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Survey Topics

Sections of the SSOCS questionnaire are composed of items about specific topics. Click on the section name to read more about these topics.

  1. School Practices and Programs

  2. Parent and Community Involvement at School

  3. School Security Staff

  4. School Mental Health Services

  5. Staff Training and Practices

  6. Limitations on Crime Prevention

  7. Incidents
    • The seventh section of SSOCS, "Number of Incidents," asks respondents about the frequency of a range of serious criminal incidents recorded as occurring on their school campuses. It is important to note that this section refers to specific incidents, not the number of victims or offenders, and the respondent was asked to include recorded incidents committed by both students and non-students. In addition to the total number of recorded incidents, respondents were asked to report how many of the recorded incidents were reported to the police. The criminal incidents this section discusses include rape, robbery, physical attack, theft, possession of a weapon, alcohol or illegal drugs, and vandalism. It also asks for the number of hate crimes, shootings, and homicides.

  8. Disciplinary Problems and Actions

  9. School Characteristics