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From Kindergarten to Third Grade: Children's Beginning School Experiences

Appendix A: Tables

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List of Appendix A Tables


Standard Errors for Main Text Tables

Table A-1a

Standard errors of the percentage distribution of fall 1998 first-time kindergartners in the analytic report sample and the full ECLS-K sample, by child?s sex, race/ethnicity, and number of family risk factors: Fall 1998

Table A-2a

Standard errors of the percentage distribution of fall 1998 first-time kindergartners in the ECLS-K sample over the first 4 years of school, by selected family and school characteristics: Fall 1998, spring 1999, spring 2000, and spring 2002

Supplementary Tables

Table A-3

Percentage distribution of family risk factors for fall 1998 firsttime kindergartners, by selected child, family, and early school experience characteristics: Academic year 1998?99

Table A-3a

Standard errors of the percentage distribution of family risk factors for fall 1998 first-time kindergartners, by selected child, family, and early school experience characteristics: Academic year 1998?99

Table A-4

Mean reading scale scores for fall 1998 first-time kindergartners, by time of assessment and selected child, family, and early school experience characteristics: Fall 1998, spring 1999, spring 2000, and spring 2002

Table A-4a

Standard errors of the mean reading scale scores for fall 1998 first-time kindergartners by time of assessment and child, family, and early school experience characteristics: Fall 1998, spring 1999, spring 2000, and spring 2002

Table A-5

Mean mathematics scale scores for fall 1998 first-time kindergartners, by time of assessment and selected child, family, and early school experience characteristics: Fall 1998, spring 1999, spring 2000, and spring 2002

Table A-5a

Standard errors of the mean mathematics scale scores for fall 1998 first-time kindergartners, by time of assessment and child, family, and early school experience characteristics: Fall 1998, spring 1999, spring 2000, and spring 2002

Table A-6

Regression of fall 1998 first-time kindergartners? reading and mathematics gains from the fall of kindergarten to the spring of third grade on selected child, family, and early school experience characteristics: Fall 1998 and spring 2002

Table A-7

Mean science scale scores for fall 1998 first-time kindergartners in spring of third grade, by selected child, family, and early school experience characteristics: Spring 2002

Table A-7a

Standard errors of the mean science scale scores for fall 1998 first-time kindergartners in spring of third grade, by selected child, family, and early school experience characteristics: Spring 2002

Table A-8

Regression of fall 1998 first-time kindergartners? spring of third grade reading, mathematics, and science achievement on lected child, family, and early school experience characteristics: Spring 2002

Table A-9

Percentage of fall 1998 first-time kindergartners demonstrating specific reading knowledge and skills in spring of first and third grade, by grade level and selected child, family, and early school experience characteristics: Spring 2000 and spring 2002

Table A-9a

Standard errors of the percentage of fall 1998 first-time kindergartners demonstrating specific reading knowledge and skills in spring of first and third grade, by grade level and selected child, family, and early school experience characteristics: Spring 2000 and spring 2002

Table A-10

Regression of fall 1998 first-time kindergartners? probability of demonstrating specific reading knowledge and skills in spring of third grade on selected child, family, and early school experience characteristics: Spring 2002

Table A-11

Percentage of fall 1998 first-time kindergartners demonstrating specific mathematics knowledge and skills in spring of first and third grade, by grade level and selected child, family, and early school experience characteristics: Spring 2000 and spring 2002

Table A-11a

Standard errors of the percentage of fall 1998 first-time kindergartners demonstrating specific mathematics knowledge and skills in spring of first and third grade, by grade level and selected child, family, and early school experience characteristics: Spring 2000 and spring 2002

Table A-12

Regression of fall 1998 first-time kindergartners? probability of demonstrating specific mathematics knowledge and skills in spring of third grade on selected child, family, and early school experience characteristics: Spring 2002

Table A-13

Mean scale scores for fall 1998 first-time kindergartners? perceptions about their school experiences, peer relationships, and problem behaviors in spring of third grade, by selected child, family, and early school experience characteristics: Spring 2002

Table A-13a

Standard errors of the mean scale scores for fall 1998 firsttime kindergartners? perceptions about their school experiences, peer relationships, and problem behaviors in spring of third grade, by selected child, family, and early school experience characteristics: Spring 2002

Table A-14

Regression of fall 1998 first-time kindergartners? perceptions about their school experiences, peer relationships, and problem behaviors in spring of third grade on selected child, family, and early school experience characteristics: Spring 2002

Table A-15

Mean scale scores for fall 1998 first-time kindergartners? perceived competence and interest in reading, mathematics, and school subjects in spring of third grade, by their spring third-grade reading, mathematics, and science achievement scores: Spring 2002

Table A-15a

Standard errors of the mean scale scores for fall 1998 firsttime kindergartners? perceived competence and interest in reading, mathematics, and all school subjects in spring of third grade, by their spring third-grade reading, mathematics, and science achievement scores: Spring 2002

Table A-16

Regression of fall 1998 first-time kindergartners? reading and mathematics perceptions in spring of third grade on their spring third-grade achievement scores and selected child, family, and early school experience characteristics: Spring 2002

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