Technology Management in Education

Purpose and Navigation of This Website

This website is structured in sections designed to help education agency staff understand and apply best practices for selecting and implementing technology. It addresses the widespread use and integration of technology in modern education systems, including administration (such as human resources and finances), reporting, infrastructure, SISs, classroom software, and apps.

From classrooms to state and local education agencies (SEAs and LEAs), rapid technological advances are impacting and reshaping the education landscape. In order to successfully navigate this changing world and leverage technology to improve educational outcomes, it is critical that education agencies implement a framework and process when making decisions about technology.

Education agencies strive to use technology efficiently and effectively to benefit students and improve educational systems. New technologies can help SEA and LEA staff offer students high-quality learning environments, streamline operations, and reduce reporting burdens. Moreover, advances in technology are continually providing new opportunities for system improvements. In this rapidly changing environment, the work necessary to implement new technology initiatives-including acquiring, integrating, and managing technology-can be a complex and challenging.

While the term educational technology usually refers to technology used to facilitate or enhance instruction, the term technology in education has a broader meaning. In this online resource, "technology in education" refers to the full range of technology that supports an education agency as a whole. This encompasses the technology infrastructure necessary to support SEAs and LEAs, as well as a wide range of devices, systems, and networks that contribute to an agency' overall goals related to teaching and learning. Examples include classroom applications such as gradebooks and behavior management systems, student information systems (SISs), agency websites, computers and other devices, telephone systems, statewide or local networks, and utility and security systems. These systems are increasingly integrated and involve staff from many different areas.