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Statistical Analysis Report:

Early Labor Force Experiences and Debt Burden

September 1997

(NCES 97-286) Ordering information


This report uses data from the Baccalaureate and Beyond (B&B) and Beginning Postsecon-dary Student (BPS) studies to examine the early labor force experiences of postsecondary educa-tion participants who graduated or left without a degree or certificate; their borrowing for postsecondary education; and, if they borrowed, their repayment status and the debt burden im-plied by their income and repayment obligations. The B&B data, collected in 1994, are used to examine the experiences of 1992–93 bachelor’s degree recipients approximately one year after they graduated. The BPS data are used to track the experiences of another group of recent labor market entrants: individuals who began their postsecondary education in 1989–90 and whose last enrollment ended by December 1992. This group is referred to below as the “noncompleters and associate’s degree or certificate recipients” or the “nonbaccalaureate group.”


Borrowing for Undergraduate Education

Loan Repayment and Debt Burden