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1995 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 288.Earned degrees in economics, history, political science and government, and sociology conferred by institutions of higher education, by level of degree: 1949-50 to 1992-93

            |          Economics         |          History           |      Political science     |          Sociology
    Year    |                            |                            |       and government\1\    |
     1      |    2     |   3    |   4    |    5     |   6    |   7    |    8     |   9    |   10   |    11    |   12   |   13
1949-50 ....|   14,568 |    921 |    200 |   13,542 |  1,801 |    275 |    6,336 |    710 |    127 |    7,870 |    552 |     98
1951-52 ....|    8,593 |    695 |    239 |   10,187 |  1,445 |    317 |    4,911 |    525 |    147 |    6,648 |    517 |    141
1953-54 ....|    6,719 |    609 |    245 |    9,363 |  1,220 |    355 |    5,314 |    534 |    153 |    5,692 |    440 |    184
1955-56 ....|    6,555 |    581 |    232 |   10,510 |  1,114 |    259 |    5,633 |    509 |    203 |    5,878 |    402 |    170
1957-58 ....|    7,457 |    669 |    239 |   12,840 |  1,397 |    297 |    6,116 |    665 |    170 |    6,568 |    397 |    150
            |          |        |        |          |        |        |          |        |        |          |        |
1959-60 ....|    7,453 |    708 |    237 |   14,737 |  1,794 |    342 |    6,596 |    722 |    201 |    7,147 |    440 |    161
1961-62 ....|    8,366 |    853 |    268 |   17,340 |  2,163 |    343 |    8,326 |    839 |    214 |    8,120 |    578 |    173
1963-64 ....|   10,583 |  1,104 |    385 |   23,668 |  2,705 |    507 |   12,126 |  1,163 |    263 |   10,943 |    646 |    198
1965-66 ....|   11,555 |  1,522 |    458 |   28,612 |  3,883 |    599 |   15,242 |  1,429 |    336 |   15,038 |    981 |    244
1967-68 ....|   15,193 |  1,916 |    600 |   35,291 |  4,845 |    688 |   20,387 |  1,937 |    457 |   21,710 |  1,193 |    367
            |          |        |        |          |        |        |          |        |        |          |        |
1969-70 ....|   17,197 |  1,988 |    794 |   43,386 |  5,049 |  1,038 |   25,713 |  2,105 |    525 |   30,436 |  1,813 |    534
1970-71 ....|   15,758 |  1,995 |    721 |   44,663 |  5,157 |    991 |   27,482 |  2,318 |    700 |   33,263 |  1,808 |    574
1971-72 ....|   15,231 |  2,224 |    794 |   43,695 |  5,217 |  1,133 |   28,135 |  2,451 |    758 |   35,216 |  1,944 |    636
1972-73 ....|   14,770 |  2,225 |    845 |   40,943 |  5,030 |  1,140 |   30,100 |  2,398 |    747 |   35,436 |  1,923 |    583
1973-74 ....|   14,285 |  2,141 |    788 |   37,049 |  4,533 |  1,114 |   30,744 |  2,448 |    766 |   35,491 |  2,196 |    632
            |          |        |        |          |        |        |          |        |        |          |        |
1974-75 ....|   14,046 |  2,127 |    815 |   31,470 |  4,226 |  1,117 |   29,126 |  2,333 |    680 |   31,488 |  2,112 |    693
1975-76 ....|   14,741 |  2,087 |    763 |   28,400 |  3,658 |  1,014 |   28,302 |  2,191 |    723 |   27,634 |  2,009 |    729
1976-77 ....|   15,296 |  2,158 |    758 |   25,433 |  3,393 |    921 |   26,411 |  2,222 |    641 |   24,713 |  1,830 |    714
1977-78 ....|   15,661 |  1,995 |    706 |   23,004 |  3,033 |    813 |   26,069 |  2,069 |    636 |   22,750 |  1,611 |    599
1978-79 ....|   16,409 |  1,955 |    712 |   21,019 |  2,536 |    756 |   25,628 |  2,037 |    563 |   20,285 |  1,415 |    612
            |          |        |        |          |        |        |          |        |        |          |        |
1979-80 ....|   17,863 |  1,821 |    677 |   19,301 |  2,367 |    712 |   25,457 |  1,938 |    535 |   18,881 |  1,341 |    583
1980-81 ....|   18,753 |  1,911 |    727 |   18,301 |  2,237 |    643 |   24,977 |  1,875 |    484 |   17,272 |  1,240 |    610
1981-82 ....|   19,876 |  1,964 |    677 |   17,146 |  2,210 |    636 |   25,658 |  1,954 |    513 |   16,042 |  1,145 |    558
1982-83 ....|   20,517 |  1,972 |    734 |   16,467 |  2,041 |    575 |   25,791 |  1,829 |    435 |   14,105 |  1,112 |    522
1983-84 ....|   20,719 |  1,891 |    729 |   16,643 |  1,940 |    561 |   25,719 |  1,769 |    457 |   13,145 |  1,008 |    520
            |          |        |        |          |        |        |          |        |        |          |        |
1984-85 ....|   20,711 |  1,992 |    749 |   16,049 |  1,921 |    468 |   25,834 |  1,500 |    441 |   11,968 |  1,022 |    480
1985-86 ....|   21,602 |  1,937 |    789 |   16,415 |  1,961 |    497 |   26,439 |  1,704 |    439 |   12,271 |    965 |    504
1986-87 ....|   22,378 |  1,855 |    750 |   16,997 |  2,021 |    534 |   26,817 |  1,618 |    435 |   12,239 |    950 |    451
1987-88 ....|   22,911 |  1,847 |    770 |   18,207 |  2,093 |    517 |   27,207 |  1,579 |    391 |   13,024 |    984 |    452
1988-89 ....|   23,454 |  1,886 |    827 |   20,159 |  2,121 |    487 |   30,450 |  1,598 |    452 |   14,435 |  1,135 |    451
1989-90 ....|   23,923 |  1,950 |    806 |   22,476 |  2,369 |    570 |   33,560 |  1,580 |    480 |   16,035 |  1,198 |    432
            |          |        |        |          |        |        |          |        |        |          |        |
1990-91 ....|   23,488 |  1,951 |    802 |   24,541 |  2,591 |    606 |   35,737 |  1,772 |    468 |   17,550 |  1,260 |    465
1991-92 ....|   23,423 |  2,106 |    866 |   26,966 |  2,754 |    644 |   37,805 |  1,908 |    535 |   19,568 |  1,347 |    501
1992-93 ....|   21,321 |  2,292 |    879 |   27,774 |  2,952 |    690 |   37,931 |  1,943 |    529 |   20,896 |  1,521 |    536

\1\Excludes degrees in public administration and international relations.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, "Degrees and Other Formal Awards Conferred" surveys, and Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Completions" surveys. (This table was prepared January 1995.)

1995 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest