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Digest of Education Statistics
2004 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 130. SAT score averages of college-bound seniors, by selected student characteristics: Selected years, 1995-96 to 2003-04

                                     |         1995-96         |    1997-98   |       1999-2000         |  2002-03\1\  |        2003-04
Selected student characteristic      |_________________________|______________|_________________________|______________|________________________
                                     |      |Mathe- |Percentage|      |Mathe- |      |Mathe- |Percentage|      |Mathe- |      Mathe- |Percentage
                                     |Verbal|matics |  distri- |Verbal|matics |Verbal|matics |  distri- |Verbal|matics |Verbalmatics |  distri-
                                     |score | score |bution\1\ |score | score |score | score |   bution |score | score |score  score |bution\1\
1                                    |    2 |     3 |        4 |    5 |     6 |     7|      8|         9|    10|     11|    12     13|        14
   All students .....................|   505|    508|       100|   505|    512|   505|    514|       100|   507|    519|   508    518|       100
High school rank                     |      |       |          |      |       |      |       |          |      |       |             |
  Top decile ........................|   591|    606|        22|   590|    607|   589|    608|        ‡ |   585|    607|   584    602|        29
  Second decile .....................|   530|    539|        22|   530|    543|   528|    543|        ‡ |   522|    539|   522    537|        24
  Second quintile ...................|   494|    496|        28|   494|    500|   493|    500|        ‡ |   486|    494|   486    494|        22
  Third quintile ....................|   455|    448|        24|   454|    453|   455|    453|        ‡ |   449|    449|   449    451|        20
  Fourth quintile ...................|   429|    418|         4|   427|    421|   425|    419|        ‡ |   420|    417|   422    421|         4
  Fifth quintile ....................|   411|    401|         1|   408|    403|   408|    401|        ‡ |   410|    410|   415    418|         1
                                     |      |       |          |      |       |      |       |          |      |       |             |
High school grade point average      |      |       |          |      |       |      |       |          |      |       |             |
  A+ (97-100) .......................|   617|    632|         6|   613|    629|   610|    628|         7|   607|    625|   606    620|         6
  A  (93-96) ........................|   573|    583|        14|   569|    582|   567|    582|        16|   566|    583|   567    580|        18
  A- (90-92) ........................|   545|    554|        15|   542|    554|   540|    553|        17|   538|    552|   537    549|        17
  B  (80-89) ........................|   486|    485|        49|   483|    487|   482|    486|        47|   480|    485|   480    486|        47
  C  (70-79) ........................|   432|    426|        15|   430|    428|   428|    426|        12|   425|    424|   429    431|        11
  D, E, or F (below 70) .............|   414|    408|        # |   408|    411|   405|    406|        # |   416|    430|   421    446|        #
                                     |      |       |          |      |       |      |       |          |      |       |             |
Intended college major               |      |       |          |      |       |      |       |          |      |       |             |
  Agriculture/natural resources .....|   491|    484|         2|   491|    487|   490|    486|         1|   484|    482|   484    483|         1
  Architecture/environmental design .|   492|    519|         3|   494|    524|   494|    524|         2|   483|    511|   479    510|         2
  Arts: visual/performing ...........|   520|    497|         6|   520|    502|   518|    502|         8|   514|    500|   517    501|         8
  Biological sciences ...............|   546|    545|         6|   545|    546|   544|    548|         5|   543|    553|   544    552|         6
  Business and commerce .............|   483|    500|        13|   484|    505|   487|    510|        14|   489|    512|   486    509|        13
  Communications ....................|   527|    497|         4|   523|    501|   526|    505|         4|   524|    506|   525    505|         4
  Computer or information sciences ..|   497|    522|         3|   500|    529|   499|    533|         6|   503|    535|   504    532|         5
  Education .........................|   487|    477|         8|   483|    480|   483|    481|         9|   482|    483|   483    482|         8
  Engineering .......................|   525|    569|         8|   525|    571|   523|    573|         8|   525|    574|   525    573|         9
  Foreign/classical languages .......|   556|    534|        # |   552|    538|   558|    539|         1|   564|    545|   570    545|         1
  General/interdisciplinary .........|   576|    553|        # |   568|    549|   562|    545|        # |   547|    539|   547    533|        #
  Health and allied services ........|   500|    505|        19|   497|    505|   497|    505|        16|   489|    498|   487    495|        17
  Home economics ....................|   458|    452|        # |   458|    459|   462|    462|        # |   462|    462|   460    461|        #
  Language and literature ...........|   605|    545|         1|   605|    549|   608|    552|         1|   603|    550|   603    547|         2
  Library and archival sciences .....|   554|    512|        # |   547|    525|   556|    511|        # |   572|    512|   567    515|        #
  Mathematics .......................|   552|    628|         1|   552|    629|   551|    630|         1|   545|    626|   541    621|         1
  Military sciences .................|   503|    505|        # |   504|    507|   505|    512|        # |   513|    516|   516    520|         1
  Philosophy/religion/theology ......|   560|    536|        # |   558|    538|   560|    539|         1|   562|    544|   560    539|         1
  Physical sciences .................|   575|    595|         1|   571|    592|   569|    592|         1|   563|    588|   564    587|         2
  Public affairs and services .......|   458|    448|         3|   459|    453|   459|    454|         3|   462|    458|   464    459|         3
  Social sciences and history .......|   532|    509|        11|   531|    512|   532|    513|        11|   531|    514|   534    515|        10
  Technical and vocational ..........|   435|    441|         1|   440|    448|   442|    452|         1|   441|    450|   443    453|         1
  Undecided .........................|   500|    507|         7|   510|    520|   512|    521|         7|   516|    528|   514    526|         6
                                     |      |       |          |      |       |      |       |          |      |       |             |
Degree-level goal                    |      |       |          |      |       |      |       |          |      |       |             |
  Certificate program ...............|   434|    439|         1|   436|    447|   439|    453|         1|   441|    456|   441    456|         1
  Associate's degree ................|   422|    415|         2|   421|    419|   420|    419|         2|   417|    416|   417    417|         1
  Bachelor's degree .................|   476|    476|        23|   475|    480|   478|    483|        25|   475|    481|   474    479|        24
  Master's degree ...................|   514|    518|        29|   513|    523|   515|    526|        31|   513|    524|   511    520|        29
  Doctor's or related degree ........|   548|    552|        24|   548|    554|   547|    554|        22|   542|    552|   540    547|        21
  Other .............................|   430|    438|         1|   435|    446|   442|    454|         1|   441|    453|   439    457|         1
  Undecided .........................|   502|    503|        20|   505|    510|   508|    514|        19|   514|    523|   513    521|        23
                                     |      |       |          |      |       |      |       |          |      |       |             |
Family income                        |      |       |          |      |       |      |       |          |      |       |             |
  Less than $10,000 .................|   429|    444|         4|   427|    446|   425|    447|        ‡ |   420|    444|   422    450|         5
  $10,000, but less than $20,000 ....|   456|    464|         8|   451|    463|   447|    460|        ‡ |   437|    452|   440    457|         8
  $20,000, but less than $30,000 ....|   482|    482|        10|   477|    482|   471|    478|        ‡ |   460|    467|   459    467|        10
  $30,000, but less than $40,000 ....|   497|    495|        12|   495|    497|   490|    493|        ‡ |   480|    484|   478    482|        11
  $40,000, but less than $50,000 ....|   509|    507|        10|   506|    509|   503|    505|        ‡ |   495|    498|   493    496|         9
  $50,000, but less than $60,000 ....|   517|    517|         9|   514|    518|   511|    515|        ‡ |   504|    508|   501    504|         9
  $60,000, but less than $70,000 ....|   524|    525|         7|   521|    525|   517|    522|        ‡ |   511|    514|   507    510|         8
  $70,000, but less than $80,000 ....|   531|    533|         6|   527|    532|   524|    530|        ‡ |   518|    523|   515    518|         8
  $80,000 to $100,000 ...............|   541|    544|         7|   539|    546|   536|    543|        ‡ |   529|    536|   527    530|        12
  More than $100,000 ................|   560|    569|         9|   559|    572|   558|    571|        ‡ |   555|    568|   553    562|        20
                                     |      |       |          |      |       |      |       |          |      |       |             |
Highest level of parental education  |      |       |          |      |       |      |       |          |      |       |             |
  No high school diploma ............|   414|    439|         4|   411|    441|   413|    442|         4|   413|    443|   415    445|         5
  High school diploma ...............|   475|    474|        31|   473|    477|   472|    477|        33|   470|    475|   469    474|        33
  Associate's degree ................|   489|    487|         7|   489|    491|   488|    491|         9|   487|    491|   486    490|         9
  Bachelor's degree .................|   525|    529|        25|   525|    532|   525|    533|        29|   525|    534|   523    531|        28
  Graduate degree ...................|   556|    558|        23|   556|    563|   558|    566|        25|   559|    569|   558    564|        25

#Rounds to zero.
‡Reporting standards not met.
\1\Percentage distribution not reported since this year had less than 80 percent combined unit and item response rate.

NOTE: The SAT was formerly know as the Scholastic Assessment Test and the Scholastic Aptitude Test. Possible scores on each part of the SAT range from 200 to 800. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding and survey item nonresponse.

SOURCE: College Entrance Examination Board, National Report on College-Bound Seniors, selected years 1995-96 through 2003-04. (This table was prepared February 2005.)