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NAEP Sample Design → NAEP 2005 Sample Design → State Assessment Sample Design → School Participation in the 2005 State Assessment → Response Rates of Fourth-Grade School Sample by Participating Jurisdiction

NAEP Technical DocumentationResponse Rates of Fourth-Grade School Sample by Participating Jurisdiction

The following table presents counts for sample eligible schools and unweighted and weighted response rates for fourth grade. States with TUDA districts are shown in multiple rows: for the TUDA district(s) and for the state as a whole (the TUDA district(s) plus the rest of the state). The weighted response rates use the frame student enrollment divided by the school probability of selection. The weighted aggregation for the eligible schools for each jurisdiction is an estimate of the total population of students in the grade within each jurisdiction.

Unweighted and weighted response rate of sample-eligible schools, grade 4 state assessment, by jurisdiction: 2005
Jurisdiction Sample
Unweighted school response
rate (percent)
Weighted school response
rate (percent)
National Public1 9,200 94.24 99.56
Alabama 130 100.00 100.00
Alaska 160 97.56 99.09
Arkansas 150 100.00 100.00
Arizona 140 100.00 100.00
California 450 99.55 99.60
California–Los Angeles 80 100.00 100.00
California–San Diego 60 100.00 100.00
Colorado 150 98.66 98.38
Connecticut 130 100.00 100.00
Delaware 100 100.00 100.00
Florida 170 100.00 100.00
Georgia–Atlanta 60 100.00 100.00
Georgia   180 100.00 100.00
Hawaii 130 100.00 100.00
Idaho     160 100.00 100.00
Illinois-Chicago    100 100.00 100.00
Illinois 210 98.09 96.81
Indiana 140 100.00 100.00
Iowa 130 100.00 100.00
Kansas 140 100.00 100.00
Kentucky 150 100.00 100.00
Louisiana 140 100.00 100.00
Maine 200 99.49 99.78
Maryland 130 99.21 99.03
Massachusetts–Boston 80 98.72 99.39
Massachusetts 200  99.51 99.96
Michigan 140 99.30 98.98
Minnesota 140 97.84 97.05
Mississippi 130 100.00 100.00
Missouri 160 100.00 100.00
Montana 270 98.13 98.48
Nebraska 170 100.00 100.00
Nevada 120 100.00 100.00
New Hampshire 160 98.11 96.95
New Jersey 140 98.54 98.43
New Mexico 160 100.00 100.00
New York–New York City 80 100.00 100.00
New York 190 100.00 100.00
North Carolina–Charlotte 60 100.00 100.00
North Carolina 180 100.00 100.00
North Dakota 270 100.00 100.00
Ohio-Cleveland 70 100.00 100.00
Ohio 200 100.00 100.00
Oklahoma 180 100.00 100.00
Oregon 160 99.36 99.94
Pennsylvania 120 100.00 100.00
Rhode Island 140 100.00 100.00
South Carolina 120 100.00 100.00
South Dakota 320 100.00 100.00
Tennessee 140 100.00 100.00
Texas–Austin 60 100.00 100.00
Texas-Houston 90 100.00 100.00
Texas 380 100.00 100.00
Utah 130 100.00 100.00
Vermont 230 100.00 100.00
Virginia 130 99.22 99.45
Washington 140 100.00 100.00
West Virginia 200 100.00 100.00
Wisconsin 170 97.13 97.06
Wyoming 170 99.43 99.97
Other jurisdictions
Bureau of Indian Affairs 30 93.55 83.57
Dept of Defense 130 99.22 99.70
District of Columbia 120 100.00 100.00
Puerto Rico 110 100.00 100.00
1 National public does not include international Department of Defense schools.
NOTE: Numbers in table have been rounded to the nearest ten or hundred. Percentages are calculated using unrounded numbers. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 2005.

Last updated 09 April 2009 (EH)

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