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Digest of Education Statistics
2013 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 216.80. Public secondary schools, by grade span, average school enrollment, and state or jurisdiction: 2011-12
State or jurisdiction Total, all secondary schools Total, all regular secondary schools1  Schools, by grade span Vocational schools2  Average school enrollment3 
Grades 7 to 8 and 7 to 9 Grades 7 to 12 Grades 8 to 12 Grades 9 to 12 Grades 10 to 12 Other spans ending with grade 12 Other grade spans All secondary schools Regular secondary schools1 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
United States 24,357 19,441 2,865 3,126 773 15,891 695 327 680 1,434 690 788
Alabama 415 314 29 90 245 8 30 3 10 72 712 720
Alaska 82 62 14 19 1 47 1 0 0 3 460 559
Arizona 744 508 80 42 5 592 7 5 13 221 600 694
Arkansas 384 349 56 129 9 137 34 1 18 26 495 504
California 2,624 1,623 379 309 14 1,848 46 12 16 88 873 1,267
Colorado 393 338 42 49 3 287 4 1 7 5 627 706
Connecticut 279 204 33 13 7 185 20 15 6 16 672 852
Delaware 39 31 2 1 14 21 0 0 1 6 974 989
District of Columbia 37 28 0 3 2 29 1 0 2 4 425 481
Florida 683 507 17 44 34 561 7 12 8 52 1,199 1,479
Georgia 470 440 18 11 7 390 4 2 38 1 1,020 1,080
Hawaii 52 51 12 7 0 33 0 0 0 0 1,144 1,165
Idaho 230 148 40 54 2 114 17 2 1 9 437 598
Illinois 989 820 147 71 15 686 11 32 27 51 732 818
Indiana 454 439 81 93 4 264 3 1 8 28 836 844
Iowa 387 356 45 71 0 256 8 3 4 0 416 447
Kansas 365 359 42 84 3 231 1 2 2 1 430 435
Kentucky 441 250 28 37 9 354 4 6 3 126 649 801
Louisiana 288 204 31 48 93 95 16 0 5 8 654 745
Maine 148 119 13 11 0 112 6 0 6 27 492 500
Maryland 258 200 11 6 2 223 2 8 6 24 1,064 1,239
Massachusetts 370 317 30 40 9 284 2 3 2 39 829 849
Michigan 958 708 73 104 37 680 29 15 20 9 554 692
Minnesota 849 460 46 285 29 388 47 46 8 11 395 610
Mississippi 324 230 24 64 3 207 22 2 2 90 644 644
Missouri 646 563 63 181 1 357 20 9 15 66 533 537
Montana 347 344 176 0 0 171 0 0 0 0 161 162
Nebraska 317 311 28 173 0 111 1 4 0 0 359 359
Nevada 129 115 19 8 1 96 1 4 0 1 1,024 1,128
New Hampshire 104 104 16 0 0 86 0 1 1 0 636 636
New Jersey 544 406 49 43 18 396 9 7 22 56 932 1,036
New Mexico 239 209 39 31 0 152 8 0 9 1 479 523
New York 1,105 1,032 71 137 15 795 27 1 59 29 772 782
North Carolina 536 512 27 10 3 472 4 6 14 1 823 855
North Dakota 184 174 10 94 0 74 3 1 2 10 205 205
Ohio 1,004 917 132 117 42 666 18 11 18 72 592 605
Oklahoma 554 550 80 0 0 427 30 3 14 0 355 356
Oregon 294 268 32 50 3 203 4 2 0 0 620 667
Pennsylvania 824 728 108 151 11 469 62 8 15 87 802 813
Rhode Island 76 62 13 2 1 58 0 0 2 11 740 784
South Carolina 277 226 19 9 2 222 13 4 8 39 898 944
South Dakota 246 224 63 0 0 180 1 1 1 3 165 175
Tennessee 349 328 11 41 7 280 7 2 1 17 844 867
Texas 2,113 1,535 291 161 55 1,277 54 44 231 0 726 964
Utah 301 245 103 54 7 72 51 2 12 5 781 909
Vermont 69 53 8 18 0 28 0 0 15 15 511 520
Virginia 399 341 31 8 29 320 4 1 6 50 1,156 1,183
Washington 631 428 101 57 25 384 36 16 12 17 627 824
West Virginia 127 103 3 22 2 93 2 1 4 30 607 736
Wisconsin 583 518 60 62 3 408 16 28 6 7 484 528
Wyoming 96 80 19 12 1 62 2 0 0 0 332 388
Bureau of Indian
19 19 1 5 0 13 0 0 0 0
DoD, domestic and
35 35 3 11 0 21 0 0 0 0
Other jurisdictions                        
American Samoa 6 5 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 1
Guam 5 5 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 2,004 2,004
Northern Marianas 7 7 2 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 728 728
Puerto Rico 397 366 195 26 2 6 157 1 10 30 454 439
U.S. Virgin Islands 9 8 4 0 0 5 0 0 0 1 873 873
—Not available.
1 Excludes vocational, special education, and alternative schools.
2 Vocational schools are also included under appropriate grade span. Includes vocational schools not classified as secondary schools.
3 Average for schools reporting enrollment data. Enrollment data were available for 22,753 out of 24,357 public secondary schools in 2011-12.
NOTE: Includes schools with no grade lower than 7. Excludes schools not reported by grade level, such as some special education schools for the disabled. DoD = Department of Defense.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data (CCD), "Public Elementary/Secondary School Universe Survey," 2011-12. (This table was prepared August 2013.)

2013 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest