Digest of Education Statistics
2020 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 330.40. Average total cost of attendance for first-time, full-time undergraduate students in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by control and level of institution, living arrangement, and component of student costs: Selected years, 2010-11 through 2019-20
Level of institution, living arrangement,
and component of student costs
2010-11 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
Private All
Private All
Private All
Private All
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
  Current dollars
4-year institutions                                        
Average total cost, by living arrangement                                        
On campus $27,589 $20,035 $39,676 $31,897 $32,493 $23,718 $48,853 $32,437 $33,405 $24,304 $50,408 $32,828 $34,428 $24,903 $51,721 $34,876 $35,331 $25,487 $53,217 $35,125
Off campus, living with family 20,084 12,554 31,689 22,268 22,657 14,041 38,754 22,115 23,280 14,342 40,018 22,550 23,970 14,625 40,972 24,298 24,575 14,920 42,163 24,746
Off campus, not living with family 29,142 21,324 40,033 31,000 32,078 23,706 48,429 29,874 33,063 24,261 50,394 30,635 34,145 24,772 51,790 33,303 35,306 25,560 53,908 34,014

Component of student costs
Tuition and required fees 14,596 7,163 26,637 15,191 17,359 8,731 33,509 16,687 17,911 8,970 34,680 17,019 18,581 9,233 35,620 18,676 19,081 9,425 36,689 19,085
Books and supplies 1,223 1,196 1,221 1,522 1,264 1,278 1,249 1,116 1,270 1,282 1,257 1,121 1,272 1,286 1,253 1,153 1,275 1,291 1,255 1,103
Room, board, and other expenses                                        
On campus                                        
Room and board 8,912 8,497 9,455 9,304 10,824 10,366 11,497 10,056 11,171 10,717 11,850 10,079 11,494 11,028 12,185 10,400 11,799 11,303 12,540 10,188
Other 2,858 3,179 2,363 5,879 3,046 3,343 2,597 4,579 3,053 3,335 2,621 4,609 3,081 3,356 2,663 4,647 3,176 3,468 2,733 4,749
Off campus, living with family                                        
Other 4,265 4,195 3,832 5,554 4,034 4,032 3,995 4,311 4,098 4,090 4,081 4,410 4,117 4,106 4,099 4,469 4,220 4,204 4,220 4,558
Off campus, not living with family                                        
Room and board 8,802 8,942 8,202 8,866 9,274 9,756 8,801 7,595 9,598 10,020 9,219 8,008 9,863 10,185 9,328 9,172 10,316 10,631 9,943 9,395
Other 4,521 4,022 3,974 5,421 4,181 3,942 4,869 4,476 4,283 3,989 5,238 4,486 4,429 4,068 5,588 4,302 4,635 4,213 6,022 4,431

2-year institutions
Average total cost, by living arrangement                                        
On campus 13,777 12,336 25,763 29,179 15,341 14,688 32,062 25,563 15,616 15,014 32,747 25,882 16,068 15,412 32,935 30,517 16,445 15,748 34,019 32,379
Off campus, living with family 8,964 7,843 18,931 19,350 9,448 9,025 22,712 19,940 9,551 9,188 23,477 19,907 9,816 9,415 23,851 20,758 10,024 9,608 24,459 21,425
Off campus, not living with family 16,389 15,153 27,458 27,366 17,773 17,362 32,135 27,709 18,134 17,783 32,139 28,040 18,678 18,242 33,155 30,350 19,304 18,862 34,137 31,199

Component of student costs
Tuition and required fees 3,850 2,748 13,832 13,954 3,982 3,553 17,372 14,653 4,016 3,649 17,855 14,532 4,134 3,731 18,058 15,172 4,230 3,812 18,631 15,736
Books and supplies 1,302 1,295 1,153 1,407 1,459 1,467 1,169 1,226 1,485 1,491 1,139 1,308 1,526 1,532 1,074 1,408 1,531 1,538 1,061 1,415
Room, board, and other expenses                                        
On campus                                        
Room and board 5,654 5,351 7,806 9,961 6,821 6,536 11,096 8,617 6,998 6,712 11,206 8,600 7,139 6,818 11,346 11,213 7,356 7,008 11,825 12,730
Other 2,971 2,941 2,973 3,857 3,079 3,132 2,425 1,066 3,117 3,162 2,546 1,442 3,270 3,330 2,457 2,724 3,327 3,390 2,501 2,498
Off campus, living with family                                        
Other 3,812 3,799 3,947 3,989 4,007 4,005 4,171 4,061 4,050 4,047 4,483 4,066 4,156 4,152 4,718 4,178 4,262 4,258 4,767 4,273
Off campus, not living with family                                        
Room and board 7,478 7,412 7,999 7,889 8,424 8,468 8,836 7,433 8,670 8,707 8,588 7,654 8,933 8,934 9,300 8,792 9,268 9,276 9,692 8,899
Other 3,759 3,698 4,475 4,117 3,908 3,874 4,758 4,397 3,963 3,936 4,556 4,545 4,085 4,045 4,723 4,979 4,274 4,237 4,753 5,150
  Constant 2019-20 dollars1
4-year institutions                                        
Average total cost, by living arrangement                                        
On campus $32,099 $23,311 $46,162 $37,111 $34,445 $25,142 $51,787 $34,386 $34,631 $25,195 $52,257 $34,032 $34,966 $25,292 $52,530 $35,422 $35,331 $25,487 $53,217 $35,125
Off campus, living with family 23,367 14,606 36,870 25,908 24,018 14,885 41,081 23,443 24,134 14,868 41,486 23,377 24,345 14,853 41,613 24,678 24,575 14,920 42,163 24,746
Off campus, not living with family 33,906 24,809 46,577 36,068 34,004 25,130 51,337 31,669 34,276 25,151 52,243 31,759 34,680 25,160 52,600 33,824 35,306 25,560 53,908 34,014
Tuition and required fees 16,982 8,334 30,991 17,675 18,402 9,256 35,522 17,690 18,568 9,299 35,952 17,644 18,871 9,377 36,178 18,968 19,081 9,425 36,689 19,085

2-year institutions
Average total cost, by living arrangement                                        
On campus 16,029 14,352 29,974 33,949 16,262 15,571 33,987 27,098 16,189 15,565 33,948 26,832 16,320 15,653 33,450 30,994 16,445 15,748 34,019 32,379
Off campus, living with family 10,429 9,125 22,025 22,513 10,015 9,567 24,076 21,138 9,902 9,525 24,338 20,637 9,970 9,563 24,224 21,082 10,024 9,608 24,459 21,425
Off campus, not living with family 19,068 17,630 31,947 31,840 18,840 18,405 34,065 29,373 18,800 18,436 33,318 29,069 18,970 18,528 33,674 30,825 19,304 18,862 34,137 31,199
Tuition and required fees 4,479 3,197 16,093 16,235 4,221 3,766 18,416 15,533 4,164 3,783 18,510 15,066 4,199 3,790 18,340 15,409 4,230 3,812 18,631 15,736
1 Constant dollars based on the Consumer Price Index, prepared by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, adjusted to an academic-year basis.
NOTE: Data in this table represent the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Excludes students who previously attended another postsecondary institution or who began their studies on a part-time basis. Tuition and fees at public institutions are the lower of either in-district or in-state tuition and fees. Data illustrating the average total cost of attendance for all students are weighted by the number of students at the institution receiving Title IV aid. Student charges data for 2019-20 were collected prior to the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic and therefore do not reflect any adjustments institutions might have made later in the academic year due to the pandemic. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding. Some data have been revised from previously published figures.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), Spring 2011 and Winter 2016-17 through Winter 2019-20, Student Financial Aid component; and Fall 2010 through Fall 2019, Institutional Characteristics component. (This table was prepared September 2020.)

2020 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest