Projections of Education Statistics to 2011
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Table B3.-School-age populations (U.S. Census projections, Middle Series), ages 5, 6, 5 to 13, and 14 to 17 years: 1986 to 2011
(In thousands)
Year (July 1) 5 years old 6 years old 5 to 13 years old 14 to 17 years old
1986 3,568 3,518 30,078 14,825
1987 3,610 3,568 30,501 14,503
1988 3,627 3,611 31,030 14,023
1989 3,559 3,625 31,412 13,535
1990 3,678 3,561 32,002 13,322
1991 3,695 3,674 32,469 13,451
1992 3,710 3,694 32,943 13,702
1993 3,773 3,712 33,382 13,990
1994 3,867 3,771 33,712 14,491
1995 4,025 3,865 34,196 14,827
1996 4,050 4,020 34,604 15,212
1997 4,025 4,048 35,004 15,500
1998 3,950 4,022 35,397 15,519
1999 3,895 3,944 35,605 15,653
2000 3,850 3,889 35,751 15,725
2001 3,811 3,851 35,885 15,821
2002 3,820 3,809 35,941 16,047
2003 3,820 3,818 35,904 16,247
2004 3,821 3,817 35,697 16,580
2005 3,831 3,819 35,473 16,931
2006 3,845 3,828 35,281 17,188
2007 3,862 3,841 35,186 17,268
2008 3,883 3,858 35,164 17,132
2009 3,908 3,879 35,207 16,915
2010 3,939 3,904 35,322 16,681
2011 3,974 3,933 35,463 16,536
NOTE: Some data have been revised from previously published figures.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Current Population Reports, Series P-25, Nos. 1092, 1095, and "National Population Estimates," June 1999, and "Annual Projections of the Total Resident Population: 1999 to 2100," January 2000. (This table was prepared June 2001.)

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