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Education in States and Nations: 1991

(ESN) Table 24b: Public and private university graduates per 100 persons 22 years old, by sex and state: 1991

                             Graduates per 100 persons                        
State               Total                 Male              Female
Alabama              33.9                 30.7                37.0
Alaska               14.5                 10.4                19.5
Arizona              25.6                 23.4                28.0
Arkansas             26.1                 22.8                29.4
California           23.2                 21.0                25.4
Colorado             40.5                 38.1                43.0
Connecticut          32.0                 29.0                35.1
Delaware             39.9                 33.1                46.5
District of Columbia 67.9                 62.2                72.8
Florida              25.1                 22.9                27.3
Georgia              23.2                 20.4                26.1
Hawaii               21.4                 16.9                27.1
Idaho                27.9                 24.8                31.6
Illinois             32.1                 29.5                34.7
Indiana              38.3                 36.2                40.4
Iowa                 45.0                 41.2                49.0
Kansas               40.0                 35.9                44.5
Kentucky             26.1                 22.5                29.8
Louisiana            27.5                 24.0                30.8
Maine                35.2                 30.2                40.3
Maryland             30.2                 27.7                32.7
Massachusetts        45.6                 40.8                50.3
Michigan             33.1                 30.7                35.4
Minnesota            41.0                 36.9                45.1
Mississippi          26.9                 22.4                31.3
Missouri             39.1                 36.3                41.8
Montana              46.2                 45.1                47.3
Nebraska             45.4                 40.8                50.0
Nevada               15.8                 13.1                18.8
New Hampshire        47.3                 42.9                51.7
New Jersey           22.1                 19.7                24.6
New Mexico           30.5                 26.8                34.3
New York             35.7                 32.7                38.7
North Carolina       28.6                 24.2                33.5
North Dakota         53.0                 50.2                56.0
Ohio                 32.9                 30.3                35.5
Oklahoma             34.1                 30.5                37.8
Oregon               37.3                 34.9                39.7
Pennsylvania         38.7                 35.6                41.7
Rhode Island         56.2                 51.3                61.4
South Carolina       27.8                 24.1                31.7
South Dakota         43.2                 38.2                48.7
Tennessee            27.2                 24.9                29.4
Texas                25.1                 22.9                27.4
Utah                 43.8                 44.7                42.9
Vermont              54.7                 50.3                59.4
Virginia             30.5                 25.0                36.6
Washington           29.3                 26.1                32.7
West Virginia        35.7                 34.1                37.3
Wisconsin            39.3                 35.2                43.3
Wyoming              34.2                 32.3                36.1

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 1990 Census of Population and Housing. U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Digest of Education Statistics, 1993, Table 236.

Table 24a Achievement and Attainment Indicators Indicator 25