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CIP 2010

Detail for CIP Code 51.2002

Title: Pharmacy Administration and Pharmacy Policy and Regulatory Affairs (MS, PhD).

Definition: A program that prepares individuals to apply managerial, social, and economic sciences to the study and management of the distribution and use of pharmaceutical products and the provision of pharmacy services. Includes instruction in research design and methods, statistics, social and organizational behavior, pharmacoeconomics, management of pharmacy services, outcomes research, product planning and reimbursement, cost-benefit analysis, drug marketing, pharmacy and pharmaceutics law and regulation, risk assessment, and organization of the health care system.

Action: No Substantive Changes

CIP Title or Definition Changed
CIP 2000 CIP 2010
Code Title Action Code Title
51.2002 Pharmacy Administration and Pharmacy Policy and Regulatory Affairs (MS, PhD). No substantive changes 51.2002 Pharmacy Administration and Pharmacy Policy and Regulatory Affairs (MS, PhD).
Illustrative Examples
  • None available