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1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 99.Public high school graduates, by state: 1969-70 to 1995-96

                        |             |          |          |          |             |          |          |          |             |             | Percent
                        |             |          |          |          |             |          |          |          |   Estimated |   Estimated | change,
         State          |    1969-70  | 1979-80  | 1980-81  | 1985-86  |  1989-90    | 1990-91  | 1992-93  | 1993-94  |    1994-95  |    1995-96  |1990-91 to
                        |             |          |          |          |             |          |          |          |             |             | 1995-96
           1            |       2     |    3     |    4     |    5     |       6     |    7     |    8     |    9     |       10    |       11    |    12
   United States .......|   2,588,639 |2,747,678 |2,725,285 |2,382,616 |\1\2,320,337 |2,234,893 |2,233,241 |2,221,098 |\1\2,287,725 |\1\2,304,722 |      3.1
Alabama ................|      45,286 |   45,190 |   44,894 |   39,620 |      40,485 |   39,042 |   36,007 |   34,447 |\2\   36,268 |      36,352 |     -6.9
Alaska .................|       3,297 |    5,223 |    5,343 |    5,464 |       5,386 |    5,458 |    5,535 |    5,747 |\2\    5,765 |       6,266 |     14.8
Arizona ................|      22,040 |   28,633 |   28,416 |   27,533 |      32,103 |   31,282 |   31,747 |   31,799 |\3\   29,468 |\3\   30,413 |     -2.8
Arkansas ...............|      26,068 |   29,052 |   29,577 |   26,227 |      26,475 |   25,668 |   25,655 |   24,990 |\2\   26,039 |      26,429 |      3.0
California .............|     260,908 |  249,217 |  242,172 |  229,026 |     236,291 |  234,164 |  249,320 |  253,083 |     257,385 |     261,761 |     11.8
                        |             |          |          |          |             |          |          |          |             |             |
Colorado ...............|      30,312 |   36,804 |   35,897 |   32,621 |      32,967 |   31,293 |   31,839 |   31,867 |\2\   32,408 |      33,449 |      6.9
Connecticut ............|      34,755 |   37,683 |   38,369 |   33,571 |      27,878 |   27,290 |   26,799 |   26,330 |\2\   26,330 |      26,446 |     -3.1
Delaware ...............|       6,985 |    7,582 |    7,349 |    5,791 |       5,550 |    5,223 |    5,492 |    5,230 |\2\    5,234 |       5,543 |      6.1
District of Columbia/4/ |       4,980 |    4,959 |    4,848 |    3,875 |       3,626 |    3,369 |    3,136 |    3,207 |\2\    2,974 |       2,675 |    -20.6
Florida ................|      70,478 |   87,324 |   88,755 |   83,029 |      88,934 |   87,419 |   89,428 |   88,032 |\2\   89,828 |      90,617 |      3.7
                        |             |          |          |          |             |          |          |          |             |             |
Georgia ................|      56,859 |   61,621 |   62,963 |   59,082 |      56,605 |   60,088 |   57,602 |   56,356 |\2\   59,736 |      59,406 |     -1.1
Hawaii .................|      10,407 |   11,493 |   11,472 |    9,958 |      10,325 |    8,974 |    8,854 |    9,369 |       9,984 |       9,984 |     11.3
Idaho ..................|      12,296 |   13,187 |   12,679 |   12,059 |      11,971 |   11,961 |   12,974 |   13,281 |\2\   14,198 |      14,478 |     21.0
Illinois ...............|     126,864 |  135,579 |  136,795 |  114,319 |     108,119 |  103,329 |  103,628 |  102,126 |     105,164 |     105,103 |      1.7
Indiana.................|      69,984 |   73,143 |   73,381 |   59,817 |      60,012 |   57,892 |   57,559 |   54,650 |\2\   56,629 |      57,677 |     -0.4
                        |             |          |          |          |             |          |          |          |             |             |
Iowa ...................|      44,063 |   43,445 |   42,635 |   34,279 |      31,796 |   28,593 |   30,677 |   30,247 |      31,184 |      31,641 |     10.7
Kansas .................|      33,394 |   30,890 |   29,397 |   25,587 |      25,367 |   24,414 |   24,720 |   25,319 |      26,367 |      25,994 |      6.5
Kentucky ...............|      37,473 |   41,203 |   41,714 |   37,288 |      38,005 |   35,835 |   36,361 |   38,454 |      36,679 |      36,162 |      0.9
Louisiana ..............|      43,641 |   46,297 |   46,199 |   39,965 |      36,053 |   33,489 |   33,682 |   34,822 |\2\   36,691 |      35,576 |      6.2
Maine ..................|      14,003 |   15,445 |   15,554 |   13,006 |      13,839 |   13,151 |   12,103 |   11,633 |\2\   12,950 |      11,300 |    -14.1
                        |             |          |          |          |             |          |          |          |             |             |
Maryland ...............|      46,462 |   54,270 |   54,050 |   46,700 |      41,566 |   39,014 |   39,523 |   39,091 |\2\   41,841 |      41,600 |      6.6
Massachusetts ..........|      63,865 |   73,802 |   74,831 |   60,360 |\5\   55,941 |   50,216 |   48,321 |   47,453 |\3\   49,140 |\3\   49,681 |     -1.1
Michigan ...............|     121,000 |  124,316 |  124,372 |  101,042 |      93,807 |   88,234 |   85,302 |   83,385 |      84,100 |      87,400 |     -0.9
Minnesota ..............|      60,480 |   64,908 |   64,166 |   51,988 |      49,087 |   46,474 |   48,002 |   47,514 |      49,658 |      51,615 |     11.1
Mississippi ............|      29,653 |   27,586 |   28,083 |   25,134 |      25,182 |   23,665 |   23,597 |   23,379 |\2\   23,707 |      23,129 |     -2.3
                        |             |          |          |          |             |          |          |          |             |             |
Missouri................|      55,315 |   62,265 |   60,359 |   49,204 |      48,957 |   46,928 |   46,864 |   46,566 |\2\   48,915 |      49,230 |      4.9
Montana ................|      11,520 |   12,135 |   11,634 |    9,761 |       9,370 |    9,013 |    9,389 |    9,601 |\2\    9,965 |      10,253 |     13.8
Nebraska ...............|      21,280 |   22,410 |   21,411 |   17,845 |      17,664 |   16,500 |   17,569 |   17,072 |\2\   17,969 |      16,240 |     -1.6
Nevada .................|       5,449 |    8,473 |    9,069 |    8,784 |       9,477 |    9,370 |    9,042 |    9,485 |\2\   10,038 |      10,623 |     13.4
New Hampshire ..........|       8,516 |   11,722 |   11,552 |   10,648 |      10,766 |   10,059 |   10,065 |    9,933 |       9,101 |       8,840 |    -12.1
                        |             |          |          |          |             |          |          |          |             |             |
New Jersey .............|      86,498 |   94,564 |   93,168 |   78,781 |      69,824 |   67,003 |   67,134 |   66,125 |\3\   68,587 |\3\   69,456 |      3.7
New Mexico .............|      16,060 |   18,424 |   17,915 |   15,468 |      14,884 |   15,157 |   15,172 |   14,892 |\2\   14,928 |      14,957 |     -1.3
New York ...............|     190,000 |  204,064 |  198,465 |  162,165 |     143,318 |  133,562 |  132,963 |  132,708 |     135,500 |     137,200 |      2.7
North Carolina .........|      68,886 |   70,862 |   69,395 |   65,865 |      64,782 |   62,792 |   60,460 |   57,738 |\2\   59,272 |      56,424 |    -10.1
North Dakota ...........|      11,150 |    9,928 |    9,924 |    7,610 |       7,690 |    7,573 |    7,310 |    7,522 |\2\    7,817 |       7,923 |      4.6
                        |             |          |          |          |             |          |          |          |             |             |
Ohio ...................|     142,248 |  144,169 |  143,503 |  119,561 |     114,513 |  107,484 |  109,200 |  107,700 |     109,418 |     110,217 |      2.5
Oklahoma ...............|      36,293 |   39,305 |   38,875 |   34,452 |      35,606 |   33,007 |   30,542 |   31,872 |\2\   33,364 |      32,864 |     -0.4
Oregon .................|      32,236 |   29,939 |   28,729 |   26,286 |      25,473 |   24,597 |   26,301 |   26,338 |\2\   26,899 |      27,100 |     10.2
Pennsylvania ...........|     151,014 |  146,458 |  144,645 |  122,871 |     110,527 |  104,770 |  103,715 |  101,958 |     105,380 |     108,520 |      3.6
Rhode Island ...........|      10,146 |   10,864 |   10,719 |    8,908 |       7,825 |    7,744 |    7,640 |    7,450 |\2\    7,830 |       7,646 |     -1.3
                        |             |          |          |          |             |          |          |          |             |             |
South Carolina .........|      34,940 |   38,697 |   38,347 |   34,500 |      32,483 |   32,999 |   31,297 |   30,603 |      33,300 |      32,500 |     -1.5
South Dakota ...........|      11,757 |   10,689 |   10,385 |    7,870 |       7,650 |    7,127 |    7,952 |    8,442 |\2\    8,427 |       8,747 |     22.7
Tennessee ..............|      49,000 |   49,845 |   50,648 |   43,263 |      46,094 |   44,847 |   44,166 |   40,643 |\2\   40,643 |      43,525 |     -2.9
Texas ..................|     139,046 |  171,449 |  171,665 |  161,150 |     172,480 |  174,306 |  160,546 |  163,191 |\2\  169,143 |     168,465 |     -3.4
Utah ...................|      18,395 |   20,035 |   19,886 |   19,774 |      21,196 |   22,219 |   24,197 |   26,407 |\2\   29,093 |      27,931 |     25.7
                        |             |          |          |          |             |          |          |          |             |             |
Vermont ................|       6,095 |    6,733 |    6,424 |    5,794 |       6,127 |    5,212 |    5,215 |    5,414 |\2\    5,574 |       5,344 |      2.5
Virginia ...............|      58,562 |   66,621 |   67,126 |   63,113 |      60,605 |   58,441 |   56,948 |   56,140 |\2\   59,644 |      59,603 |      2.0
Washington .............|      50,425 |   50,402 |   50,046 |   45,805 |      45,941 |   42,514 |   45,262 |   47,235 |\2\   48,846 |      50,788 |     19.5
West Virginia...........|      26,139 |   23,369 |   23,580 |   21,870 |      21,854 |   21,064 |   20,228 |   19,884 |\2\   20,648 |      20,720 |     -1.6
Wisconsin ..............|      66,753 |   69,332 |   67,743 |   58,340 |      52,038 |   49,340 |   50,027 |   48,371 |      51,808 |      52,837 |      7.1
Wyoming ................|       5,363 |    6,072 |    6,161 |    5,587 |       5,823 |    5,728 |    6,174 |    5,997 |\2\    5,889 |       6,072 |      6.0
   Outlying areas       |             |          |          |          |             |          |          |          |             |             |
American Samoa .........|\6\      367 |      --- |      --- |      608 |         703 |      597 |      712 |      738 |\3\      749 |\3\      741 |     24.1
Guam ...................|         972 |      --- |      --- |      840 |       1,033 |    1,014 |      912 |      985 |\3\    1,043 |\3\    1,078 |      6.3
Northern Marianas ......|         --- |      --- |      --- |      --- |         227 |      273 |      245 |      328 |\2\      386 |         386 |     41.4
Puerto Rico ............|      24,917 |      --- |      --- |   31,597 |      29,049 |   29,329 |   29,064 |   27,718 |      28,294 |      28,294 |     -3.5
Virgin Islands .........|\6\      432 |      --- |      --- |    1,044 |       1,260 |      981 |      927 |      886 |\2\      995 |         964 |     -1.7

\1\National total includes estimates for nonreporting states.

\2\Actual count.

\3\Data estimated by the National Center for Education Statistics.

\4\Beginning in 1985-86, graduates from adult programs are excluded.

\5\Data from Projections of Education Statistics to 2002 published by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).

\6\Data are for 1970-71.

---Data not reported.

NOTE.--Data include graduates of regular day school programs, but exclude graduates of other programs and persons receiving high school equivalency certificates. They also exclude graduates of subcollegiate departments of institutions of higher education, federal schools for American Indians and on federal installations, and residential schools for disabled children. Some data have been revised from previously published figures. All 1994-95 and 1995-96 data are state estimates unless otherwise indicated.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data surveys. (This table was prepared March 1996.)

1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest