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Description: LANGUAGE! is a language arts intervention designed for struggling learners in grades 3-12 who score below the 40th percentile on standardized literacy tests. The curriculum integrates English literacy acquisition skills into a six-step lesson format. After reviewing 16 studies on the effects of LANGUAGE! on the literacy skills of adolescent readers, the WWC determined that one study meets WWC evidence standards with reservations. The study used a quasi-experimental design and included 1,272 students in grades 9 and 10 in one school district in Florida. Based on this study, the WWC found LANGUAGE! to have no discernible effects on both reading fluency and comprehension for adolescent readers.
Online Availability:
Cover Date: February 2013
Web Release: February 12, 2013
Publication #: WWC IRL621
Center/Program: WWC
Associated Centers: NCEE
Type of Product: Intervention Report
Questions: For questions about the content of this Intervention Report, please contact:
Erin Pollard.