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Digest of Education Statistics
1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 384.Participation of young adults in voluntary organizations, by selected characteristics: 1984 to 1986 and 1992 to 1994

                       |                              Percent participating in voluntary organizations               |
      Young adult      |   Any   |        |          |   Union,   |           |        |         |         |         |   Percentage distribution of
    characteristics    |voluntary|Sports  |  Church  |farm, trade,|Educational| Youth  |Political|Organized|  Other  |     volunteer hours per week
                       |activity |teams or|activities|    or      |  organ-   | organ- |  clubs  |volunteer|voluntary|---------------------------------------
                       |         | clubs  |          |professional| izations  |izations|         | work\1\ |  group  |None\2\|Less than|2 to 4|4 to 6|6 hours
                       |         |        |          |associations|           |        |         |         |         |       | 2 hours |hours |hours |or more
           1           |    2    |   3    |    4     |     5      |     6     |   7    |    8    |    9    |   10    |  11   |   12    |  13  |  14  |  15
                       |                                               1984 to 1986/3/
  Total ...............|     --- |   36.0 |     32.2 |       17.7 |       --- |    9.2 |     6.2 |     5.8 |     9.6 |   --- |     --- |  --- |  --- |   ---
Sex                    |         |        |          |            |           |        |         |         |         |       |         |      |      |
  Male ................|     --- |   46.8 |     29.3 |       20.3 |       --- |   11.7 |     6.7 |     5.3 |     9.7 |   --- |     --- |  --- |  --- |   ---
  Female ..............|     --- |   25.8 |     34.9 |       15.3 |       --- |    6.9 |     5.8 |     6.2 |     9.4 |   --- |     --- |  --- |  --- |   ---
                       |         |        |          |            |           |        |         |         |         |       |         |      |      |
Race/ethnicity         |         |        |          |            |           |        |         |         |         |       |         |      |      |
  White, non-Hispanic .|     --- |   36.5 |     30.6 |       18.2 |       --- |    8.7 |     5.9 |     5.5 |     9.7 |   --- |     --- |  --- |  --- |   ---
  Black, non-Hispanic .|     --- |   31.9 |     44.2 |       14.9 |       --- |   12.0 |     8.2 |     6.8 |    10.3 |   --- |     --- |  --- |  --- |   ---
  Hispanic ............|     --- |   34.6 |     32.4 |       15.8 |       --- |    9.5 |     6.9 |     4.3 |     7.1 |   --- |     --- |  --- |  --- |   ---
  Asian ...............|     --- |   41.4 |     31.0 |       27.3 |       --- |   10.8 |     5.9 |    14.1 |    10.3 |   --- |     --- |  --- |  --- |   ---
  American Indian .....|     --- |   41.1 |     30.0 |       19.7 |       --- |   11.6 |     9.6 |     4.2 |     7.8 |   --- |     --- |  --- |  --- |   ---
                       |         |        |          |            |           |        |         |         |         |       |         |      |      |
Socioeconomic status   |         |        |          |            |           |        |         |         |         |       |         |      |      |
  Low .................|     --- |   29.2 |     30.9 |       12.2 |       --- |    7.0 |     3.4 |     4.5 |     6.9 |   --- |     --- |  --- |  --- |   ---
  Low-middle ..........|     --- |   34.5 |     31.4 |       15.6 |       --- |    8.7 |     4.5 |     4.8 |     8.6 |   --- |     --- |  --- |  --- |   ---
  High-middle .........|     --- |   39.9 |     35.4 |       21.8 |       --- |   10.6 |     7.8 |     6.9 |    10.6 |   --- |     --- |  --- |  --- |   ---
  High ................|     --- |   43.1 |     33.9 |       22.4 |       --- |   10.7 |     9.9 |     7.4 |    13.0 |   --- |     --- |  --- |  --- |   ---
                       |                                               1992 to 1994/4/
  Total ...............|    37.2 |    7.2 |   11.8   |        1.8 |       6.0 |   10.3 |     3.0 |    10.4 |     7.3 |  62.7 |    15.2 |  7.9 |  5.8 |   8.3
Sex                    |         |        |          |            |           |        |         |         |         |       |         |      |      |
  Male ................|    36.8 |    9.5 |     11.1 |        1.9 |       4.6 |   11.2 |     2.9 |     8.3 |     7.3 |  63.2 |    14.7 |  7.7 |  5.6 |   8.8
  Female ..............|    37.9 |    4.9 |     12.7 |        1.6 |       7.1 |    9.4 |     3.2 |    12.6 |     7.3 |  62.2 |    15.8 |  8.2 |  6.1 |   7.9
                       |         |        |          |            |           |        |         |         |         |       |         |      |      |
Race/ethnicity         |         |        |          |            |           |        |         |         |         |       |         |      |      |
  White, non-Hispanic .|    38.5 |    7.5 |     11.3 |        2.0 |       5.8 |   10.3 |     3.1 |    11.6 |     7.8 |  61.5 |    17.1 |  8.0 |  5.5 |   7.9
  Black, non-Hispanic .|    35.9 |    6.3 |     15.8 |        1.1 |       6.4 |   11.5 |     3.1 |     5.8 |     6.2 |  64.1 |     9.6 |  8.1 |  7.7 |  10.6
  Hispanic ............|    31.7 |    6.3 |     11.2 |        0.8 |       6.5 |    9.6 |     2.3 |     6.7 |     5.4 |  68.4 |     9.8 |  7.3 |  6.0 |   8.5
  Asian ...............|    35.8 |    5.7 |     10.5 |        1.4 |       7.1 |    8.1 |     3.4 |    13.0 |     8.4 |  64.2 |    14.9 |  8.7 |  4.3 |   8.0
  American Indian .....|    34.1 |   12.1 |     14.6 |        3.6 |       6.1 |   11.9 |     3.8 |     5.1 |     3.9 |  65.9 |     8.7 |  6.3 |  8.1 |  11.1
                       |         |        |          |            |           |        |         |         |         |       |         |      |      |
Socioeconomic status   |         |        |          |            |           |        |         |         |         |       |         |      |      |
  Low .................|    26.4 |    5.0 |     10.4 |        0.9 |       4.0 |    7.4 |     1.5 |     5.9 |     5.0 |  73.6 |     8.2 |  5.8 |  4.5 |   7.9
  Low-middle ..........|    30.4 |    6.3 |     10.8 |        1.3 |       3.9 |    8.3 |     2.1 |     7.1 |     6.3 |  69.6 |    11.0 |  6.0 |  5.9 |   7.5
  High-middle .........|    38.6 |    7.0 |     13.0 |        2.0 |       5.8 |   10.9 |     3.3 |     9.2 |     7.5 |  61.4 |    16.9 |  7.9 |  6.1 |   7.8
  High ................|    51.1 |    9.2 |     14.7 |        2.7 |       9.7 |   14.2 |     4.9 |    18.0 |    10.3 |  48.9 |    24.6 | 11.4 |  5.9 |   9.2

1 E.g., hospital volunteer.

2 Not a volunteer.

3 Sample survey in 1986 based on people who were high school seniors in spring 1980. Respondents to the survey were asked about their voluntary participation in selected organizations over the previous 24-month period.

4 Sample survey in 1994 based on people who were high school seniors in spring 1992. Respondents to the survey were asked about their voluntary participation in selected organizations over the previous 24-month period.

---Data not available or not applicable.

NOTE.--Some persons participated in more than one organization.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, "High School and Beyond, Third Followup" and "National Education Longitudinal Study, Third Followup." (This table was prepared July 1995.)

1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest