Table A-3.  Standard errors for Table 3: Percentage distribution of 2007–08 beginning public school teachers who were teaching in 2008–09 by teacher status and selected 2008–09 teacher and school characteristics: 2009–10
Selected teacher or school characteristic in 2008–09 Total 2009–10 teacher status
Current Former
Total 1.3 1.3
Base salary
Less than $40,000 1.8 1.8
$40,000 or more 1.6 1.6
Teaching status
Full time 1.3 1.3
Part time 5.5
Assigned a mentor in 2008–09
Yes 1.9 1.9
No 1.8 1.8
Class organization
Departmentalized instruction 2.1 2.1
Elementary subject specialist 2.1
Self-contained class 1.5 1.5
Team teaching 0.8
"Pull-out" class or "push-in" instruction 3.8
Community type
City/suburban 1.8 1.8
Town/rural 1.7 1.7
Percent of K–12 students who were approved for free or reduced-price lunches
Less than 50 percent 0.6 0.6
50 percent or more 1.9 1.9
School did not participate in free or reduced-price lunch program 22.1
† Not applicable.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Beginning Teacher Longitudinal Study (BTLS), "First Through Third Wave Preliminary Data File," 2007–08, 2008–09, 2009–10.