Public School Data
The Department of Education's primary database on public elementary and secondary education in the United States is the Common Core of Data (CCD). The CCD surveys are conducted annually and collect data about all public elementary and secondary schools, all local education agencies, and all state education agencies throughout the United States. CCD contains three categories of information: general descriptive information on schools and school districts; data on students and staff; and fiscal data. The general descriptive information includes name, address, phone number, and type of locale; the data on students and staff include selected demographic characteristics; and the fiscal data cover revenues and current expenditures.
Private School Data
The Private School Survey produces data similar to that of the NCES Common Core of Data (CCD) for the public schools. The target population for the survey consists of all private schools in the U.S. that meet the NCES definition (i.e., a private school is not supported primarily by public funds, provides classroom instruction for one or more of grades K-12 or comparable ungraded levels, and has one or more teachers. Organizations or institutions that provide support for home schooling without offering classroom instruction for students are not included.).
Calculated Data Items
- Ratios like pupil/teacher ratios or per-pupil finance items are calculated from values reported on the survey data files. For consistency these are computed from elements within the same survey. For example, state-level per-pupil expenditures are calculated from expenditure and enrollment data as reported on the state finance survey (NPEFS), not from aggregates of lower-level data. District-level per-pupil expenditures use enrollment as reported on the district-level finance survey (F33), not the enrollment from the non-fiscal district survey.
- The state averages displayed in Quick Facts are the averages of all districts reporting that item.
- The U.S. averages displayed in Quick Facts are for the fifty states and the District of Columbia that reported that item. U.S. territories, Department of Defense dependents’ schools and the Bureau of Indian Education schools are excluded from these averages.
- Totals are column totals of the items listed on the screen.
Detailed definitions of individual data items are provided in the ElSi Table Generator.
For more information please visit the appropriate websites listed below.
Please select a valid characteristic from the drop-down box.
Different filters are available depending on the type of table you wish to view. State level tables can be viewed as is, or filtered by zip code. County level tables must be filtered by state or zip code. District, public school and private school level tables must be filtered by state/county or zip code.
State: Select a state from the dropdown box.
Zipcode: Enter a 5 digit zipcode and select the distance from that zipcode to further filter.
Year: Select a year from the dropdown box or keep the default, which is the most recent school year.
County: Begin to type the name of a county; After the first 2 characters are typed, county name matches will appear from which to select. If you have also selected a state, the county list will filter based upon the state you have selected.
District: Begin to type the name of a school district; After the first 2 characters district name matches will appear from which to select. If you have also selected a state, the school district list will filter based upon the state you have selected.
Once you have completed selecting your filters click View Table to view your selection.
Your table contains total records.
To help this application run as fast as possible, the maximum number of rows () is shown in your results. Please select additional refinements
to reduce the number of results.
If you would like to see the entire result set, please use the export feature.
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† indicates that the data are not applicable.
– indicates that the data are missing.
‡ indicates that the data do not meet NCES data quality standards.