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Digest of Education Statistics
1995 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 364.U.S. Department of Health and Human Services allocations for Head Start and enrollment in Head Start, by state or other area: Fiscal years 1992, 1993, and 1994

                          |              1992                |           1993             |           1994
   State or other area    |     Head Start  |    Head Start  |  Head Start  | Head Start  |  Head Start  | Head Start
                          |    allocations  |   enrollment\1\| allocations  |enrollment\2\| allocations  |enrollment\3\
                          |   (in thousands)|                |(in thousands)|             |(in thousands)|
            1             |         2       |         3      |      4       |      5      |      6       |      7
   Total .................|      $2,120,862 |        621,078 |   $2,683,158 |     713,943 |   $3,215,946 |     740,493
Alabama ..................|          40,021 |         13,012 |       46,937 |      14,106 |       54,282 |      14,525
Alaska ...................|           4,434 |          1,067 |        5,316 |       1,143 |        6,295 |       1,209
Arizona ..................|          20,729 |          6,179 |       35,503 |       9,189 |       44,416 |       9,846
Arkansas .................|          22,297 |          8,213 |       26,337 |       8,792 |       30,719 |       9,065
California ...............|         219,423 |         52,658 |      305,180 |      67,684 |      371,227 |      70,995
                          |                 |                |              |             |              |
Colorado .................|          19,353 |          6,604 |       25,505 |       7,672 |       31,787 |       8,118
Connecticut ..............|          18,694 |          5,311 |       22,066 |       5,561 |       26,061 |       5,660
Delaware .................|           4,454 |          1,333 |        5,265 |       1,455 |        5,815 |       1,455
District of Columbia .....|           9,673 |          2,639 |       11,631 |       2,841 |       12,854 |       2,841
Florida ..................|          67,552 |         20,567 |       92,741 |      25,333 |      118,976 |      27,398
                          |                 |                |              |             |              |
Georgia ..................|          52,225 |         16,080 |       66,499 |      18,594 |       81,974 |      19,445
Hawaii ...................|           7,547 |          1,974 |        8,882 |       2,183 |        9,939 |       2,260
Idaho ....................|           6,745 |          1,658 |        8,329 |       1,850 |        9,574 |       1,912
Illinois .................|          99,852 |         28,802 |      117,770 |      30,268 |      139,137 |      30,537
Indiana...................|          31,054 |         10,213 |       37,979 |      11,107 |       46,558 |      11,730
                          |                 |                |              |             |              |
Iowa .....................|          16,484 |          5,266 |       20,111 |       5,758 |       23,430 |       5,946
Kansas ...................|          14,175 |          4,705 |       17,885 |       5,389 |       22,095 |       5,793
Kentucky .................|          38,053 |         12,467 |       45,318 |      13,791 |       54,364 |      14,071
Louisiana ................|          48,205 |         15,804 |       62,996 |      18,677 |       75,876 |      19,344
Maine ....................|           9,476 |          3,132 |       11,011 |       3,361 |       12,610 |       3,439
                          |                 |                |              |             |              |
Maryland .................|          27,043 |          7,594 |       32,073 |       8,338 |       38,810 |       8,509
Massachusetts ............|          42,348 |         10,159 |       49,615 |      10,929 |       57,264 |      10,794
Michigan .................|          82,321 |         26,174 |      107,451 |      29,960 |      126,686 |      30,701
Minnesota ................|          24,373 |          7,136 |       30,823 |       8,167 |       36,930 |       8,576
Mississippi ..............|          71,861 |         22,343 |       83,560 |      24,036 |       92,012 |      24,110
                          |                 |                |              |             |              |
Missouri..................|          35,641 |         11,972 |       45,641 |      13,592 |       55,979 |      14,063
Montana ..................|           6,436 |          1,961 |        8,211 |       2,226 |        9,563 |       2,304
Nebraska .................|          10,284 |          3,154 |       12,322 |       3,465 |       14,342 |       3,644
Nevada ...................|           4,000 |          1,073 |        6,341 |       1,593 |        8,017 |       1,793
New Hampshire ............|           4,080 |          1,016 |        4,895 |       1,131 |        5,699 |       1,156
                          |                 |                |              |             |              |
New Jersey ...............|          54,532 |         11,688 |       63,902 |      12,773 |       71,189 |      12,898
New Mexico ...............|          13,655 |          4,958 |       18,954 |       6,055 |       24,241 |       6,397
New York .................|         153,858 |         34,688 |      181,968 |      37,829 |      215,678 |      39,062
North Carolina ...........|          44,259 |         14,083 |       54,263 |      15,296 |       66,643 |      15,695
North Dakota .............|           4,283 |          1,458 |        5,666 |       1,653 |        6,723 |       1,738
                          |                 |                |              |             |              |
Ohio .....................|          84,964 |         29,132 |      110,420 |      32,567 |      133,913 |      33,919
Oklahoma .................|          24,078 |          8,977 |       32,274 |      10,625 |       39,073 |      11,165
Oregon ...................|          17,760 |          3,885 |       21,782 |       4,431 |       27,080 |       4,638
Pennsylvania .............|          82,449 |         22,414 |       99,688 |      24,866 |      119,354 |      25,672
Rhode Island .............|           6,964 |          2,293 |        8,328 |       2,380 |       10,060 |       2,476
                          |                 |                |              |             |              |
South Carolina ...........|          27,716 |          9,025 |       33,063 |       9,709 |       40,772 |      10,142
South Dakota .............|           5,421 |          1,691 |        6,629 |       1,894 |        7,985 |       2,025
Tennessee ................|          39,271 |         12,481 |       47,993 |      13,859 |       58,610 |      14,380
Texas ....................|         113,612 |         36,394 |      172,536 |      49,110 |      213,394 |      51,521
Utah .....................|          10,669 |          3,403 |       13,208 |       3,822 |       15,832 |       4,028
                          |                 |                |              |             |              |
Vermont ..................|           4,556 |          1,129 |        5,339 |       1,260 |        5,957 |       1,271
Virginia .................|          33,134 |          9,455 |       39,440 |      10,650 |       46,411 |      10,993
Washington ...............|          27,533 |          6,361 |       37,558 |       7,799 |       45,968 |       8,260
West Virginia.............|          18,959 |          5,842 |       22,303 |       6,317 |       26,014 |       6,402
Wisconsin ................|          31,052 |          9,665 |       40,956 |      11,247 |       49,461 |      11,953
Wyoming ..................|           3,371 |          1,128 |        4,149 |       1,245 |        4,925 |       1,323
                          |                 |                |              |             |              |
Migrant programs .........|\4\      153,755 |\4\      44,770 |      108,011 |      33,886 |      130,409 |      35,063
                          |                 |                |              |             |              |
American Indian/Alaskan Na|             --- |            --- |       74,800 |      17,973 |       90,793 |      18,738
Special projects .........|             --- |            --- |          --- |         --- |           76 |         ---
                          |                 |                |              |             |              |
    Outlying areas        |                 |                |              |             |              |
Puerto Rico ..............|          95,629 |         29,031 |      113,047 |      31,306 |      127,066 |      32,145
Pacific Territories ......|           6,253 |          5,439 |        7,613 |       5,779 |        9,019 |       5,849
Virgin Islands ...........|           4,294 |          1,422 |        5,074 |       1,421 |        6,009 |       1,501

\1\The distribution of enrollment by age was: 7 percent were 5 years old and over; 63 percent were 4-year-olds; 27 percent were 3-year-olds; and 3 percent were under 3 years of age. Handicapped children accounted for 13.4 percent in Head Start programs. The racial/ethnic composition was: American Indian/Alaskan Native, 4 percent; Hispanic, 23 percent; black, 37 percent; white, 33 percent; and Asian, 3 percent.
\2\The distribution of enrollment by age was: 6 percent were 5 years old and over; 64 percent were 4-year-olds; 27 percent were 3-year-olds; and 3 percent were under 3 years of age. Handicapped children accounted for 13.2 percent in Head Start programs. The racial/ethnic composition was: American Indian/Alaskan Native, 4 percent; Hispanic, 24 percent; black, 36 percent; white, 33 percent; and Asian, 3 percent.
\3\The distribution of enrollment by age was: 6 percent were 5 years old and over; 64 percent were 4-year-olds; 27 percent were 3-year-olds; and 3 percent were under 3 years of age. Handicapped children accounted for 13.0 percent in Head Start programs. The racial/ethnic composition was: American Indian/Alaskan Native, 4 percent; Hispanic, 24 percent; black, 36 percent; white, 33 percent; and Asian, 3 percent.
\4\Includes American Indian/Alaskan Native and Migrant programs.

---Not applicable.

NOTE.--Because of rounding, details may not add to totals.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Human Development Services. (This table was prepared February 1995.)

1995 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest