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Digest of Education Statistics
2022 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 329.20. On-campus crimes, arrests, and referrals for disciplinary action per 10,000 full-time-equivalent (FTE) students at degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by whether institution has residence halls, control and level of institution, and type of incident: Selected years, 2001 through 2020
Control and level of institution and type of incident Number of incidents per 10,000 FTE students1
Total, institutions with and without residence halls 2020
2001 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Institu- tions with residence halls Institu-tions without residence halls
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
All institutions                                
Selected crimes against persons and property 35.619 28.993 22.955 20.869 20.027 19.983 18.461 18.069 18.694 19.278 19.863 19.664 18.844 15.009 19.167 4.102
Murder2 0.015 0.009 0.011 0.010 0.011 0.008 0.016 0.007 0.019 0.010 0.015 0.008 0.014 0.009 0.011 0.005
Negligent manslaughter3 0.002 0.002 0 0.001 0.001 0.001 0 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.003 0.001 0.001 0.003
Sex offenses--forcible4 1.885 1.899 1.715 1.903 2.223 2.695 3.374 4.549 5.447 6.081 7.170 8.504 8.118 6.625 8.955 0.512
Rape --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 2.985 3.476 3.987 4.504 4.639 4.290 3.644 4.975 0.154
Fondling --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1.563 1.971 2.094 2.667 3.865 3.828 2.981 3.980 0.358
Sex offenses--nonforcible5 0.395 0.025 0.044 0.021 0.030 0.031 0.031 0.036 0.043 0.041 0.056 0.042 0.051 0.052 0.042 0.079
Robbery6 1.424 1.134 0.950 0.905 0.846 0.918 0.893 0.701 0.709 0.737 0.707 0.574 0.556 0.335 0.407 0.146
Aggravated assault7 2.524 1.795 1.569 1.444 1.475 1.627 1.385 1.380 1.533 1.472 1.544 1.538 1.484 1.078 1.256 0.609
Burglary8 23.038 20.676 15.559 13.872 12.825 12.207 10.325 9.041 8.365 8.136 7.592 6.598 6.186 4.837 5.998 1.790
Motor vehicle theft9 5.327 2.953 2.681 2.237 2.196 2.023 2.014 1.947 2.185 2.393 2.359 2.114 2.118 1.758 2.115 0.822
Arson10 1.010 0.500 0.427 0.476 0.421 0.473 0.425 0.406 0.392 0.405 0.417 0.283 0.313 0.314 0.382 0.136

Weapons-, drug-, and liquor-related arrests
   and referrals
Arrests11 34.550 36.435 33.748 33.497 35.755 35.127 31.841 30.004 27.362 26.618 25.911 21.721 18.541 10.430 13.697 1.862
Illegal weapons possession 0.919 0.856 0.726 0.723 0.674 0.687 0.690 0.667 0.803 0.818 0.849 0.813 0.790 0.566 0.667 0.302
Drug law violations 10.151 10.898 10.698 12.086 13.653 14.240 13.420 12.917 13.193 13.125 13.571 12.353 9.546 5.661 7.344 1.247
Liquor law violations 23.481 24.681 22.324 20.687 21.428 20.200 17.730 16.419 13.366 12.676 11.491 8.555 8.205 4.203 5.686 0.312
Referrals for disciplinary action11 132.899 156.511 148.959 149.716 164.460 168.772 166.056 170.675 164.100 156.194 147.282 137.597 129.108 87.039 119.846 0.991
Illegal weapons possession 1.093 1.047 0.859 0.854 0.844 0.943 0.956 0.960 0.968 0.957 0.883 0.845 0.735 0.422 0.555 0.072
Drug law violations 20.466 23.362 24.498 27.322 33.961 36.224 36.222 38.118 38.048 37.801 39.406 36.836 31.923 19.158 26.285 0.466
Liquor law violations 111.340 132.103 123.602 121.540 129.654 131.606 128.878 131.597 125.084 117.436 106.993 99.916 96.451 67.459 93.006 0.453

Public 4-year
Selected crimes against persons and property 36.191 30.535 24.898 23.448 21.958 21.669 19.553 19.545 19.655 19.824 20.644 21.186 21.168 17.943 19.618 4.971
Murder2 0.017 0.015 0.012 0.014 0.015 0.010 0.015 0.004 0.019 0.011 0.018 0.015 0.016 0.016 0.015 0.024
Negligent manslaughter3 0.004 0.002 0 0 0.001 0.001 0 0.001 0.001 0.003 0.004 0.001 0.005 0.003 0.002 0.012
Sex offenses--forcible4 2.408 2.151 1.892 2.210 2.451 2.946 3.372 4.702 5.726 6.172 7.339 9.455 9.420 8.874 9.899 0.928
Rape --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 3.102 3.674 4.115 4.731 4.925 4.754 4.704 5.273 0.297
Fondling --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1.601 2.052 2.057 2.608 4.530 4.666 4.170 4.627 0.630
Sex offenses--nonforcible5 0.400 0.020 0.062 0.023 0.025 0.025 0.027 0.041 0.054 0.042 0.088 0.051 0.071 0.046 0.046 0.048
Robbery6 1.130 1.225 1.008 1.001 0.916 0.981 0.946 0.805 0.839 0.824 0.721 0.632 0.640 0.349 0.379 0.119
Aggravated assault7 2.774 1.931 1.767 1.627 1.610 1.792 1.490 1.488 1.654 1.614 1.588 1.697 1.674 1.230 1.322 0.523
Burglary8 22.283 21.184 16.689 15.456 14.025 13.173 10.811 9.780 8.361 7.820 7.574 6.597 6.579 4.985 5.380 1.927
Motor vehicle theft9 5.942 3.311 2.843 2.426 2.382 2.100 2.289 2.197 2.560 2.866 2.820 2.454 2.433 2.094 2.212 1.177
Arson10 1.232 0.697 0.623 0.691 0.533 0.639 0.603 0.526 0.441 0.472 0.492 0.283 0.327 0.345 0.362 0.214

Weapons-, drug-, and liquor-related arrests
   and referrals
Arrests11 60.113 66.324 63.558 63.512 67.169 64.447 56.711 53.086 47.311 44.226 41.969 34.010 28.691 15.741 17.476 2.295
Illegal weapons possession 1.339 1.240 1.027 1.012 0.941 0.927 0.949 0.907 1.043 1.062 1.123 1.052 1.075 0.755 0.807 0.345
Drug law violations 17.651 19.133 18.993 21.722 24.424 25.077 23.194 22.142 22.427 21.750 21.971 19.815 14.948 8.572 9.494 1.427
Liquor law violations 41.123 45.952 43.539 40.778 41.804 38.443 32.569 30.038 23.842 21.414 18.875 13.143 12.668 6.414 7.175 0.523
Referrals for disciplinary action11 153.104 170.820 169.503 175.490 194.017 197.669 189.403 196.696 184.108 166.063 154.278 141.521 132.510 87.773 98.954 1.154
Illegal weapons possession 1.311 1.294 1.043 1.004 0.913 0.962 0.900 0.946 0.823 0.843 0.719 0.669 0.621 0.371 0.413 0.048
Drug law violations 25.492 27.204 28.459 32.444 40.907 43.129 42.093 44.485 44.249 41.423 43.974 39.853 32.757 19.459 21.883 0.678
Liquor law violations 126.301 142.322 140.001 142.042 152.198 153.578 146.410 151.264 139.036 123.798 109.585 100.999 99.132 67.943 76.657 0.428

Private nonprofit 4-year
Selected crimes against persons and property 57.358 49.337 38.613 35.193 33.154 33.198 31.205 30.156 31.148 32.663 32.489 30.987 27.235 19.045 20.279 8.312
Murder2 0.019 0.003 0.019 0.016 0.009 0.006 0.015 0.015 0.006 0.012 0.018 0.003 0.020 0.003 0.003 0
Negligent manslaughter3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.003 0 0 0.003 0.003 0 0 0
Sex offenses--forcible4 3.169 3.588 3.557 3.848 4.417 5.357 7.214 9.368 10.452 11.733 13.329 14.166 12.136 7.746 8.490 1.281
Rape --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 6.493 7.046 8.008 8.538 8.491 7.276 4.717 5.207 0.455
Fondling --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 2.875 3.407 3.725 4.791 5.675 4.860 3.029 3.283 0.825
Sex offenses--nonforcible5 0.437 0.053 0.036 0.025 0.040 0.031 0.036 0.021 0.045 0.033 0.027 0.053 0.017 0.026 0.029 0
Robbery6 2.508 1.448 1.181 1.002 0.988 1.188 1.131 0.793 0.834 0.967 1.041 0.690 0.658 0.502 0.514 0.399
Aggravated assault7 3.408 2.498 2.133 2.014 1.948 2.052 2.065 1.976 2.165 1.949 2.366 2.257 2.034 1.521 1.260 3.786
Burglary8 40.460 38.269 28.434 25.567 22.908 21.679 18.192 15.146 14.573 14.883 12.633 10.938 9.322 6.883 7.479 1.708
Motor vehicle theft9 5.684 2.846 2.692 2.014 2.173 2.188 2.023 2.275 2.445 2.465 2.484 2.427 2.573 1.940 2.039 1.082
Arson10 1.673 0.633 0.562 0.707 0.670 0.698 0.528 0.561 0.625 0.623 0.590 0.450 0.471 0.423 0.465 0.057

Weapons-, drug-, and liquor-related arrests
   and referrals
Arrests11 24.456 20.249 18.645 17.150 16.805 16.851 17.110 14.935 13.647 13.323 12.182 10.643 8.286 5.251 5.498 3.103
Illegal weapons possession 0.645 0.523 0.478 0.430 0.398 0.391 0.397 0.389 0.500 0.575 0.558 0.579 0.524 0.376 0.396 0.199
Drug law violations 6.291 6.238 6.713 7.062 7.486 7.430 7.590 6.813 6.661 6.510 6.603 5.856 4.590 2.979 3.008 2.733
Liquor law violations 17.520 13.487 11.454 9.657 8.921 9.030 9.122 7.733 6.486 6.237 5.021 4.207 3.172 1.896 2.095 0.171
Referrals for disciplinary action11 275.480 348.824 333.904 329.679 341.437 339.263 331.451 332.331 314.359 302.815 280.863 259.694 239.104 157.438 175.161 3.302
Illegal weapons possession 1.712 1.514 1.155 1.235 1.287 1.532 1.622 1.451 1.694 1.694 1.578 1.637 1.324 0.713 0.795 0
Drug law violations 37.435 46.902 51.139 56.050 65.567 68.205 67.068 69.393 66.048 67.453 66.580 62.670 56.163 33.222 36.957 0.740
Liquor law violations 236.333 300.408 281.609 272.395 274.583 269.526 262.761 261.487 246.617 233.668 212.705 195.387 181.617 123.502 137.408 2.562

Private for-profit 4-year
Selected crimes against persons and property 19.109 10.334 7.513 6.499 6.003 5.531 8.553 5.763 4.371 3.855 5.008 5.302 5.403 4.237 18.431 1.322
Murder2 0 0 0 0 0.013 0 0.017 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Negligent manslaughter3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sex offenses--forcible4 0.151 0.162 0.129 0.255 0.350 0.274 0.301 0.561 0.504 0.450 0.899 1.163 1.199 0.502 2.835 0.022
Rape --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 0.339 0.163 0.241 0.511 0.512 0.552 0.242 1.418 0
Fondling --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 0.222 0.341 0.209 0.388 0.650 0.647 0.260 1.418 0.022
Sex offenses--nonforcible5 0.492 0 0.014 0.012 0 0.046 0.033 0.026 0 0.016 0 0.020 0 0 0 0
Robbery6 2.422 0.684 1.231 0.811 0.996 0.775 1.440 0.678 0.356 0.225 0.370 0.256 0.304 0.130 0.218 0.112
Aggravated assault7 0.870 1.134 0.615 0.591 0.485 0.653 0.971 0.430 0.400 0.514 0.388 0.394 0.476 0.223 0.872 0.090
Burglary8 13.130 6.931 4.279 4.055 3.351 2.963 4.620 3.273 2.401 1.767 2.451 2.010 2.245 2.044 8.943 0.627
Motor vehicle theft9 1.968 1.422 1.216 0.753 0.781 0.805 1.138 0.769 0.696 0.851 0.846 1.399 1.142 1.171 5.126 0.358
Arson10 0.076 0 0.029 0.023 0.027 0.015 0.033 0.026 0.015 0.032 0.053 0.059 0.038 0.167 0.436 0.112

Weapons-, drug-, and liquor-related arrests
   and referrals
Arrests11 0.416 0.720 0.773 1.911 2.046 1.915 1.239 1.526 1.511 1.751 2.133 2.976 7.173 3.847 20.939 0.336
Illegal weapons possession 0.076 0.144 0.086 0.151 0.148 0.152 0.201 0.117 0.207 0.177 0.071 0.039 0.114 0.037 0.109 0.022
Drug law violations 0.151 0.252 0.315 0.765 0.552 0.745 0.803 0.887 1.156 1.253 1.887 2.818 4.566 2.974 16.140 0.269
Liquor law violations 0.189 0.324 0.372 0.996 1.346 1.018 0.234 0.522 0.148 0.321 0.176 0.118 2.492 0.836 4.689 0.045
Referrals for disciplinary action11 11.957 10.190 12.623 8.804 9.663 10.150 19.433 12.191 11.914 10.521 17.227 14.841 18.208 15.147 88.445 0.090
Illegal weapons possession 0.416 0.234 0.329 0.104 0.215 0.349 0.301 0.209 0.163 0.112 0.088 0.118 0.038 0.019 0.109 0
Drug law violations 3.481 2.863 3.306 2.560 3.136 3.860 8.989 5.255 4.890 4.064 5.519 4.474 3.272 2.119 12.105 0.067
Liquor law violations 8.060 7.093 8.988 6.140 6.312 5.941 10.143 6.728 6.861 6.345 11.620 10.249 14.897 13.009 76.231 0.022

Public 2-year
Selected crimes against persons and property 19.867 13.990 11.745 10.195 9.998 9.379 7.912 7.682 8.415 7.955 8.162 6.702 6.752 4.728 8.271 3.751
Murder2 0.006 0.005 0.005 0.002 0.005 0.008 0.018 0.008 0.036 0.009 0.006 0 0.003 0 0 0
Negligent manslaughter3 0 0 0 0.002 0 0 0 0.003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sex offenses--forcible4 0.344 0.538 0.483 0.487 0.633 0.658 0.780 1.040 1.382 1.466 1.785 1.673 2.042 0.660 1.745 0.361
Rape --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 0.356 0.550 0.525 0.687 0.633 0.654 0.279 0.960 0.091
Fondling --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 0.683 0.832 0.941 1.097 1.040 1.388 0.381 0.785 0.270
Sex offenses--nonforcible5 0.347 0.018 0.028 0.019 0.039 0.033 0.028 0.043 0.031 0.054 0.028 0.016 0.053 0.117 0.070 0.130
Robbery6 0.714 0.730 0.591 0.691 0.633 0.610 0.507 0.400 0.416 0.414 0.388 0.381 0.276 0.125 0.192 0.106
Aggravated assault7 1.588 1.027 1.016 0.949 0.980 1.093 0.715 0.824 0.935 0.842 0.792 0.594 0.574 0.309 0.558 0.241
Burglary8 12.042 8.782 6.881 5.561 5.396 4.914 4.073 3.734 3.940 3.393 3.542 2.820 2.606 2.607 4.624 2.051
Motor vehicle theft9 4.523 2.712 2.613 2.384 2.171 1.941 1.675 1.480 1.511 1.645 1.470 1.072 1.036 0.770 0.925 0.727
Arson10 0.303 0.179 0.127 0.100 0.142 0.123 0.116 0.151 0.165 0.132 0.151 0.145 0.163 0.140 0.157 0.135

Weapons-, drug-, and liquor-related arrests
   and referrals
Arrests11 7.752 9.638 7.859 8.838 8.989 8.666 7.874 8.427 7.930 8.095 9.743 9.496 8.631 4.400 13.349 1.931
Illegal weapons possession 0.577 0.661 0.603 0.654 0.599 0.633 0.592 0.594 0.748 0.644 0.690 0.656 0.544 0.411 0.576 0.366
Drug law violations 2.882 3.815 3.551 4.328 4.568 4.716 4.086 4.512 4.378 4.115 4.698 4.318 3.472 1.970 4.642 1.233
Liquor law violations 4.293 5.162 3.704 3.857 3.822 3.317 3.196 3.321 2.803 3.336 4.355 4.522 4.614 2.019 8.132 0.332
Referrals for disciplinary action11 10.284 16.451 17.063 18.592 19.735 18.979 17.613 19.549 20.360 20.591 21.016 20.161 21.220 14.920 66.100 0.799
Illegal weapons possession 0.370 0.469 0.495 0.561 0.550 0.560 0.625 0.726 0.757 0.641 0.672 0.523 0.488 0.291 0.925 0.116
Drug law violations 2.218 3.334 4.112 5.417 6.212 6.174 5.928 6.880 7.332 7.718 8.168 8.110 8.618 4.807 20.591 0.453
Liquor law violations 7.697 12.649 12.456 12.614 12.972 12.244 11.059 11.942 12.271 12.232 12.175 11.527 12.114 9.822 44.585 0.231

Private nonprofit 2-year
Selected crimes against persons and property 63.955 99.274 55.883 48.448 45.531 35.148 26.993 27.354 20.036 21.791 14.599 8.761 9.984 6.699 18.072 4.276
Murder2 0.258 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Negligent manslaughter3 0 0.365 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sex offenses--forcible4 0.516 5.840 3.041 2.826 3.384 2.628 1.636 1.282 4.158 6.226 3.163 2.503 1.721 1.058 6.024 0
Rape --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 0.855 0.378 3.113 2.190 2.003 0.344 0.705 4.016 0
Fondling --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 0.427 3.780 3.113 0.973 0.501 1.377 0.353 2.008 0
Sex offenses--nonforcible5 0.516 0 0 0 0 0 0.818 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Robbery6 13.926 4.745 3.421 2.019 0.308 0.657 1.227 0 0.756 1.946 0.487 0 0.689 0.705 0 0.855
Aggravated assault7 5.931 24.088 1.901 3.634 16.305 15.110 5.317 11.540 2.646 3.113 2.920 1.001 1.377 0.353 0 0.428
Burglary8 36.620 58.396 45.619 38.354 22.766 15.439 16.768 12.395 10.207 9.339 4.866 3.004 3.787 2.820 8.032 1.711
Motor vehicle theft9 5.931 3.285 1.521 0.807 2.154 1.314 1.227 2.137 1.512 0.778 2.920 2.003 2.410 1.763 4.016 1.283
Arson10 0.258 2.555 0.380 0.807 0.615 0 0 0 0.756 0.389 0.243 0.250 0 0 0 0

Weapons-, drug-, and liquor-related arrests
   and referrals
Arrests11 27.852 33.943 22.049 19.783 15.998 17.081 26.993 16.669 12.097 21.791 11.436 6.258 11.017 2.115 8.032 0.855
Illegal weapons possession 0.258 1.095 1.521 2.422 1.538 1.642 2.045 2.137 3.402 4.669 2.190 1.252 1.721 0.705 4.016 0
Drug law violations 5.416 12.044 13.305 7.267 10.460 10.183 20.040 11.967 7.561 8.172 9.002 3.755 6.886 1.058 2.008 0.855
Liquor law violations 22.178 20.804 7.223 10.093 3.999 5.256 4.908 2.564 1.134 8.950 0.243 1.252 2.410 0.353 2.008 0
Referrals for disciplinary action11 160.920 150.735 132.294 152.206 110.752 98.545 130.874 191.478 206.404 163.430 118.735 90.365 107.072 61.698 349.398 0.428
Illegal weapons possession 0.516 2.190 2.661 1.615 0.308 1.971 2.863 4.701 0.756 1.167 1.703 1.001 0.689 0.705 4.016 0
Drug law violations 23.468 31.023 38.016 42.392 33.533 33.834 52.759 66.248 80.898 63.427 45.012 34.544 48.544 29.262 166.667 0
Liquor law violations 136.937 117.523 91.618 108.200 76.911 62.740 75.253 120.528 124.750 98.837 72.019 54.820 57.839 31.730 178.715 0.428

Private for-profit 2-year
Selected crimes against persons and property 25.385 14.825 13.033 8.167 7.503 9.325 7.141 6.140 6.867 7.556 5.981 6.103 5.348 2.883 14.430 2.643
Murder2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.075 0 0 0 0 0
Negligent manslaughter3 0 0.037 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sex offenses--forcible4 0.645 0.149 0.170 0.052 0.204 0.455 0.385 0.195 0.698 0.613 0.374 0.368 0.338 0.118 2.886 0.060
Rape --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 0.049 0.175 0.136 0.150 0 0.203 0 0 0
Fondling --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 0.146 0.524 0.477 0.224 0.368 0.135 0.118 2.886 0.060
Sex offenses--nonforcible5 0.376 0 0.028 0.026 0 0.114 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Robbery6 3.603 1.969 1.420 0.985 0.467 1.061 0.983 1.364 0.524 0.545 0.748 0.368 0.609 0.235 0 0.240
Aggravated assault7 2.151 1.078 1.505 0.907 1.080 1.137 0.599 0.585 1.048 1.702 1.047 0.956 1.489 0.412 2.886 0.360
Burglary8 15.704 8.954 6.417 3.500 3.503 4.170 3.207 2.826 2.561 3.131 1.719 1.691 1.354 1.295 8.658 1.141
Motor vehicle theft9 2.743 2.638 3.436 2.619 2.160 2.388 1.924 1.170 2.037 1.566 2.019 2.647 1.557 0.824 0 0.841
Arson10 0.161 0 0.057 0.078 0.088 0 0.043 0 0 0 0 0.074 0 0 0 0

Weapons-, drug-, and liquor-related arrests
   and referrals
Arrests11 8.766 0.855 1.760 1.115 0.671 1.933 2.565 2.680 1.455 2.246 1.794 2.132 1.151 0.647 11.544 0.420
Illegal weapons possession 0.699 0.149 0.114 0.130 0.029 0.265 0.128 0.390 0.175 0.477 0.150 0.368 0.203 0.294 0 0.300
Drug law violations 4.679 0.446 1.164 0.752 0.409 1.516 1.710 1.364 1.106 1.225 1.495 1.471 0.812 0.294 11.544 0.060
Liquor law violations 3.388 0.260 0.483 0.233 0.234 0.152 0.727 0.926 0.175 0.545 0.150 0.294 0.135 0.059 0 0.060
Referrals for disciplinary action11 15.435 9.215 8.603 3.811 4.905 8.225 8.808 11.305 9.486 6.807 6.205 4.559 1.896 0.471 14.430 0.180
Illegal weapons possession 0.861 0.149 0.227 0.052 0.292 0.341 0.128 0.097 0.175 0.340 0.299 0.221 0.135 0.059 2.886 0
Drug law violations 4.787 4.087 4.628 1.763 1.985 3.260 4.019 4.532 5.122 2.791 3.140 2.721 0.880 0.235 5.772 0.120
Liquor law violations 9.788 4.979 3.748 1.996 2.627 4.624 4.661 6.676 4.190 3.676 2.766 1.618 0.880 0.177 5.772 0.060
---Not available.
1Although crimes, arrests, and referrals include incidents involving students, staff, and campus guests, they are expressed as a ratio to FTE students because comprehensive FTE counts of all these groups are not available.
2Excludes suicides, fetal deaths, traffic fatalities, accidental deaths, and justifiable homicide (such as the killing of a felon by a law enforcement officer in the line of duty).
3Killing of another person through gross negligence (excludes traffic fatalities).
4Any sexual act directed against another person forcibly and/or against that person's will.
5Includes only statutory rape or incest.
6Taking or attempting to take anything of value using actual or threatened force or violence.
7Attack upon a person for the purpose of inflicting severe or aggravated bodily injury.
8Unlawful entry of a structure to commit a felony or theft.
9Theft or attempted theft of a motor vehicle.
10Willful or malicious burning or attempt to burn a dwelling house, public building, motor vehicle, or personal property of another.
11If an individual is both arrested and referred to college officials for disciplinary action for a single offense, only the arrest is counted.
NOTE: Data are for degree-granting institutions, which are institutions that grant associate’s or higher degrees and participate in Title IV federal financial aid programs. Some institutions that report Clery data--specifically, non-degree-granting institutions and institutions outside of the 50 states and the District of Columbia--are excluded from this table. Crimes, arrests, and referrals include incidents involving students, staff, and on-campus guests. Excludes off-campus crimes and arrests even if they involve college students or staff. Duplicate reporting of a small number of incidents may occur among institutions sharing all or part of a building, institutions in close proximity to each other that rely on the same crime statistics from local law enforcement agencies, or institutions operating more than one campus in close proximity to each other. Caution should be used when comparing on-campus data for 2020 with those of earlier years due to the switch to online learning in many postsecondary institutions in fall 2020 as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding. Some data have been revised from previously published figures.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Postsecondary Education, Campus Safety and Security Reporting System, 2001 through 2020; and National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), Spring 2002 through Spring 2021, Fall Enrollment component. (This table was prepared October 2022.)

2022 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest