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List of Tables

Estimate Tables

Table 1. Percentage distribution of 2007–08 beginning public school teachers, by teacher status: 2007–08 through 2009–10
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Table 2. Percentage distribution of 2007–08 beginning public school teachers, by teacher status and selected 2007–08 teacher and school characteristics: 2008–09 and 2009–10
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Table 3. Percentage distribution of 2007–08 beginning public school teachers who were teaching in 2008–09 by teacher status and selected 2008–09 teacher and school characteristics: 2009–10
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Table 4. Percentage distribution of 2007–08 beginning public school teachers by teacher status, type of move, and occupational status: 2007–08 through 2009–10
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Table 5. Percentage of 2007–08 beginning public school teachers who moved across schools or left the teaching profession by contract renewal status: 2008–09 and 2009–10
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Appendix A: Standard Error Tables

Table A-1. Standard errors for Table 1: Percentage distribution of 2007–08 beginning public school teachers, by teacher status: 2007–08 through 2009–10
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Table A-2. Standard errors for Table 2: Percentage distribution of 2007–08 beginning public school teachers, by teacher status and selected 2007–08 teacher and school characteristics: 2008–09 and 2009–10
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Table A-3. Standard errors for Table 3: Percentage distribution of 2007–08 beginning public school teachers who were teaching in 2008–09 by teacher status and selected 2008–09 teacher and school characteristics: 2009–10
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Table A-4. Standard errors for Table 4: Percentage distribution of 2007–08 beginning public school teachers by teacher status, type of move, and occupational status: 2007–08 through 2009–10
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Table A-5. Standard errors for Table 5: Percentage of 2007–08 beginning public school teachers who moved across schools or left the teaching profession by contract renewal status: 2008–09 and 2009–10
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Appendix B: Methodology and Technical Notes

Table B-1. Unweighted and base-weighted response rates by stage of data collection, by wave and type of weighting: 2007–08 through 2009–10
Table B-2. Summary of SASS new teacher and BTLS nonresponse bias, by wave and nonresponse bias statistic: 2007–10
Table B-3. Range of item response rates and percentage of items with selected rate ranges, by wave and type of weighting: 2007–08 through 2009–10

Appendix C: Description of Variables

Table C-1. Variables used in the Beginning Teacher Attrition and Mobility: Results From the First Through Third Waves of the 2007–08 Beginning Teacher Longitudinal Study First Look report

List of Exhibits

Exhibit B-1. Variables used in the unit nonresponse bias analysis of the second and third waves of the BTLS: 2008–09 and 2009–10
