed questionnaires and a subsample participated in the hearing evaluations.
2015 (the fourth-grade year): The ECLS-K:2011 child assessments, parent interviews, and teacher and school administrator questionnaires were fielded in the spring of the third-grade year. Children also completed questionnaires.
2016 (the fifth-grade year): The ECLS-K:2011 child assessments, parent interviews, and teacher and school administrator questionnaires were fielded in the spring of the third-grade year. Children also completed questionnaires and a subsample participated in the hearing evaluations.
The longitudinal Kindergarten - Fifth Grade Public-Use File and associated documentation (https://nces.ed.gov/ecls/dataproducts.asp) are now available. This longitudinal K-5 data file includes all released data for all cases that ever participated in the study, including those that became nonrespondents at some point after kindergarten. This is the only file that is needed for analysis of publicly available data for any round of ECLS-K:2011 data collection. Information on other data releases, including supplemental and restricted-use files, can be found at http://nces.ed.gov/pubsearch/getpubcats.asp?sid=024.
Due to NCES' confidentiality legislation, researchers must obtain (or amend) a restricted data license to access restricted data from the ECLS-K:2011.
Public-use ECLS-K:2011 data files, electronic codebooks (ECBs), and user's manuals are available online at https://nces.ed.gov/ecls/dataproducts.asp. ECBs can be used to 1) examine variables in a data set, 2) examine question wording, response categories, and frequency distributions, and 3) select and export variables along with the appropriate code needed to create SAS, SPSS, and STATA datasets.