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Digest of Education Statistics
2004 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 340. Total revenue of private for-profit degree-granting institutions, by source of funds and type of institution: 1997-98 to 2001-02

Year and    |    Total |  Student |   Federal |  State and |Private|Invest-|Educa- |Auxil- | Other
type of     |  revenue |  tuition | appropri- |local appro-| gifts |  ment |tional |  iary |
institution |      and | and fees |   ations, | priations, |   and |return |activi-|enter- |
            |investment|          |grants, and|grants, and |grants |       |  ties |prises |
            |   return |          | contracts |  contracts |       |       |       |       |
1           |        2 |        3 |         4 |          5 |     6 |     7 |     8 |     9 |    10
            |                                           In thousands
All institu-|          |          |           |            |       |       |       |       |
   tions    |          |          |           |            |       |       |       |       |
1997-98 ....|$2,790,362|$2,320,594|   $200,454|     $55,647| $3,691|$11,334|$32,063|$87,502|$79,077
1998-99\1\ .| 3,791,729| 3,185,304|    263,665|      60,991|  3,741| 14,275| 34,956|139,533| 89,264
1999-2000 ..| 4,321,985| 3,721,032|    198,923|      71,904|  2,151| 18,537| 70,672|156,613| 82,153
2000-01 ....| 4,967,700| 4,340,478|    187,353|      87,348|  2,848| 19,737| 63,392|172,987| 93,557
2001-02 ....| 6,181,906| 5,423,949|    211,372|      47,486|  5,690| 17,127| 73,085|216,284|186,914
            |          |          |           |            |       |       |       |       |
4-year      |          |          |           |            |       |       |       |       |
1997-98 ....| 1,371,764| 1,192,755|     66,825|      16,356|    719|  7,569| 15,926| 44,496| 27,118
1998-99\1\ .| 1,874,874| 1,603,889|     99,215|      27,565|  1,264|  7,441| 16,355| 84,749| 34,398
1999-2000 ..| 2,381,042| 2,050,136|    103,865|      39,460|  1,109| 10,340| 33,764|102,103| 40,266
2000-01 ....| 2,952,254| 2,583,644|     81,879|      59,922|  1,659| 12,574| 40,081|106,327| 66,168
2001-02 ....| 3,775,017| 3,382,888|     64,761|      13,137|  2,809| 10,691| 46,676|132,401|121,655
            |          |          |           |            |       |       |       |       |
2-year      |          |          |           |            |       |       |       |       |
1997-98 ....| 1,418,598| 1,127,839|    133,629|      39,291|  2,972|  3,765| 16,137| 43,006| 51,959
1998-99\1\ .| 1,916,855| 1,581,415|    164,450|      33,426|  2,478|  6,834| 18,601| 54,784| 54,867
1999-2000 ..| 1,940,943| 1,670,896|     95,058|      32,444|  1,042|  8,197| 36,908| 54,510| 41,888
2000-01 ....| 2,015,446| 1,756,833|    105,474|      27,426|  1,189|  7,163| 23,311| 66,660| 27,389
2001-02 ....| 2,406,889| 2,041,061|    146,611|      34,349|  2,881|  6,436| 26,409| 83,883| 65,259
            |                                        Percentage distribution
All institu-|          |          |           |            |       |       |       |       |
   tions    |          |          |           |            |       |       |       |       |
1997-98 ....|     100.0|      83.2|        7.2|         2.0|    0.1|    0.4|    1.1|    3.1|    2.8
1998-99\1\ .|     100.0|      84.0|        7.0|         1.6|    0.1|    0.4|    0.9|    3.7|    2.4
1999-2000 ..|     100.0|      86.1|        4.6|         1.7|    0.0|    0.4|    1.6|    3.6|    1.9
2000-01 ....|     100.0|      87.4|        3.8|         1.8|    0.1|    0.4|    1.3|    3.5|    1.9
2001-02 ....|     100.0|      87.7|        3.4|         0.8|    0.1|    0.3|    1.2|    3.5|    3.0
            |          |          |           |            |       |       |       |       |
4-year      |          |          |           |            |       |       |       |       |
1997-98 ....|     100.0|      87.0|        4.9|         1.2|    0.1|    0.6|    1.2|    3.2|    2.0
1998-99\1\ .|     100.0|      85.5|        5.3|         1.5|    0.1|    0.4|    0.9|    4.5|    1.8
1999-2000 ..|     100.0|      86.1|        4.4|         1.7|    0.0|    0.4|    1.4|    4.3|    1.7
2000-01 ....|     100.0|      87.5|        2.8|         2.0|    0.1|    0.4|    1.4|    3.6|    2.2
2001-02 ....|     100.0|      89.6|        1.7|         0.3|    0.1|    0.3|    1.2|    3.5|    3.2
            |          |          |           |            |       |       |       |       |
2-year      |          |          |           |            |       |       |       |       |
1997-98 ....|     100.0|      79.5|        9.4|         2.8|    0.2|    0.3|    1.1|    3.0|    3.7
1998-99\1\ .|     100.0|      82.5|        8.6|         1.7|    0.1|    0.4|    1.0|    2.9|    2.9
1999-2000 ..|     100.0|      86.1|        4.9|         1.7|    0.1|    0.4|    1.9|    2.8|    2.2
2000-01 ....|     100.0|      87.2|        5.2|         1.4|    0.1|    0.4|    1.2|    3.3|    1.4
2001-02 ....|     100.0|      84.8|        6.1|         1.4|    0.1|    0.3|    1.1|    3.5|    2.7
            |            Revenue per full-time-equivalent student in constant 2001-02 dollars\2\
All institu-|          |          |           |            |       |       |       |       |
   tions    |          |          |           |            |       |       |       |       |
1997-98 ....|   $10,461|    $8,700|       $751|        $209|    $14|    $42|   $120|   $328|   $296
1998-99\1\ .|    12,611|    10,594|        877|         203|     12|     47|    116|    464|    297
1999-2000 ..|    11,828|    10,183|        544|         197|      6|     51|    193|    429|    225
2000-01 ....|    11,074|     9,676|        418|         195|      6|     44|    141|    386|    209
2001-02 ....|    13,541|    11,881|        463|         104|     12|     38|    160|    474|    409
            |          |          |           |            |       |       |       |       |
4-year      |          |          |           |            |       |       |       |       |
1997-98 ....|    11,168|     9,711|        544|         133|      6|     62|    130|    362|    221
1998-99\1\ .|    12,473|    10,670|        660|         183|      8|     50|    109|    564|    229
1999-2000 ..|    12,005|    10,336|        524|         199|      6|     52|    170|    515|    203
2000-01 ....|    13,175|    11,530|        365|         267|      7|     56|    179|    475|    295
2001-02 ....|    13,654|    12,236|        234|          48|     10|     39|    169|    479|    440
            |          |          |           |            |       |       |       |       |
2-year      |          |          |           |            |       |       |       |       |
1997-98 ....|     9,857|     7,837|        928|         273|     21|     26|    112|    299|    361
1998-99\1\ .|    12,748|    10,517|      1,094|         222|     16|     45|    124|    364|    365
1999-2000 ..|    11,618|    10,001|        569|         194|      6|     49|    221|    326|    251
2000-01 ....|    12,444|    10,847|        651|         169|      7|     44|    144|    412|    169
2001-02 ....|    13,369|    11,337|        814|         191|     16|     36|    147|    466|    362

\1\Data imputed using alternative procedures. (See Guide to Sources for details.)
\2\Constant dollars based on the Consumer Price Index adjusted to a school year basis.

NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 1997 through 2002 Integrated Postsecondary Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, "Fall Enrollment Survey" (IPEDS-EF:97-99) and "Finance Survey" (IPEDS-F:FY98-99), and Spring 2001 through Spring 2003. U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Price Index. (This table was prepared October 2004.)