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Title: Characteristics of the 100 Largest Public Elementary and Secondary School Districts in the United States: 2006-07
Description: This annual report provides basic information from the Common Core of Data about the nation's largest public school districts in the 2006-07 school year. The data include such characteristics as the number of students and teachers, number of high school completers and the averaged freshman graduation rate, and revenues and expenditures. Findings include: In 2006-07, these 100 largest districts enrolled 23 percent of all public school students, and employed 22 percent of all public school teachers. The districts produced 17 percent of all high school completers (both diploma and other completion credential recipients) in 2005-06. Across the districts, the average freshman graduation rate was 75.6 percent. Three states -- California, Florida, and Texas -- accounted for almost half of the 100 largest public school districts. Current per-pupil expenditures in fiscal year 2003 ranged from a low of $5,719 in the Puerto Rico School District to a high of $19,749 in Boston, Massachusetts.
Online Availability:
Cover Date: June 2008
Web Release: June 9, 2009
Publication #: NCES 2009342
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Center/Program: NCES
Type of Product: Statistical Analysis Report
Survey/Program Areas: Common Core of Data (CCD)
Questions: For questions about the content of this Statistical Analysis Report, please contact:
Patrick Keaton.