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CIP 2020


Getting Started

Select the feature you need help with from the table of contents or find which feature to use based on what you want to do from the list below.

Each help topic contains screen shots and step-by-step instructions.

If you want to: Use this feature:
View detailed information on one CIP code. Quick CIP
View a list of CIP codes and titles organized by series. Browse
View a side-by-side comparison of the last CIP version to the current CIP version. Crosswalk
View code, title, definition, and examples for a group of codes based on criteria specified. Search
Obtain a report on CIP codes of interest to your institution. CIP Wizard

Contact NCES

To contact NCES about this site or its content, use the e-mail address provided. You can also find this information by hovering or clicking on the Contact menu option.


A screenshot of the Contact dropdown with email address.

CIP Detail

The CIP Detail page contains all the available information about any one CIP code in the selected version of the CIP. The CIP Detail page is directly accessible from the Quick CIP and is linked from the Search Results and the Crosswalk Results.

General Information

The CIP Title, Definition, See also (Cross reference) codes, Action, and Text Change information are listed.

A screenshot of CIP Detail.


“Single Code” view of the Crosswalk is provided to show the CIP code and title from the previous version and the current version. See the “Crosswalk > Single Code” section for more information.

A screenshot of CIP Detail Crosswalk section.


Illustrative Examples are meant to provide additional information to aid in selecting the correct program code; however, they are not intended to be a comprehensive list of programs that would be reported for that CIP code.

A screenshot of CIP Detail Examples section.


An excerpt of the Browse screen is shown for the entire series in which the selected CIP code (shown in bold text) exists. See the “Browse” section for more information.

A screenshot of CIP Detail Browse section.

Quick CIP

The Quick CIP allows you to quickly view the details about one CIP code. It is consistently available via the navigation bar as shown.

A screenshot of the Quick CIP input box in the header section of the website.

CIP codes should be entered in the following formats for 2-, 4-, and 6-digit codes: 01, 01.01, and 01.0101.

After entering a CIP code, click “Go” to view the detail page for that CIP code.

A screenshot of the Quick CIP detail results.


Browse is a complete listing of all the codes that are in the current CIP version. It can be accessed from the navigation bar under search options. You can browse by 2-digit, 4-digit, and 6-digit CIP codes.

A screenshot of the Browse option in the menu highlighted.

A screenshot of the Browse section of the website.


  • The user can view the entire structure of the current CIP version. Although the web site includes all codes from both the previous and current versions of the CIP, “Browse” only lists the codes in the current version.
  • The initial view of the Browse screen shows the most general categories within the CIP. These codes are assigned 2-digit series numbers.
  • Clicking the plus icon () next to the 2-digit series code will expand that series and show the 4-digit series codes, which provide more detailed groupings within the 2-digit series.
  • Clicking the plus icon () 4-digit series code will list all the 6-digit program codes, which are the most detailed program classifications with the CIP. The six digit codes are also the codes used by IPEDS Keyholders and Coordinators on the IPEDS Completions Survey.
  • To view details about a particular code at any level, click the link provided.
A screenshot of the Browse CIP Code detail.


The crosswalk provides a side-by-side comparison of the previous and current CIP versions. It is consistently available via the navigation bar as shown.

A screenshot of the crosswalk in the menu dropdown.

After clicking “View Crosswalk 2010-2020,” users may select to view all codes, all codes in one 2-digit series from the previous version, or a single code. The results are shown on screen and can be printed or exported.

A screenshot of the crosswalk search options.
All Codes

The default option on the Crosswalk page is “All Codes.” Click “Show Results” to see to full Crosswalk on the screen. All codes in the previous version (CIP 2010) are mapped to the current version (CIP 2020).

2-Digit Series

To view a side-by-side comparison of the previous and current CIP versions for only one 2-digit series, select “2-digit series” and click “Show Results.”

Single Code

To see results for a single code, select “Single Code,” enter a 2-, 4-, or 6-digit CIP code from either the current or previous CIP version, and click “Show Results.”

Results Display

A screenshot of the crosswalk search results.

CIP code numbers and titles from the previous CIP version are shown on the left-hand side of the crosswalk. These code numbers determine how the crosswalk is sorted. The corresponding CIP code number and title in the current CIP version is shown on the right-hand side along with information about what happened to that code between the two versions including the action and whether the code’s title or definition was changed.

Action Column
  • New codes: These codes have no corresponding entry in the columns for the previous version.
  • Moved codes: The CIP code essentially remains the same but was relocated in the CIP structure. Refer to the righthand columns for its new code number and any changes that may have been made to its title.
  • Deleted codes: Codes deleted from the previous version are shown for reference. One or more codes may be listed as correct alternatives to use in the new version instead of the deleted code. In the example above, code 60.046 was deleted and the instruction to report it under 61.0903 was provided.
  • No Substantive Changes code: These codes have the same CIP code number and usually have the same title but may have an accompanying change to title, definition, or both as indicated by a checkmark.
  • Check Column: CIP Title or Definition Changed: Codes whose title, definition, or both changed between the two CIP versions are indicated by a checkmark in the checkmark column. In the example shown, there is an apparent change in the title of the CIP code. There may also have been an accompanying change to the definition. If the CIP code titles shown in the crosswalk are the same and there is a checkmark, then the change was to the definition.

To view detailed information about each CIP code in the current CIP version, click the CIP code link. There you may view additional information such as the definition.

CIP Wizard

To easily find out what happened to only the CIP codes of interest to you, use the CIP Wizard. Users can view a list of CIP codes used by a postsecondary institution for their last three years of Completions data and how these codes map on to the latest version of the CIP. Users can also generate custom reports by selecting, uploading, or pasting specific CIP codes to see how they map to the latest version of the CIP.

The CIP Wizard can be accessed from the homepage of the CIP web site or via the navigation bar throughout the site.

A screenshot of CIP Wizard tab on the menu highlighted.

Identify Institution

Begin by identifying your institution by UnitID or name. Non-institution personnel may select any school to begin.


You may enter a valid UNITID and click “Go” to begin.

By Institution Name

Enter four or more characters to begin the search. A list of matching institutions will be shown as you type. Click “Select” to choose an institution as the focus institution and continue to the next page.

A screenshot of CIP Wizard homepage with search options.
No Matches

If there are no institutions matching the entered text, a message will be shown.

Underlined Text In Search Results

The text matching the entered text will be underlined in the search results.

“College” or “University”

For faster search results, omit common words like “College” or “University” in your search.

“Searching…” Message

Entering text with a large number of matches, such as “college” or “university,” will result in a “Searching…” message while the results are being compiled. If the searching message appears, wait for your results to be returned. Continue typing to narrow the search or enter different text to begin a new search. As text is typed, there may be a delay in seeing it display on screen if the first several characters initiate a large search.

Search Results Do Not Match Entered Text

Occasionally, search results will be returned that do not match the entered text. Variations in institutions’ names, abbreviations, and common misspellings are searched by the system, so these may still return results without any underlined text.

Choose Report

Two types of reports are available.

One option, “Get My CIP Code Report” generates a report based on the CIP codes your selected institution submitted for the last three IPEDS Completion Surveys.

The other option, “Create Custom CIP Code Summary Report” allows greater flexibility in which CIP codes are used to generate the report. A list of codes may be uploaded, pasted into the application, or selected from a list of codes. Additionally, codes matching those on the pre-defined list can be selected and modified.

Select the desired option and click “Next.” To choose another institution, click “CIP Wizard” in the navigation bar.

A screenshot of report options.

Create Custom Report

To Create a Custom CIP Code Summary Report, you will specify which CIP Codes to include in the report. There are several ways to specify the CIP codes to be included: choose them one-by-one by clicking through the list, enter/paste a list of codes, upload a file with a list of codes, or choose to have the codes your institution submitted on the last 3 Completions surveys selected for you. You may use a combination of these methods to identify your list.

The initial view shows all the CIP Codes from the previous CIP version listed in order by code number. Click the “By Title” tab to see an alphabetical listing of the codes. Since the CIP 2020 is the current CIP version, the CIP 2010 codes are listed below for selection.

A screenshot of CIP Wizard browse codes.

To select codes one-by-one, expand the desired series by clicking the plus icon () next to it until you find the desired codes. Then select the boxes next to the codes you want to be shown on the report.

A screenshot of CIP Wizard browse codes selected.

To view an alphabetical listing instead, click the “By Title” tab at any time. All selections will be retained. Click the “By Code” tab to return to this view.

A screenshot of CIP Wizard browse codes in alphabetical order under the Title tab.

If you already have a list of 6-digit program codes in electronic format, you can paste them into the Enter/Paste box to select them at once instead of selecting them individually. You may also type them in if desired. Choose “Enter/Paste Codes” from the Advanced Options to begin.

The “Enter/Paste Codes” window will open over your existing selections as shown.

A screenshot of CIP Wizard paste codes popup.

Any 6-digit program code may be entered. Please enter the list of codes separated either by commas, by spaces, or by being entered on separate lines. Click “Submit,” read the confirmation/error message, then close the window.

Acceptable formats

  • You may enter a list of 6-digit codes separated by commas.
  • You may enter a list of 6-digit codes separated by spaces.
  • You may enter a list of 6-digit codes separated by line breaks.
Confirmation/Error Messages

After entering codes and clicking “Submit,” be sure to read the confirmation/error message provided to determine the appropriate action.

A screenshot of CIP Wizard paste codes error message.
All Codes Found

If every code is entered in the proper format and found in the previous version of the CIP, you will receive the following message:

A screenshot of CIP Wizard paste message all codes selected.

“All codes are selected below. Please review the list and add any additional codes desired and click 'Next'.” Close the window, continue selecting additional codes if desired, and click “Next” to see the report.

Some Codes Found

If only some of the codes can be found in the previous version of the CIP, you will receive the following message:

A screenshot of CIP Wizard paste codes error message.

“Only some of the codes submitted were found and they are checked below. The following codes were not found: [codes]. Please review the 'Not Found' tab of the report for suggested codes to use.”

The entered list of codes contains one code that did not exist in the previous version. It will be shown on the report on the “Not Found” tab for further analysis. All other codes were found and checked in the list. Close the window and continue.

No Codes Found

If none of the codes are found in the previous version of the CIP, you will receive the following message:

A screenshot of CIP Wizard paste codes error message for no codes found.

“None of the codes were found. Please make sure the list is in an appropriate format and that the codes were from the correct CIP version.”

In this case, the code will not be shown on the “Not Found” tab of the report because it was not entered along with any other valid codes.

No Codes Entered

If no codes were entered, you will receive the following message:

A screenshot of CIP Wizard paste codes error message for no coes entered.

“You must enter at least one code to continue.” If you opened the window by mistake, close it.

Formatting Errors

Formatting errors may be responsible for receiving the message:

A screenshot of CIP Wizard paste codes error message for no codes found.

“None of the codes were found. Please make sure the list is in an appropriate format and that the codes were from the correct CIP version.”

Entering 2- or 4-digit codes such as “01” and “01.01” would cause that error since only 6-digit codes may be entered. Any single code entered that did not exist in the previous CIP version would cause that error Code. In this example, 15.1307 was not a valid code in CIP 2010.

Mixing the types of separators between the codes will also cause the same error. Either separate all codes by commas, all codes by spaces, or all codes by line breaks.

Upload Saved File

You may upload a file you previously saved within the CIP Wizard or another file created according to the specifications. Click “Upload Saved File” from the list of Advanced Options.

Instructions and a box in which to enter your file name will be provided.

A screenshot of CIP Wizard upload codes popup.

Any file created by the CIP Wizard using the "Save codes for upload" feature may be uploaded. Any file created in the required format may also be uploaded.

Click “Browse” to select your file and then click “Upload.”

Uploaded files must have a .txt file extension and contain three tab-delimited columns:

CIPCODE, CIPCODENODOT, and CIPTITLE. The CIPCODE column must only contain 6-digit CIP Codes with the leading zero, if applicable, and dot notation (e.g. 01.0101). The CIPCODENODOT and CIPTITLE columns must exist but do not need to be populated; however, the tab delimiter is necessary.

Sample file created by the CIP Wizard application meeting minimum requirements that can uploaded.

After a successful upload, you will receive the message:

A screenshot of CIP Wizard upload codes popup with submission message.

Please review the list and add any additional codes desired and click “Next.”

Select My School’s Codes

To select all the codes your selected institution submitted on the last three IPEDS Completion Surveys, click “Select My School’s Codes” from the Advanced Options menu.

A screenshot of CIP Wizard Select My School Codes popup.

It may take 30 seconds to select all the codes. Please wait.

These selected codes submitted by your institution on the last three IPEDS Completions surveys are marked in the list in bold blue text as shown. If these are the only codes selected, the generated report will be identical to the "Get My CIP Code Summary Report" for your institution. You may select additional codes or remove some of these codes from your list before viewing the report.

Save Codes for Upload

The selected codes may be saved for upload later. This is useful if you are still finalizing your list of codes and want to upload the list and continue refining it later. This is also useful to record your finalized selections in order to recreate the same report in the future. This option is also available from the report screens.

A screenshot of CIP Wizard save codes button highlighted.

Click “Save Codes for Upload” below the Advanced Options to save a text (.txt) file to your computer of all selected CIP Codes that will be used to create your report.

A screenshot of CIP Wizard text file of codes.

This file was designed specifically for use within the CIP Wizard.

This file contains the required columns CIPCODE, CIPCODEnodot, and CIPTitle.

Custom CIP Code Summary Report

Once you have selected all the CIP codes to be on the report, click “Next” to see the report.

In this example, assume we used Enter/Paste to select the following CIP Codes for the report:
30.0101, 15.1307, 61.2402, 36.0202, 60.0406, and 42.0101.

We received the following message: Only some of the codes submitted were found and they are checked below. The following codes were not found: 15.1307. Please review the 'Not Found' tab of the report for suggested codes to use.

We closed the window and clicked “Next.”

Our selections resulted in the following report screen being shown. Please note the main sections of the report: Summary, Report/Data Downloads, and Tabs for No substantive changes, Moved, Deleted, Not Found, and Suggested New Codes.

A screenshot of CIP Wizard Custom Summary Report.


Every page of the report shows the summary.

The total number of CIP codes you uploaded, entered, or selected on the previous page is listed. In this example, there were 6 codes.

That total number is broken out into categories that correspond to the Tabs on the online report: No substantive Changes, Moved, Deleted, and Not Found. The last sentence of the summary lists the number of new codes that are highlighted on the last Tab of the report called Suggested New Codes.

No Substantive Changes

As indicated in the report summary, there are 2 CIP Codes that existed in the previous version and had no substantive changes made to them. If any of these codes had a change to their Title or Definition, that code would have a checkmark to the left of it.

A screenshot of CIP Wizard Custom Summary Report No substanative changes tab.

As indicated in the report summary, there are 0 CIP Codes that moved. These codes have new code numbers. The former code numbers and titles are listed on the left; the current code numbers and titles are listed on the right. Please update your records to use the new CIP Code numbers. If the CIP code also underwent a change to its Title or Definition, that code would have a checkmark in the checkmark column.

A screenshot of CIP Wizard Custom Summary Report Moved tab.

As indicated in the report summary, there is 1 CIP Code that is deleted from the previous version. The deleted code has a Report Under code specified. Please review the code provided to determine if it best describes your program.

A screenshot of CIP Wizard Custom Summary Report Deleted tab.
Not Found

As indicated in the report summary, there is 1 CIP Code that is not found. This can only happen if the codes were uploaded in a manually created file or were entered/pasted.

A screenshot of CIP Wizard Custom Summary Report Not Found tab.

The following code is not found in the previous version of the CIP. Suggested codes are listed below where available. If you do not find the code you want in the list of suggestions, please use the tools provided on the CIP website to locate your code.

Note: The code may have been mistyped if you entered or uploaded codes. Please recheck your list. If you are certain your list is correct, please search for the code in other versions of the CIP. The CIP website begins with the CIP 2010-2020 conversion; the Resources page contains links to earlier versions.

Click the “View Suggested Code(s) link next to code 15.1307 to see suggestions. There were codes matching the first four digits of the code not found. Those are shown. In this instance, it is a new code for 2020.

A screenshot of CIP Wizard Custom Summary Report Suggested Codes.

Click “More Info” to see the Definition and any See Also codes or Illustrative Examples provided.

Suggested New Codes

The total number of new programs added to this CIP version are listed. The codes you selected to be on the report were used to highlight the codes that may be most interesting to you.

A screenshot of CIP Wizard Custom Summary Report Suggested New Codes tab.

Any new codes that are a 4-digit match to any codes you entered are listed first. It is possible that a program that more specifically describes your program was added to the CIP. Please review the codes and make changes accordingly. Any new codes that are only a 2-digit match to any codes you entered are listed next. It is possible that the 2-digit series had additional 4-digit series codes and subsequent 6-digit program codes added that may more accurately describe your program.

Report/Data Downloads

The Report can be viewed online or downloaded/printed. The data behind the report can also be downloaded. The codes used to generate the report can be saved and used to recreate the report later.

Report – Word format

The Custom CIP Code Summary Report shown online is also available to be downloaded or printed in Word format. All sections, including the Summary and information from the “No Substantive Changes,” “Moved,” “Deleted,” “Not Found,” and “Suggested New Codes” sections are included.

This report is accessible from the “Download/Print Report” link under Report/Data Downloads in the Summary box.

A screenshot of the Word doc summary.
Report Data – Excel format

All the data used to create the report can be downloaded in Excel format. The data is presented in crosswalk format and can be imported into other programs and further analyzed.

All sections, including the Summary and information form the No Substantive Changes, Moved, Deleted, Not Found, and Suggested new Codes sections are represented in the data.

This report is accessible from the “Download Report Data” link under Report/Data Downloads in the Summary box.

A screenshot of the Excel doc summary.
Save Codes for Upload

The codes used to create this report may be saved and uploaded later. This is useful if you realized that your report was not complete and you wish to revise your selections to create a new report. This is also useful to record your finalized code selections in order to recreate the same report in the future. This option is also available from the “Create Custom Report” screen.

This feature is accessible from the “Save Codes for Upload” link under Report/Data Downloads in the Summary box.

This file was designed specifically for use within the CIP Wizard.

This file contains the required columns CIPCODE, CIPCODEnodot, and CIPTitle.

My CIP Code Summary Report

Choosing the “Get My CIP code Summary Report” and clicking “Next” takes you directly to the Report pages. The CIP Codes shown on the report are those codes a specific institution submitted for the last three IPEDS Completion Surveys.

A screenshot of report options.

This report is in the same format as the “Custom CIP Code Summary Report” except that it does not have the “Not Found” tab. For detailed descriptions of the report features, please review the “Custom CIP Code Summary Report” section. The data on this report can be replicated on the Custom CIP Code Summary Report by choosing only “Select My School’s Codes” and clicking “Next” to view the report.

A screenshot of CIP Wizard Summary Report. A screenshot of CIP Wizard Summary Report Moved tab. A screenshot of CIP Wizard Summary Report Suggested New Codes tab.