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​Explore Assessment Data

NCES provides several free tools for quick and easy access to results and resources from NAEP, also known as The Nation’s Report Card. Use the applications below to see data about student academic achievement and learning experiences, questions from previous assessments, and NAEP technical procedures and methods. You can also access restricted-use data sets for secondary analyses.

NAEP Data Explorer

The NDE creates customizable tables and graphics to display NAEP results. See the results of specific assessments across multiple years and broken down across a variety of student groups. For some assessments, results are available by state or by participating urban district. Results can be filtered by content areas within subjects.

For in-depth exploration, the NDE provides statistical results such as significance testing, gap analysis, and regression analysis. You can export tables and charts to Word documents, Excel workbooks, and PDFs.


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Take NAEP Now

Take or give a NAEP assessment using innovative digitally based questions that have been previously administered to students throughout the nation.

If you're a teacher, you can
  • get immediate feedback on student performance, and
  • compare results to national and state results.
If you’re a student, you can
  • take an assigned test, and
  • find out how you performed on the test.

NAEP Questions Tool

The NQT provides access to over 3,000 released questions from NAEP assessments in a variety of NAEP subject areas. You can see examples of students’ actual answers to constructed-response questions, with scorer comments. You can also see the percentage of students nationwide who answered each question correctly, and how students’ performance on a given question corresponds to their overall scores.

You can bookmark questions for later use, and use them to supplement classroom instruction. You can also build a quiz and administer it to your students and class.


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Item Maps

See how NAEP questions illustrate knowledge and skills demonstrated by students performing at different NAEP achievement levels.

You can link to released questions from the Item Maps and see performance information separated by student characteristics such as gender or race/ethnic group. You can also view state-level results in mathematics, reading, science, and writing; and review the results of any urban district participating in the NAEP Trial Urban District Assessment (TUDA).

State Profiles

Find key data for state/jurisdiction performance on NAEP assessments in mathematics, reading, writing, and science at grades 4, 8, and 12 (where applicable).

District Profiles

Explore select district results using the NAEP District Profiles tool, which presents key results from the NAEP Trial Urban District Assessment (TUDA) in mathematics, reading, writing, and science for grades 4 and 8.

Data are displayed in charts and maps, making it easier to compare performance across jurisdictions. There are also links to the most recent state reports.

Technical Documentation

The TDW section of the NAEP website is written for researchers and assumes knowledge of educational measurement and testing. TDW contains information about the technical procedures and methods of NAEP: how the assessment is designed and conducted, and how data are analyzed.

Last updated 03 April 2024 (DS)